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Well That Was ****

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by Kifflom!, May 14, 2018.

  1. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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  2. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    A long time since your last post...... <whistle>

  3. swantastic

    swantastic Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Welcome back amigo , I'm sure Dai's missed you too ? <laugh>
  4. FrankfurterBlue

    FrankfurterBlue Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    Walsh added: "Bringing the Americans in just to stabilise the club was never going to be enough.
    "With a business you need to bring money in to invest in the club to make it go forward.
    "They haven't spent and the job done with recruitment in the summer [of 2017] was shocking."

    I think this puts it in a nutshell. Bringing in the Yanks was, in principle, a good idea as the guys wo could take it to the next level. Unfortunately, HJ chose (?) to sell to the ones who gave him the most. 'They' were a large group of rich individuals who were brought 27 together on the promise of big returns after being told the story by HJ. It would appear they are not ready to invest further and were expecting a company that was generating cash for investment and would not look to them.
    Not many years ago, we were being told our Chairman was 'as mad as a box of frogs' and we were in a mess. Your then-Chairman was apparently not mad but he turns out to be greedy and sold you out.
    However, in answer to the OP, that was indeed **** and probably has been for some time. It is difficult, as I have said elsewhere, to see how it gets better. Turnover will drop like a stone, costs must drop in line with that so (any) profits, will drop too. I'm not sure where your investment money is to come from. Many on here laughed at the CCFC increase in debt due to losses after coming down but our box of frogs supported us and is slowly turning the debt into equity. You've got n debt...but you've got no f'in' money either.
  5. swanee

    swanee Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    That`s a terrific post frankie, hit the nail on the head with a bang. Your bunch of frogs is now our bunch of frogs. Bringing the merrycans in was, in my opinion, not a good idea. They have invested sod all, which is what would have happened before they came in and issued empty promises.

    Now we will see if they are any good and start trying to get this team and club back up and running, or are we headed to the scrapheap? I wonder if their idea of good management is having their teams at the bottom of the pile, just like their teams on the other side of the pond.
  6. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    It is hard to see where the investment comes from. There seem to be a few on here that think the yanks can be bought out by the club, but the yanks own the club, so it's theirs anyway.

    Or that other investors will buy the club and THAT money can be spent on players, except the money will be in the yanks pockets.

    No doubt the value of the club will drop given the change in status and revenue.
    The question is, will someone stump up enough to be shot of them. Will any new owners inject some cash on top of the purchase?

    It's often said, the way to make a small fortune out of a football club is to start with a large fortune.

    The exception that proves the rule? Huw Jenkins!
    Kifflom! likes this.
  7. PGFWhite

    PGFWhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    They don't care where the team is. All they are concerned with is a 6% return on their investment.
  8. FrankfurterBlue

    FrankfurterBlue Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    WOW!!! If you think 6% is their expectation, you have another think coming. If it were less than 25%, I'd be extremely surprised. Reward is defined by risk and this was risky.
    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  9. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Well Kiff you picked a good moment to return, got any good news for us!!.......................<laugh>
  10. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    We have been going downhill for a number of seasons but it can be fixed with the right men in charge now we have been relegated....
    ValleyGraduate12 and Kifflom! like this.

  11. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Nice to see some familiar faces :emoticon-0148-yes: Well, you know what I mean.

    I agree with much of what has been said here. I don't buy the 'lack of investment' line too much or the 'buying players on the cheap' angle though. Bony, A.Ayew and Clucas cost an absolute fortune to name but three, but it's hard to argue that when the Yanks get their hands on any Club outside the top 6 they go to ****. They did the same at DC United in the States.

    But it's Jenkins I feel most angry about - the only salaried chairman in the Prem I believe? His decisions have, at least in part, cost the Club, and we started going downhill since Monk's appointment really. Monk is a nasty individual who had his favourites, ousted the Spanish contingent, causing ill feeling, and decimated the 'Swansea way' of playing. Also, the Morgan/Dyer scandal damaged the Club internally, I feel. Trust was broken between players & Board. As some know I have a contact at the Club on the training /medical side of things and he is of the same opinion. All of these isolated factors had a cumulative effect and that's why we've struggled since.

    As for this season, Carvahal was hero to zero because he changed tactics, going to a back five and relying way too much on the last two games to get us out of trouble. For that reason I'm glad he's leaving. Had he set us up to win games as he had done before I'm pretty sure we'd have made it.

    Congrats to Cardiff, by the way. I watched some of their games this season and whereas it's clear they'll struggle in the Prem without some new players, the Championship can be a bitch to get out of, so kudos.

    Life gets in the way these days so I'm unlikely to be here much. Let's hope it all works out, eh?
  12. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    Agree with 2/3 rds of this....
  13. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    “There’s talk about Huw (Jenkins) and the board going too and the Americans thinking along other lines. We just don’t know. It’s a big decision. - John Toshack

    I stated a few days ago the Yanks would be contemplating cashing in their investment, looks like it's an option on the table according to Toshack!!!!....... <ok>
  14. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    That could be a bad thing. Theyd want most of their money back and buyers would want balanced books. That might need a fire sale to raise capital and reduce wages to address the drop in revenue you'll experience. No easy answer unfortunately.
    Took Hamam years to find a buyer.
    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  15. Stumpy

    Stumpy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I think we've already seen how good they are Swanee

    They appointing Guidolin followed by Bob fekkin Bradley, they allowed our club captain, Williams, to leave just days before the start of a new season. They stretching out Sigurdsons inevitable sale and made it last the whole of the transfer window and sold him after the season kicked off. They didn't replace any of the quality they extracted from the squad, Sigurdson, Lorente, Cork (who's just been voted Burnleys player of the year). They brought in bits and pieces players who would be spares at any other club. They treated us like an academy and brought in a couple of rent-boys to learn how to play football at our expense.

    When Sanchez arrived I posted what the Germans thought of him, they thought he was a joke, absolutely uselss, and they were right so how did they know while our owners didn't?

    Their poor management of the squad left an inexperienced Paul Clement with an impossible task. They left him with a light weight squad lacking in leadership, grit, determination and quality needed just to stay in the premiership let alone challenge the top.

    I think they've already shown us that they are far, far from good. Personally I think they themselves are division 2 quality at best. They have shown themselves to be inept and cluless imo, when it comes to running a football club capable of premier league survival, I hope their arrogance allows them to see that so they can get the help they need, but I doubt it.

    I fear that the Americans are so stupid they'll appoint Landon Donavon as our next manager.
    Last edited: May 16, 2018
  16. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    The fire sale is a tough one for them not us, as they have had a collapse in their investment, they paid £100 Million for a PL club, now it's worth just half that, so all I can say is 'tough going' Yankee doodle dandies!!.........<laugh>
  17. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    As much as that?........<laugh>
    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  18. Stumpy

    Stumpy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Levien and Kaplans shared nightmare

    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  19. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Whilst I don’t particularly like the guy, watching Villa yesterday evening, I couldn’t help but think that we would not have been relegated if we had John Terry as captain last season.....
  20. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Not sure about that.
    They'll liquidate assets, take the cash and sell you on the cheap, leaving you with little nett worth, relying on the new owners to provide a cash injection to strengthen a depleted squad.
    Now where have we heard that one before.
    It might be a case of better the devil you know.
    Either that or it's a long road back, reverting to your roots and building slowly. Maybe Jenkins will buy you back.

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