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Why do other fans say Liverpool fans are delusional?

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by tommynewberry, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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  2. Hugh Briss

    Hugh Briss Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I don't consider Liverpool fans deluded - I think there are a fair few who have 'unreasonable expectations' of the club just now but that's not really a massive surprise.

    When you consider the amount of success enjoyed in the past, the fans become expectant of continued glory.

    At Newcastle United, we were the 'nearly men' of the 1990's - we reached FA Cup Finals, qualified for the Champions League and even ran Manchester United close a couple of times for the Premier League - it all went wrong when Sir Bobby Robson was sacked for "only finishing 5th".

    The delusion in this case coming from the board room.
    All through the 2000's I heard our fans complaining of 'unsustained success' and to a point you wonder why a club like ours isn't really competing.

    With Liverpool, it's a similar kind of thing - although a great deal of major trophies have been won along the way, the title of League Champions has evaded you and gone to your most hated rivals... can't imagine how bad that must feel!

    I think many of the younger Liverpool fans have more of a handle on exactly where Liverpool are just now - it's a transition and one that looks like being a success. I believe Brendan Rodgers is the right man to get Liverpool back challenging Manchester United/Manchester City for the title, but it's going to take a great deal of time for BR to get the players he wants wearing the shirt.

    With patience and decent investment, I can see you rising sooner rather than later. <ok>
  3. HRH Custard VC

    HRH Custard VC National Car Park Attendant

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thats what I like to see, a Deluded fan :)
  4. Breakingbad14

    Breakingbad14 Active Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    I think that is where it is so subjective. Some think the United defence is **** and anyone can breach it. But it is all relative. The team has put emphasis on attack. They will go out to score. So will always be vulnerable to let in a few. Liverpool was toothless against WBA but their defence was even worse because 3 shots on goal they conceded 2 goals.
  5. Mono

    Mono Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    Are 'other fans' allowed to answer this or is an internal question ?
  6. Sure, fire away. Afterall, best time to do it is when hardly any Liverpool posters are on <whistle>
  7. Mono

    Mono Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    I'm not here to argue, slag you guys off or get personal - just to offer an opinion from the outside.
    We shouldn't generalise, but it's hard not to sometimes. Not all LFC fans appear delusional to other fans. Just the ones who are more vocal on other forums and get into **** fights and then everyone gets tarred with the same brush.
    It's just occasional quotes like "we should be beating them" because of who you are that winds other fans up. Yes Liverpool have an amazingly successful history, but success has not followed in recent times yet some fans continue to gloat on those past successes. I understand that it's a proud history, but some, and it is the minority refuse to move on from it and mouth off as if you are still world beaters. I never had any issues with Liverpool until I joined this forum and saw how smug and arrogant some can be without being able back it up anymore. When I was a kid everyone was jealous of the Liverpool team in the way that people are jealous of Man U these days. When United eventually fall from grace, I'm sure their fans will be exactly the same in living on past success. To quote Bono "you glorify the past when the future dries up".
    As for finishing 4th - I think last nights result against WBA should have put a final nail in the coffin of those that were thinking it was possible, yet now there are posts about "surely we can catch Everton". Every team neads ambition and a goal, but the word 'surely' seems arrogant to an outsider. It's as if you can't possibly be worse than Everton. Whether or not it is intentional to come across that way - it's just one of the things that make 'outsiders' think that SOME are delusional.
  8. One of the lads

    One of the lads Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    Read the Good Enough thread!
  9. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    I will try not to put this in a way that will piss you guys off (but will fail).
    For the record, I am no fan of Liverpool, probably the team in the PL I hate the most since Leeds were relegated, so my view may be a little harsh, but i have no desire to argue.

    I think for the most part Liverpool fans I have met in real life are pretty cool, my boss supports Liverpool and one of my good friends.
    BUT.....80% of Liverpool fans I have met online are totally deluded beyond reason, thinking 4th is a realistic target when they are more likely to finish 9th.
    Your squad has some decent players, but there are many squads above you in quality in mu opinion:

    Man Utd
    Man City
    and dare I say it........Everton (I will hang for that I know).

    Plus West brom have been awesome this year
    Getting 4th was always going to be a near impossible task for you.
    Now I will lie back and take my ass kicking :)
  10. jenners04

    jenners04 I must not post porn!

    Feb 10, 2011
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    you are entitled to your opinion, but if you call 80% of us that you "have met" on line as deluded then you should expect some sort of retaliation.

    most of us thought top 6 might be a reachable finish this season ,but even that is now in doubt, but considering we have lost 14 points from wining positions, why are we deluded to think top 4 might have been achievable?

    we didn't get what we deserved against Arsenal and City and had a goal disallowed against Everton, if luck had been on our side that is an extra 6pts we have dropped that we didn't deserve to lose for a start, that would have put us right in the mix for top 4 or close.

    we are playing good football, just needs time and patience and maybe we will get more luck in games, looks a bit like Arsenal from a few seasons ago to me, where we outplay opposition but get sucker punched as we cant score or take our chances when we should.

  11. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Just imagine if it was Sunderland and Newcastle was substituted for us. That's how it feels <ok>

    Good, well-balanced post mate.
  12. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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  13. Foredeckdave

    Foredeckdave Music Thread Manager

    May 30, 2011
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    No it's not and if you knew anything about Liverpool then you would know why it isn't.
  14. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Unless Liverpool play some other sport than football, then yes.....it is.
    The object of the game is to score more goals than the opposition.
    Which ever team does that is the one who "outplayed" the other. Every other stat is meaningless.
  15. jaffaklopp

    jaffaklopp Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    So by your reckoning you outplayed Barca and Bayern.....hahahahahahahahaha

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