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Trevor Sinclair believes QPR is 'losing its identity' as a team and club

Discussion in 'Queens Park Rangers' started by kiwiqpr, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    Trevor Sinclair believes QPR is 'losing its identity' as a team and club
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    <img alt="Sinclair" src="http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/573139/article_update_img.jpg" />
    QPR were a top ten Premier League club in Sinclair's era. Credit: PA
    Trevor Sinclair believes QPR's disappointing form can be attributed to a lack of fitness and claims his former club are losing their identity.
    The West London side enjoyed consecutive top ten finishes in the Premier League more than twenty years ago when Sinclair joined from Blackpool, but face a fight to avoid relegation this year following promotion from the Championship.
    QPR's ethos during the former winger's era was characterised by impressive fitness levels and a close team bond which allowed them to prosper against bigger clubs with larger budgets.
    Speaking to the Open All R's podcast, Sinclair claims that times have changed for the Super Hoops.
    The most worrying thing for me, and it's a fundamental thing that you need to play football, is that the fitness levels [at QPR] just seem to be dire.
    I couldn't understand why a team who had just been promoted, full of confidence, plenty to look forward to in the coming season would approach the season in that kind of shape.
    Queens Park Rangers, not just as a team, but I think as a club, is kind of losing its identity, which was about the community and all about being a family club, and that commitment to doing well without the same economic clout as other teams.
    – Former QPR winger Trevor Sinclair speaking to Open All R's
    Last updated Tue 20 Jan 2015
  2. YappyR

    YappyR Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Trevor Sinclair believes QPR is 'losing its identity' as a team and club
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    QPR were a top ten Premier League club in Sinclair's era. Credit: PA
    Trevor Sinclair believes QPR's disappointing form can be attributed to a lack of fitness and claims his former club are losing their identity.

    The West London side enjoyed consecutive top ten finishes in the Premier League more than twenty years ago when Sinclair joined from Blackpool, but face a fight to avoid relegation this year following promotion from the Championship.

    QPR's ethos during the former winger's era was characterised by impressive fitness levels and a close team bond which allowed them to prosper against bigger clubs with larger budgets.

    Speaking to the Open All R's podcast, Sinclair claims that times have changed for the Super Hoops.

    The most worrying thing for me, and it's a fundamental thing that you need to play football, is that the fitness levels [at QPR] just seem to be dire.

    I couldn't understand why a team who had just been promoted, full of confidence, plenty to look forward to in the coming season would approach the season in that kind of shape.

    Queens Park Rangers, not just as a team, but I think as a club, is kind of losing its identity, which was about the community and all about being a family club, and that commitment to doing well without the same economic clout as other teams.

    Last updated Tue 20 Jan 2015
  3. YappyR

    YappyR Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Oops sorry for the duplicate! delete
  4. Didley Squat

    Didley Squat Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Ok, so he's obviously not taking in to account that we have Harry as Manager, Bond as coach and Jordan to boot.
    If they can't be arsed to run 5 feet, how the hell can we expect the team to run the yards. Lead by example I say.

    Besides, with so many 'golden oldies' residing as Loftus Road Benevolent House, the elevators would be working
    overtime just to get them downstairs on the track.

    No, sadly Sinclair is far removed on how we run this effective yet, efficient club nowadays.
    KooPeeArr and kiwiqpr like this.
  5. Wherever

    Wherever Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    He didn't take long to run off when times got harder, I remember him looking like boswanka when he was playing in the second tear, thinking he was too good
    kiwiqpr likes this.
  6. sb_73

    sb_73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    'Not fit'. Now then, where do I start? 'Not fit' FFS.

    JESUS ****ING CHRIST how difficult is it to be fit when your ****ing job is standing up and running around? Not being fit as a professional footballer is the equivalent of me not knowing how to use a phone for my work. It's a NON ****ING OPTIONAL qualification for doing the job. Who trains these cretins? I suggest a regime of physical, psychological and monetary punishment for all those (i.e. all of them) who are NOT FIT. This will consist of accompanying Ferdinand on all his twice daily book signing jaunts, carrying all the books and standing on one leg behind Rio, singing Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn' while he signs the two or three actually sold, then buying all the left over books at 1 million% of RRP. Rio is exempt because he is no longer a footballer. Do us all a favour and retire now so we can spend your £40k a week on a half decent loan player, you stupid, selfish berk.

    I think Trevor is right. Several other commentators have said that in away games on bigger pitches (yes they are bigger. Not by much, but they are bigger) we struggle to keep up. Like the fat speccy kid who was always last at cross country at school. Last by such a long way that they didn't have time to shower before the next lesson. That's us, stinking the place up for everybody else, never improving, never learning, just getting more bloated, slower and worse. I reckon we are a bit better at home because they know the strong support from the crowd could turn nasty any second, and they could all end up with their heads ripped off. Not that that would be any great loss to them.

    He's also right in that we don't think we can compete without spending loads of money. FOR ****'S SAKE WE HAVEN'T GOT ANY MONEY! But that's ok, we've got dozens of clapped out, knackered, unwanted twats hanging around to help, like Steve "Pat on the Back, Job Done" Black, helping us to "Find a way". Yeah, find a way to utter humiliation and embarrassment. AGAIN FFS.

    Gary Bannister is wrong, as is anyone who has had the same haircut for 30 years (special exemption for the bald).

    That's better. Mods, could I please have a get out of jail free card for all rants and insults today, it's my 54th birthday. FIFTY ****ING FOUR FFS!. The good news is that I have laboured under the misconception that I was a year older for the last couple of months. The bad part of that is I obviously need a brain scan and enrolment on some Alzheimers drug trial sharpish. Can't remember my own ****ing age. Doomed.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  7. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    happy birthday sb
    sb_73 likes this.
  8. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    the only reason bannister said such nice things was because he was being interviewed by the people who were paying him to be there
  9. westlondonlalala

    westlondonlalala Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2011
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    A very happy birthday!
    sb_73 likes this.
  10. danishqp

    danishqp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Happy Birthday Stan<cracker>
    And now breathe!! - What always makes me laugh is how the majority of people state:
    "The players of yester year could never cope with the pace of the game today and the fitness levels now are on another planet"
    Bullshit, as I've stated ad nauseum and infinitum, apart from a few clubs in the Premier league the whole thing stinks. Just look at clubs like Sunderland as a random example with O'Shea, Brown & Fletcher - how can these guys still be pulling in over 50K a week for little or no effort?
    The Premier League is predominantly one big merry go round of has beens passing on jobs to each other.

    As for forgetting you age - well I'm just 7 years your junior and often have to think twice when asked my age.

    I'll have an imaginary beverage to your good health as currently on an enforced 3 month sabbatical from the juice, further compounded by now having to eat properly and train hard - something to do with being taken out of the office by ambulance a couple of weeks ago!!!:emoticon-0152-heart

    Still, there's always QPR to keep our humour - Happy Birthday again
    sb_73 likes this.

  11. Eamon Holmes

    Eamon Holmes Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    Aha. That explains a lot!
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  12. sb_73

    sb_73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Look after yourself Danelaw, I need the dark side shouting loudly and frequently on here.
    Now, let me second guess what that really means........Cheers Eamon
  13. Tramore Ranger

    Tramore Ranger Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Like it Stan.....Happy Birthday mate, I'll raise a virtual glass to you tonight<bubbly>

    Ranting is allowed once you reach 50 plus, we're now of an age when we can justifiably say "I don't believe it...." and adopt Richard Wilson's character in that programme whatever it was called, as a role model...........memory loss again......
    sb_73 likes this.
  14. Stroller

    Stroller Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    After that its probably not a good time to read the 'dying breed' article, Stan.

    Happy birthday!
    sb_73 likes this.
  15. Tramore Ranger

    Tramore Ranger Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Back on topic, this thing that Sinclair has said about loss of identity......we loss that during the first season back in the prem when we signed SWP, Barton etc at a time when we couldn't afford it.......from then on it's been downhill with the honourable exception of 24th May last year.......

    We can't afford it but what we really need is a few years in the Championship to stabalise and get the clubs ethos back, start from the bottom up, put in place a youth structure, a manager that knows how to play the game the Rangers way, get all sides from youth upwards playing the same formation so as they progress through the sides the players know their roles, give 19 & 20 year olds their chances in the 1st team, not just farm them out on loan.

    But off course this will never happen because the investors can't afford it, we simply have to stay in the prem lurching from one season of struggle to another. It's fecking depressing.....
    Ranger4ever likes this.
  16. QPR Oslo

    QPR Oslo Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Have a great birthday Sylvio!
    sb_73 likes this.
  17. Swords Hoopster.

    Swords Hoopster. Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Breaking news: Reports have confirmed that Trevor Sinclair has been living under a sandstone rock in the Arabian Desert for the last three years. <doh>

    Thanks for that Trev. Well done on repeating what everyone else has been saying since 2012. Blue Peter badge in the post.
    KooPeeArr likes this.
  18. Swords Hoopster.

    Swords Hoopster. Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Love that rant. A perfect way to mark the great man's birthday.

    Have a good one me old mucker! <cheers>
    sb_73 likes this.
  19. Peruvian Hoopster

    Peruvian Hoopster Active Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I think our identity under Tango and Cash was akin to a circus or an insane asylum. The club are making good strides in building a new identity. When results are going for you on the pitch nobody mentions club identity. We lucked into promotion this time round and it was always going to be a struggle this season. There are vital games ahead at Hull, Villa, Sunderland, Palace, Leicester, etc. All to play for as is the same for our opponents. Club identity has very little correlation with success. Plenty of teams with a great club identity languishing/prospering (depending how you see things) in league 1 and league 2.
    How is the club identity at Man City, Chelsea? Fans drunk on success provided by rich owners.
    I love the rollercoaster that is supporting the hoops and I'll continue to do that through the highs and lows. After every game this season win, lose or draw I have a flashback to Wembley and Zamoooooooraaaaaaaaa. I picture all those flags that volunteers lovingly put out on the hoops seats. I'm proud to be identified with my club. You Rsssssssssssss!!!!!
    qpr_badger likes this.
  20. RoyalOakRanger

    RoyalOakRanger Active Member

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Yeah same here. It used to take ages for him to deliver a corner - forever faffing about with his hair and posing before putting the ball in.

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