It's not that sort of bogey Dev means MD [video=youtube;lEnaTVKWg74][/video]
Watched "Trance" last night, Danny Boyle's latest with James McAvoy. Not bad and Rosario Dawson gets her kit off too, which was an unexpected bonus.
Not really. Was just funny how you worded it. I see your Fraternity of Man and raise you Tex Williams. [video=youtube;SWXbVsMkz1U][/video]
Just watched Pain and Gain. Can't believe thats based (loosely) on a ****ing true story Not much of a film but definitely worth watching the once.
Is it worth going to see? I've loved practically every Partridge programme so far - even Mid-Morning Matters.
New Star Trek - Never my scene, just as **** as the first one. Cool mass murder scenes though. The Iceman - Pretty average. Probably full of bollocks, much like any other criminals story.
Yeah saw it,do you reckon it was for real?I thought some of it was a bit farfetched or was it just a family grieving so much that they were willing to believe anything,still enjoyed it though
Last one I watched was Mike Leigh's Four Days in July. It's set in Ulster and is typical Mike Leigh: just following the lives of the characters for a few days either side of The Twelfth. There are two sets of characters from either side of the divide whose paths cross along the way.