"Lets get back to football and the other light hearted off topic debates that we can all enjoy without conflictin our views and beliefs". Got told last night gedo is back Monday for talks with steve bruce anyone else heard out. Would you welcome him back
so basically you want this forum to be sterile with no hint of debate? yes I am sure the mods will do this when the easiest thing would be just to leave the status quo and you go and start your own forum.
Thought Gedo was injured until the autumn? On the right sort of deal, I'd have him back. Providing we signed him alongside two other strikers, not in place of one of them.
99.9% of the worlds population think that Nelson's passing will be a bad thing. MT is like Marmite, she divides opinion
This thread should be closed now, it's getting political again As OLM stated, the concept/ rules of the forum aren't overly difficult to understand (IMO), I'm getting fed up of reading football related posts that turn into a slagging match between one or two about nothing the topic was originally started about. Can the MODS please keep an eye on what has been posted and remove anything that shouldn't be there. I enjoy some banter and relevant discussions on the original topic but it's getting beyond a joke now. Rant over
I just logged on to find that my joke thread has been closed? The whole point of that thread was so that people who get offended by stuff like that don't go on it and those that tell those kinds of jokes can. But, as usual, we get calls for "close this thread" and "this is really offensive". No, **** off. If I hadn't made the title clear enough for you I do apologise, but if you know that kind of thing upsets you, don't continue reading on purpose to build up an argument that isn't really there. The Internet is all about freedom of speech; yes, there are users of different ages but why should I tread on egg shells just in case there's a 12 year old reading it? And for the record, I did stand up comedy (successfully, I might add) while I was at university; there's nothing I haven't said on here that I haven't already said to a room full of people (of varying backgrounds and ethnicity). You should always remember that with most people offence is taken, it's never given. I wouldn't make a dead baby joke at the pediatric ward at the hospital because it would of course be inappropriate, but there's nothing I hate more than being told I can't say something because it's offensive. Stop trying to censor stuff; we have a swear filter for those who don't like swearing. A threads title should act as a filter for those who are interested in the content and those who are offended or uninterested. If people insist on being such fanny's, then **** off, keep ****ing off, then **** off in a North Easterly direction, keep ****ing off all the way around the Earth until you get back to where you originally ****ed off from, then **** off again.
There's a huge difference between debate and pathetic argument. We're supposed to appreciate each other's point of views, play devil's advocate, and agree to disagree. What we're getting at the moment is aggressive, force-fed opinion in the race for the moral high ground.
Why was the offensive joke thrrad not posted on the general thread which surely would have been more appropriate.
At the end of the day, he is/was a foreign politician from another continent. Given that, how important he is/was to each of us will vary. Those for whom his passing will be a teary blubberfest should not expect that others will empathise to the same degree. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks.
Come on Bob,you must have known how this thread would turn out. You won't change anything,because there is a small band of regulars that simply like it this way. Those threads are the very reason they enjoy this forum. I applaud you for trying though.
You’re probably right. Some people say that he was never 100% throughout his time with us. Even though he tailed off (perhaps for the reasons above), I think he did enough to justify a second crack and a chance to play in the Premier League side he helped promote providing he doesn’t cost too much.
If his broken foot was never set properly, it's unlikely he will ever pass the medical. With hindsight, he was great for 5 games and that was it. No place for sentiment in the Premiership.....
It will soon be Phil the Greek and the same old stuff again. Can I just say in advance that the BBC coverage of NM's death will be massively OTT and out of all proportion to his relevance to the average Briton and British life in general? And can I also say that the coverage of small town shootings and similar in the US falls into the same category? It seems a few deaths in America are massively more interesting than hundreds of deaths in Bangladesh or wherever.
True. But perhaps a fully fit Gedo could be a cheaper goalscoring option. Unless calling Gedo proves to be 0898? Just think that if he is 'cheap' he could be worth a chance (if fully fit).
Most people in the 21st century get offended way too easily. Most people are too afraid to say anything because it may not be "Politically Correct". Some of the jokes on the other thread were funny, offensive, but still funny, I don't think people understand the difference between a joke and someone's real ideology. For example, not everyone who makes a Jew joke is anti-Semitic, they just know a good witty joke to poke fun a stereotypes. My Grandad is Jewish and he makes Jew jokes about being "greedy" and having hook noses. I laugh at witty jokes all the time, offensive or not. The joke thread specifically stated it was offensive yet the high horse liberalists still had to have their say. We get it, you don't find offensive jokes funny, don't click on the thread then you ****ing moron.