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Things We Think We Think #264

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by originallambrettaman, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. Happy Tiger

    Happy Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Irony alert.
  2. Happy Tiger

    Happy Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yup, you're not in the sneering group, I was referring to the others, despite everything you did exude an air of respect and consideration.

    I distinctly remember being told by someone involved with CTWD at a game when I asked about it, that they weren't allowed to release them. Can't for the life of me remember who of course. I can barely remember what I had for tea last night so that's no huge surprise.

    Fact remains, the whole saga was a sorry state of affairs, that could have, and should have, been dealt with differently, and lessons should have been learned by those that took up the mantle with the rebranding of CTWD. As ever, no apologies, no regrets, and an air exactly the same as leveled at the Allams for their lack of contrition.

    Nothing's changed in my view, despite my hopes it would be otherwise.
    DMD likes this.
  3. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Can't be arsed to read the last few pages

    Could someone just tell me whether the minutes finally resolve the question of the country of origin of Crowded House?

  4. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The ending leaves them open for an exciting sequel, though.
  5. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I didn't expect this to erupt again, but it has and that is down to you.

    None of you received personal abuse, only questions as to why the minutes (notes), as they were called, were not published as promised.

    There was only ever one reason given (in a very dismissive tone) - that it was to avoid damaging the club - and that was a very hard answer to get from all of the avoidance and half-truths put into the public domain, not least the many pages on here - I seem to recall it running from 2013 into 2014. It was also nonsense, which has been more than adequately proven by the self-harming philosophy of the owners involved.

    Wasn't there some form of NDA involved, or was that another mission impossible?

    You have resurrected this sad story, you now try to sound hard done by as a consequence. Your protestations of loyalty to associates and previously made agreements is hogwash. You have stated that you have the notes (why you felt the need is anyone's guess), you know everything has moved on considerably, so why not apply some common sense and put this sorry episode to bed? Publish them - it would at least be interesting to understand, at long last, what would have been damaging to the club.

    I think that once again you have created an issue simply by applying your own strange perspective to something long since glossed over.
  6. Obadiah

    Obadiah Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2013
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    Happy knows what personal abuse was dished out. He also knows that it is all water under the bridge.

    There was no non disclosure agreement. The CTWD committee had a long debate about publishing the minutes and the decision had nothing to do with signing a non disclosure agreement.

    I readily accept that I am strange, many people have tried to change me and all failed. You stand no chance.

    You may think its alright to publish what named individuals I worked with on the Committee said at the meeting with Assem Allam without their prior agreement. I don't.
  7. The Omega Man

    The Omega Man Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
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    This current debate is exactly why supporter involvement can be such hard work.

    Imagine what it would be like for any supporter sitting on the board of Hull City Tigers Ltd.

    Obi is quite right, it is not up to him to publish anything. As an individual who was at the meeting, he has a right to hold a copy of the minutes but without a mandate he has no right to publish.

    I do not think that this is about anything other than posters pointing out that some posters have short and selective memories.
  8. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Those individuals attended in a representative role and those they represented should have been included in the distribution. There was much ado about who represented who at the time, so it does seem like a cake and eat it scenario. Add to that the fact that the only reason given for not publishing is that it would offend/be damaging to the club and absolutely never anything to do with the sensibilities of representatives.

    A simple question: is someone saying they do not want their noted words disclosing? If yes, then fair enough, I don't wish to know who, as it is a strange enough thing as it is. If no, then why all of the noble nonsense.
  9. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Obi , kicked this dusty cannon-ball rolling and also declared he had a copy and he was prepared to post under certain conditions. The mandate to publish was the group representative role that he and/or others enjoyed. This, as the mixed views on this thread once more prove, is a matter of opinion. That is mine and I'll say no more except as a response.
  10. Obadiah

    Obadiah Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2013
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    I said it was up to the Trust to publish them. I said I have a copy because OLM said he no longer had his.

    I represented no group on the CTWD Committee.

  11. Obadiah

    Obadiah Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2013
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    The CTWD Committee voted not to publish the minutes as you well know.

    I don't consider it noble. I don't consider it nonsense either. If you give your word you keep it. Yes I think the current circumstances allow the minutes to be published, but that isn't my decision alone. If you don't like it tough. It was how I was brought up. You don't go sneaking behind other people's backs, especially people you fought shoulder to shoulder with.
  12. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Can someone please remember the login details for the official HCST account and then publish the minutes or tell Obi that he can publish them with the Boards blessing?

    ...oh and they better be ****ing interesting !
    SW3 Chelsea Tiger and Kempton like this.
  13. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I've just been PM'd them.

    please log in to view this image
    Tickton Tiger. likes this.
  14. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Can I just clarify that despite the minutes referring to someone with a black moustache I was not in attendance

    ...or was I?
    DMD likes this.
  15. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It says 'in his 30's' , so that was a given.
  16. dennisboothstash

    dennisboothstash Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    My mistake

    I thought 'in his 30s' referred to weight
  17. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    So you didn't represent the committee of which you were a member - which I allowed for by the and/or - but are you expecting anyone to believe it wasn't key to your thinking in the meeting and subsequently when you, the committee discussed it. But whatever, Obi, that's fine.

    Fine dramatic shoulder to shoulder words, noble indeed. But they lack consistency, as you say, on the one hand, that your loyalty prevents you from publishing, but, on the other,earlier hand, you will give your copy to the HCST to publish - strangers to them and beyond your loyalty circle. Mixed messages.

    The saddest thing is that the only people this is supposed to protect - the Allams - are the ones who really need exposing as fools at every opportunity.
  18. Obadiah

    Obadiah Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2013
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    I will make this very simple. HCST was created from a merger between CTWD and the Co-op. As a result all the documents held by CTWD, including the minutes of the meeting with Assem Allam, should already be in possession of the Trust. If there not then I have a copy. I don't believe they've lost them so I don't expect to be handing them over. I would expect them to ask the old members of the CTWD Committee if they have any objection to their publication if that's what they decide to do.

    If you are referring to the meeting with Assem Allam, I didn't attend it. I've no idea what you mean in the first sentence if you're not referring to that meeting.

    I'm may be strange, so what?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  19. Tickton Tiger.

    Tickton Tiger. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2012
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    And you lot claim Ehab has difficulty communicating, you couldn't make it up.
  20. Kempton

    Kempton Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Ehabs difficulties lie more with his economy of truths and the facts.

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