It's not about straight out rejecting versions of events, it's about weighing up the plausible versions of events and making a judgement. It may be possible that the IDF's version is the truth in this instance, but the previous day's attack on a UN position was reported that it was 'no mistake' and that an IDF drone had deliberately taken out the perimeter CCTV before attacking... so what does that tell you ? Also, given that the IDF flatly deny attacking doctors, medics, paramedics, first responders, ambulances, children's units, children themselves on the street. Then I will take their version of events with a massive pinch of salt, especially as, like you, they have a prejudice towards the UN and indeed any organisation (UN, ICJ, etc) that call them out for war crimes and atrocities. You say that two posters (I presume you are referring to me and Fosse) willy straight out reject the IDF's version of events, but by the same measure, I would argue that your bias leads you to believe their version of events regardless, even when multiple agencies are highlighting the IDF's atrocities.
You'd have to be seriously deluded to take anyone's version of events without a huge pinch of salt, but at this point I give about as much credence to the IDF and the Israeli government as I do to Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. They can all rot in hell.
Israel (Binyamina) been hit with a Hezbollah drone attack, over 60 injured. The biggest attack since this war began.
I can only assume the UK and US fighter jets were having Sunday off. Iron dome my arse, it's ****e without those two.
I've no idea what the capabilities of the Iron dome are, is it designed to take drones down, let alone the considerable expense of doing so, against a cheap attack weapon.
It mostly consists of fighter jets shooting down any incoming ordinance and is highly augmented by US and UK fighters. Yes it can take out drones and has done recently. From what i have read the drone that got through today was flying at very low altitude which may cause the jets a problem.
Welshie, please see Diego's weapons expertise, I'm ok with an airfryer but anything else I have to bow to others knowledge.
I'm not interested in reading anything on this war tbph. All wars are pointless and all wars tell lies, it's all down to which pair of glasses you chose to put on. Most wars and killings by the thousands go unnoticed and always have done. History is often littered with someones bias views of events, even Yugoslavia had peace bombs dumped on it and most of the west were tickety boo about it.