yes either way its going to effect us (england) in a major way, the markets shot down and would do if scotland left a currency union might be the best way for the pound to stop decreasing
Rather than a no campaign bein patronising to the point of insult. Not to mention negative and offering little hope.
**** off student puffta. I hope you rot in your own sewage. Sweaty sock Aberdonian ****wit. The granite city, aye right.
Huns are all the same. Every day im thankful Im not invloved with that joke of club. And thats not sectarian. Rangers are just ****s.
Whereas Salmond hopes we get a currency union, hopes there's enough oil under the sea, hopes it economically viable to extract it, hopes the EU membership application doesn't get vetoed by any number of members, hopes the close to 8,000 lost military jobs aren't noticed, hopes the UK MOD decides it's going to build ships in a foreign country after all (not going to happen), hopes university research grants from UK research councils (EPSRC, NERC, MRC, etc) don't stop (they will), hopes that when he keeps comparing Scotland to Norway no one points out the 25% VAT rate (20% in UK), 15% on groceries (0% in UK), 36% standard Income Tax Rate (20% in UK).
It isn't about printing mate, its about an independent Scotland having its monetary and fiscal policy decided by another's central banking sysytem, i.e. ours. You'll be attempting to fix the value of your currency to ours so whether you like it or not, you'll still have no control over your currency, whatever it ends up as. This is the question that Salmond can't and won't answer. If you don't fix your currency to ours and it floats, you could see capital flooding out of your country and your currency devalued. Divorces are messy mate - there are usually no winners. I just see us both losing.
I have no problem with immigration per se, but what we have witnessed in most cities in England over the last 20 years is immigration without integration, which has created a mosaic of separate communities based on both religion and historic nationality. This is what is causing many of the racial problems, and what government needs to urgently address..
You are a typical student, judgmental, pathetic & hypocritical. And for someone who has MA Honours your English is appalling.
Salmond knows he can't win the economic argument because he doesn't have one that stands up to scrutiny. Hoping things will be okay doesn't mean they will be. The only people being conned at the moment are those who believe there'll be no impact on the scottish economy. And as for negotiations after the vote, which there'll have to be either way, if it's a YES vote don't expect the UK government to be fair. Why should it be? You want to leave, leave, but don't expect lunch money and a map of the future.
So long as Westminster persists with a neo liberal, thatcherite economic model scotland will suffer. Although countries like Norway have higher tax etc. They also have more equitable societies. Morebjust employment law and a higher standard of living.
What did you do at uni? Yet more piss poor spelling/grammar. Obviously wasn't English as you're ****e at it.
Neo liberalism is the pinnnacle of thatcherism. Its the doctrine of Reagan and freedman. Its an ideology based purely.on the pursuit of wealth. Knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
Presumably England will reduce its EU payments accordingly and Scotland will be happy to take up the slack? Will we be able to vote on whether to allow them into the Commonwealth?
I'm asking because I don't know; in what way is Norway's employment law more just ? And if it is more just, does that make up for any of the economic uncertainty which has not been addressed by the Yes campaign ? It's not a case of "although they have higher tax [...] they also have a higher standard of living". They have a higher tax because they need to in order to fund the higher standard of living.
[QUOTE It's not a case of "although they have higher tax [...] they also have a higher standard of living". They have a higher tax because they need to in order to fund the higher standard of living.[/QUOTE] ............and they are a very wealthy country.