I didnt say it did have anything to do with the mods. Why did they get banned? Actually I can guess maybe why BADM got banned from pms but the others no idea.
LOL. It was worth it! Who do I PM to get unbanned from the Arsenal board; Super Jack seems to take offence rather easily.
Sorry matey but Ammaar likes to accuse the Arsenal mods from getting Jayram,HotHead,BADM banned when it had nothing to do with us What's this about BADM and PM's ?
Just co-incidence then that every Arsenal fan who disagreed with you and Piskie has been banned then?
Hear! Hear! The Gooner and Mouser boards are the worst on this entire forum for deleting posts and banning posters in order to silence criticism. I think our mods are very tolerant, bearing in mind the utter dingos we get, from time to time.
The Goon mods banned me when I said I expected RvP to demand a summer transfer, matching the desire or Nasri, Fabregas, Clichy, Adabayor (et.al) to win trophies. Sadly the truth hurts Goons, they`ve got to be the touchiest
The irony is, is that the goons in general are the ones who slag/boo their own team, manager, players, fans, board etc off the most but can't take it when other do!! But...every board has their tools!!
Ok, there's a lot of bluster and guff on here about who said what and who got banned for what, so I'll put the record straight. Kentish Man - you were a wum from day 1, we gave you the chance to tone it down, but you chose not to. So you were banned from the Arsenal board, your own doing mate. HIAG - what can I say ? You're not the sharpest tool in the box. You were asked time and again, via PMs, you were given so many chances I lost count. Again, you've only got yourself to blame. Ammaar - If you don't like it here, then why are you still posting here ? Go and join your chums on their wum site, it's where you belong. As for the others, the owner of this site doesn't take to kindly to members PMing others to try and poach them from here to join another forum. Simple, they brought it on themselves. Nobody who has posted on the Arsenal board with genuine intentions has ever been banned. The mods of all the boards on here get slated, but they are all doing a decent job
That's okay I think you're a **** too. You have begged me and other mods to ban you. You asked Syd to ban you and he told you to **** off and don't log on. You've done this to to try and stir up **** with other members on the Arsenal board in an attempt to try and lure them to your wum chum site. Why else are you still here if you hate this place so much ?
Nothing. I wish you would simply shut up and leave. If only you knew! I'm not going rake over those coals again. The few sensible Gooners who still post on the grief-hole that passes for your board (ie. those who you and cym-rag haven't forced away in disgust at your puerile, heavy-handed and juvenile styles of moderation) know the score. The simple fact is that you cannot take sharp, witty criticism from someone who is clearly intellectually superior to you. It frightens you and makes you feel foolish. I cannot help that; you need to look deep into yourself to find your inner tool in order to remove it. But that won't happen, because I rather suspect that your inner tool is so deeply buried inside you that you have, in fact, become the tool. I'm not expecting you to understand this, or to comment. In fact, I rather you didn't. Have I? Oh, dear. Naughty HIAG! You naughty, naughty boy!