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Off Topic US Election

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Nov 3, 2020.

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  1. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    One day only
  2. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    No sex or drugs or rock 'n' roll ta. :emoticon-0105-wink:
  3. originalminority

    originalminority Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    One thing that will be remarkable is if the completely unremarkable Democrat candidate wins.
  4. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Repost from the ANFSCD thread...

    If the orange **** gets re-elected we might as well build a giant wall across the Atlantic.

    For those out there who don't know much about how the vote works over there - whoever 'wins' in Florida or Pennsylvania will likely become the Prez. They, like us, have a ****ing stupid voting system (it's possible over there to get 12 million more votes and still lose, because that makes sense).
    TwoWrights likes this.
  5. Baldrick's Cunning Plan

    Baldrick's Cunning Plan Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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  6. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Remember Dumbocrat Obama trying to 'influence' (bully) us over Brexit by warning us that we would be back of the queue for a trade deal if we had the audacity to vote to leave the EU?

    No idea what the Republicans/Trump would offer, but the Dumbocrats have anti British sentiment in their veins (Kennedeys, Pelosi etc)

    Shamefully anti Trump biased reporting from the BBC's Jon Sopel has no doubt swayed the younger and gullible viewers this side of the pond who have been subjected to his nightly bile-filled rants.

    Two very poor candidates, just like we had at the last election.

    May the least **** man win.
    DMD, HullPhil, Idi Amin and 1 other person like this.
  7. Baldrick's Cunning Plan

    Baldrick's Cunning Plan Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Brave man. You think it will last a day?
  8. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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  9. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    I'll give it an hour - no 'til midnight GMT.
  10. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    You sound like a Trump lobbyist.

    Trump's ethos is "America First", he doesn't give a **** about a trade deal with us unless it favours America and ****s all over us, especially after Boris ganged up on him at the G7.

    I can't stand another four years of that giant, orange twatbag, he's constantly in the news and he's constantly doing or saying something ****ing stupid. America deserve better. Biden won't last four years, Harris will come in and it'll be decent. I might actually consider going again once Covid dies down. Under Trump, that's going to take a wee while.
    TwoWrights and HullPhil like this.

  11. Febbos

    Febbos Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Based on the recent clips I've seen of him I'm not sure he lasts the week......
    Feels a bit predetermined almost that Harris will replace him (if they win).
  12. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I think that's why he picked her. Out of all the candidates I was hoping Buttigeig would win, he holds himself so well in interviews and slaps hard against opponents. But Harris is fierce and she chimes well with women, especially women of colour.

    Mike Pence chimes with nothing, he's like Brick Tamland from Anchorman.
    Lincoln Tiger likes this.
  13. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    With all due respect Toaster old boy, your fleck-spittled invective against Trump is very predictable.

    All we ever ever hear is negativity based on people's perceptions of him as a man rather than a serious consideration of his record or his foreign policy initiatives.

    Not 606 deserves better.
    look_back_in_amber and DMD like this.
  14. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Bit harsh on Brick that.
  15. Baldrick's Cunning Plan

    Baldrick's Cunning Plan Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Donald Trump - Apart from Abraham Lincoln, the greatest ever US President, according to... Donald Trump. Regarded by his adversaries as intelligent but wired up wrong. Generally pro UK but a dislike of most other countries for one reason or another.

    Joe Biden - As with Barack Obama, the UK would be behind the EU in the queue with the backing of crazy Nancy Pelosi. You'd be in for a long night if you had him calling your bingo numbers. At 78yo, it's hard to imagine him lasting a four year term should he win.

    I'm glad I'm not American and had to cast a vote for either of these two.
  16. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    I'm pretty certain nobody outside of Trump's family and the Republican party have ever labelled Trump as intelligent.
  17. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    So all we ever see is negative perception, you ever wonder why that might be? Probably because he's a massive ****. I've watched every rally he's done for the last two weeks and 80% of it is total bullshit. The rest is vague nonsense that he can't be held accountable for. The old trope "all politicians lie" is usually trotted out in his defence, and it's true, because Biden, Obama et al have told porkies as well, but he continuously and openly lies because he knows his supporters won't pull him up on it. You can't have that behaviour as the leader of a major democratic world power, what the hell does that say about the US?

    I was reading up on some of the Chinese media about Trump, they want him to win, but not because they like him, but because they see him as a weaker leader and somebody they can manipulate. Other nations hoping for a Trump win include North Korea, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, all of our allies, such as Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France etc, they're all praying he loses. From a British standpoint, we want a US leader who will actively engage with their allies, not somebody insular who whinges like a little bitch about how unfair he's treated. Motherfucker was worth $10bn, how the hell can he complain about anything ever?

    His record his ****. He assassinated an Iranian general, which destabilised the region massively against the West. He claimed to have wiped out ISIS, yet they're still an active threat in both Africa and the Middle East. In fact ISIS just claimed responsibility for the awful shooting in Vienna, so has he ****ed wiped them out. He whinged about having to pay more to NATO, despite the fact that the US economy is much bigger than most of the other countries in it combined. In fact, he blew so hard he threatened to withdraw. He pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, maybe the one thing that's going to help heal the ****ing planet going forward.

    He claimed to have denuclearised North Korea, who have just announced they've sped up their nuclear program rather massively. He called President Xi a "great man", yet failed to hold China properly to account for the Coronavirus and it's human right's violations. He claimed he saved 2 million lives, but it was his agreement to bring home Americans in China that probably contributed to the outbreak. And on that outbreak, he's spent the last 4 months saying America is "rounding the turn", which would be fine except a) they're blatantly not and b) they're losing the equivalent of two and a half 9/11 attacks worth of people a week.

    He refuses to listen to science, which given the rampant pandemic ravaging his country, probably isn't a good idea. Now is not the time for prayer, it's time for actual, bona fide science.

    I literally could go on and on. His record, if you can call it that, is like a Black Lace greatest hits album. Nobody wants to hear it, nobody likes it and it belongs in the ****ing bin, with him.

    Oh but wait, their already massive economy continued to grow so he's **** hot. And probably going to win.
    HullPhil and Quill like this.
  18. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    I see Trump as an American Andre Rieu.

    Good leader of the band, not the greatest musician, not an outstanding soloist or multi instrumentalist.

    Maybe the tens of millions or ordinary folks in the flyover belt just see him as a better leader than the Prozac Zombie Biden?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  19. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    I don't pay a great deal of attention to the minutiae and neither should you, its not our country, and we have no say in what happens there..

    The anti Trump bias of the MSM here is tedious so I tune out. If DT winds up Sopel and the likes of Simon Schama, he can't be all bad.
    look_back_in_amber likes this.
  20. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    It's funny when people claim there's massive bias against Trump, considering the biggest producer of anti-Trump propaganda is his own ****ing twitter account...
    Steven Toast likes this.
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