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WAR! What is it good for?

Discussion in 'The Premier League' started by Treble, Feb 11, 2022.


    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Putin obvs feels emboldened by support from China too. It wouldn't surprise me if he's been given assurances of support, both military and financial. China would lap up a proxy cold war with the west as they are trying to assert their dominance in the world and anything that puts pressure on West, gives China an opportunity to be a broker in world affairs

    You're right about Putin though, man is cold and yes he did the same to Georgia and Chechnya (although the latter is technically a part of Russia, even though it's been fighting for independence for donkeys)
    Munson owns Fosse likes this.
  2. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Russia is broke lol

    Another country which will start sucking up Chinese cash to pay off debts.

    Putin is about as cold and calculated as a Soviet Lada. Mans being lead into a conflict over a glorified field.
    Munson owns Fosse likes this.
  3. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Depends what you mean by 'caused this' and what 'this' is? I prefer to look at it from all sides. I think all parties are complicit, I don't hold Russia as the good guys here, but I can understand their position. There's been years of provocation by the West to suffocate Russia in effect. America (as much as Russia or China) has its geopolitical intentions. We've seen that all over the world, not least in the middle-east.

    You don't have to be able to attack a country to pose a threat. If we can apply that rule to Russia then why not the U.S. from a Russain point of view? NATO has troops, defensive weaponry and only last year declared openly that it would look to place nukes in Eastern European NATO countries if Germany chooses not to hold American nukes there any longer. Now if you're Russia how are you going to feel about all that? How would the U.S. in the same situation?

    The question for me is, had the West chosen not to expand NATO onto the borders of Russia, would Russia now be flexing its muscles with 135,000 troops on Ukraine's border? I'm not so sure. That doesn't make it right for them to invade Ukraine btw, and I hope they don't. But it seems other than Germany, no one else is really prepared too compromise in an effort to find a diplomatic solution here. It's the same old grandstanding and ultimatum by POTUS and lesser lapdogs like us and people like Liz Truss ffs trying to act the big I am, while the other side are portrayed as the evil bad guys.
  4. SaintsForTheWin

    SaintsForTheWin Any holes a goal

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Don’t get me wrong, we’re all complicit. It’s the ****ty mindset of these suppose people in charge I don’t get. The nationalism, greed, arrogance, selfishness and possessiveness is the underlying cause.

    Cut from the same cloth as a lot of brexit voters.
    PINKIE and Treble like this.
  5. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Oh God don't go there <laugh> :bandit:
    PINKIE and Munson owns Fosse like this.
  6. SaintsForTheWin

    SaintsForTheWin Any holes a goal

    Feb 18, 2011
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    PINKIE and Treble like this.
  7. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Russian pensioners sell fruit n veg waste so they can afford soup

    Ukraine are the bad guys for wanting into the EU
  8. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I thought you was balls deep into all this stuff?

    if so then you should know that it doesn’t matter if they are the good or bad guys.

    if you’re setting up your little local nuke base next door to Russia…you’re going to get some backlash…you don’t need a brain or knowledge…you just need to have been alive on planet Earth for long enough to know you’re getting backlash.

    plus I’ve also been alive long enough to know the US and it’s lapdog are 2 of the slyest countries in the world and lie lie lie when they must.

    so with all that in mind it’s fair to say the quality of soup is irrelevant.
    Kalman, Treble, Archers Road and 2 others like this.
  9. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    **** off slurpsie

    Thanks lad
    PINKIE and Lovearsenalcock like this.
  10. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    oh yeah join us in the EU and have ****ty Campbells tinned soup instead of making it fresh like a poor bastard

    good thinking bro
    Turbia Milk likes this.

  11. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    We arent in the EU

    ****in dumb ****, check mate
    Munson owns Fosse likes this.
  12. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    You mentioned it

    we, UK might not be but they, Ukraine want to join EU according to your initial post

    another irrelevant point well made by the Welshie

    play snap bro….more your level…leave the chess to the grown ups
    Big Ern, BobbyD and brb like this.
  13. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    This coming from the guy who came on here saying the US lies

    If someone popped out a time machine from the year 1962, you mighta caught them by surprise there big man

    If ur gonna start speaking chess, make sure U got all ur pieces on the board bruv. Youre missing a rook and a Queen there

    Fkn nuke bases
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  14. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Exactly what they did against Iraq, look at all them weapons they are amassing, the media all over it again. When the reality is Boris thinks he is Churchill, and keeps beating that drum, we need a strong leader here, where the reality is he knows he is fooked and wants a get out of jail card, and picking a fight with Putin ticks that box nicely.

    Afterall why Putin, why not pick a fight or sanctions against China for human rights abuses, or why not send our resources to Afghanistan to help the starving people, because it don't tick the right boxes.

    Biden's popularity is falling imho, so he's another one who is using the saber rattling that Diego mentions, because he don't want to lose face to Trump. I still remember when he came to office and he stood up in front of the world and told everyone, he was the president for ALL the American people, for both sides Democrates and Rebulicans, yet as soon has his popularity wanes, he starts to pick a war of words with Trump again, in short he's too fooking old for the job and can't remember what he said half the time. He's a danger to the world.

    Putin isn't our problem, Biden is. As we said in Afghanistan, no Biden, no fight. Germany took the right stance imho. Macron had a little attempt at peace, but we all know the French run when a fight breaks out, so no surprise there and when is he due for election again, as Putin put it himself, Macron mentally tortured me for six hours.

    We should stop trading with China, but we won't, we should help feed Afghanistan but we won't and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, but they didn't. But Putin though or something...
  15. FosseFilberto

    FosseFilberto Pizzeria Superiore and some ...
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 2, 2011
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    In fairness to Boris, the physical resemblance is compelling ... but the very latest pics from his lockdown parties may make his position untenable...

    luvgonzo and brb like this.
  16. SaintsForTheWin

    SaintsForTheWin Any holes a goal

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Totally different scenarios!

    If Boris said nothing about this, people would complain and vice versa. Blair drummed up propaganda to go to war in Iraq. We aren’t going anywhere near Russia.

    Our media will be anti Russia, like the Russian media will be anti Western.

    Keep up the rhetoric that Russia are blameless though <laugh>
  17. FosseFilberto

    FosseFilberto Pizzeria Superiore and some ...
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I wouldn't say Blair 'drummed up propaganda' ... was more that he didn't question the US 'intelligence' and was quite prepared to go along with 'their propaganda' ... and he wasn't the only western leader to do so ...
    brb likes this.
  18. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I wouldn't complain, I made my thoughts clear from the off, we should not get involved and considering I voted for Boris, I can't exactly be accused of bias! (not saying you did btw).

    I never said that Russia were blameless either, you like many people have trouble reading. Russia are far from blameless as much as we are far from blameless in wanting to start a fight.

    Like I said, what about China and human right abuses, what about the starving in Afghanistan but Ukraine or something.
    Lovearsenalcock and BobbyD like this.
  19. SaintsForTheWin

    SaintsForTheWin Any holes a goal

    Feb 18, 2011
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    We aren’t starting a fight though, as you need to actually be involved which we are not. We are just chucking insults from afar.
    Boris has to condemn it, if he doesn’t condemn Russia then social media leftie loonies will be saying he’s supporting Russia.

    He’s doing the bare minimum by dropping a few sound bites. We aren’t gonna get involved anymore that that and then give Russia a slap on the wrists with a few worthless financial restrictions.

    I’m sure I’ve heard our government condemn China for its human rights abuses but money makes the world revolve.
  20. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Condemnation of China <laugh>

    Righto, so once Putin gets one of his conscripts to step a toecap over the Ukraine border, we will only condemn. Good I will be happy then, no need for any weaponary to be on stand-by, excellent.

    All calm down people, nowt to see here.

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