I would say that is a little over the top, all teams have players that dive in games we are no different. I was disappointed with YaYa as its not like him, the commentator said the two players have history
Yaya was poor, rash and it seemed wound up. Lucky boy to be on the field. Him and Mata obviously have had previous. He was tosh with his positioning as well, allround bad perofrmance by him, but a very good player though, he had an off night If he's adisgrace then ye all have bigger ones at your own clubs you might want to go on about that are far worse than Toure
No room for fat drug abusing cheat's like Maradona either. Literally no room for him because he's too fat.
its nothing personal against Yaya....im active in football..albeit park football and its riled me to see such behaviour on a pitch where you are wanting to hurt an opponent on purpose..i refer to the incidnet where he left his studs showing so they would drag down the player's calf, who had just ran past him...and the little kicking and arm lashing yes i can put that down to previous and im sure Mata may have instigated..but it was them stoods that made me cringe as had that happened on a sunday league pitch he would get batterd by the opponenets almost literally...i dont doubt his football and i dont think he needs to resort to such rubbish..maybe i was a bit harsh with regards calling him a chaeting basterd but it made me cringe to think that it could happen to me on a pitch and i wouldnt be too happy regardless of what little bickering i had with an opponent...we are all fans of our own respective teams but utmost and foremost we are all footy fans and we probably play the game ourselves too it might have seemed like a WUM article but it wasnt as for Maradona ,Rubdub...your just a bitter Englishman