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The way forward

Discussion in 'Tottenham Hotspur' started by remembercolinlee, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. Billy The Spur

    Billy The Spur Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    It would be good to have a new coach, chairman and owner.
  2. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    We ain't getting top 4, we have only won 9 of our last 21 games against Premier league opposition.

    I do not pretend to know who should come in but if the Levy and the board have not got a plan then that is negligent beyond belief.

    They had already approached JM before sacking Pochettino and Ramos before sacking Jol so it ain't beyond their morals.

    This has been obvious since last March.
    Lockdown hid it but if I could point out flaws back then (as others were) ... remember the Norwich cup game, or the games v Norwich, Burnley, Watford, Middlesbrough, Southampton and Chelsea? All appalling... then there was the 2nd leg of the Liepzig game then why couldn't Levy see them.

    After lockdown we were appalling v Sheffield United and Bournemouth (but awful VAR decisions hid them) and Everton (the ht Lloris/son row hid that) and Palace (qualifying for EL hid that).

    That's 4 out of 9 games.

    Since we beat Arsenal on 6th December we have played 17 games...
    W5 D3 L9.
    17 points from a possible 51.
    1 pt per game.

    Seriously...wtf does he need to do to our team and club before he is sacked.

    9 more wins is a farcical hope imho.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
    Citizen Kane. likes this.
  3. PowerSpurs

    PowerSpurs Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I just meant it doesn't really matter if Jose goes now or at the end of the season because this season is over apart from the League Cup which matters little in the long run.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  4. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    It does matter though.
    A new manager needs to get in and see: 1. who needs to go,
    2. who needs loaning out,
    3. which young players should be in first team,
    4. who he wants in.

    Waiting til the end of the season means he will lose most of the squad for the Euros, players go on leave and the team have very little time to get used to him and his methods before the new season starts.

    Sacking this waste of space now gives use an extra 3 months and 10 games to begin the rebuild.
    The Changing Man, Alfie Conn and Roo like this.
  5. PowerSpurs

    PowerSpurs Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Only if someone is available to come in straight away.
  6. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Your'e right there and Jose probably wanted two good players but Levy said for that money i can get you five my friend.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  7. PowerSpurs

    PowerSpurs Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Even if that were true, Jose sold Walker-Peters and bought Doherty.
    Dier Hard and Diego like this.
  8. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Well, Ramos was immediately available when they dumped all over Jol as was JM when they sacked Pochettino.

    Like I said earlier, if Levy and the board have not been working on an alternative then they are also not fit for purpose.
    This has been obvious and anyone at the club doing an ostrich impression are a huge part of the problem.
  9. "Thanks for that Brian"

    "Thanks for that Brian" Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Looks like I'll be saved from eating that humble pie.

    I'd dearly have loved a win in that competition but we're so very far away from having the right set up or heart to do it. Mourinho's a ****ing fraud and he has to go...NOW.

    Still, if we sack him tomorrow, it's a fresh start on the road to world domination. COYS!
  10. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    The way forward.

    Pick a manager any top end manager (Jose will do), give him the players he want's/needs and success will have a chance of coming to you.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.

  11. Citizen Kane.

    Citizen Kane. Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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    I was browsing through posts towards the end of Poch's reign. Whether or not sacking him when we did was the right decision was subject to pretty intense debate with numerous posters lining up on other side of the divide. But on the subject of Jose being appointed his successor? I counted maybe 3 posters who were excited by the idea and one of them was HIAG.

    I changed my avatar on the day Poch got the sack and pledged to change it back again the day I felt we had made the right decision.

    Looks like I'll be stuck for a while with this beautiful human gazing into the future amidst a jubilantly optimistic White Hart Lane. It pains me to see and know that in 18 months, we have uprooted the work of 5 years.
  12. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    We wouldn’t know a good player if they smacked us in the face at the moment, mate - and that includes Jose.

    We’ve spent big money, we’ve spent moderate money, we’ve spent smart/ small money... Just about all of our signings over the last 4-5 years have been **** with the exception of Son and possibly Reguilon. Probably 20+ players in that timeframe; one major success, one decent success who can potentially be a great success as my boy Borat would say.

    Levy/ Hitchen/ Poch/ Jose, all of them have ****ed it with signings for the most part.
  13. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Mail are running with the story that Nagelsmann is the frontrunner should Jose get the chop. Regardless of who comes in though, we’ve gotta make sure they have as close to a blank canvas as possible and rid a number of the deadwood, otherwise it’ll be pointless as we’ve tried polishing too many of these turds for too long.

    Some of Jose’s biggest mistakes was thinking he could improve these players ability/ mentality, stupidly oversaw two new contracts to players Poch likely would’ve binned and then further ****ed it with 9 of his own signings in which just 1 has been a proper success so far. Then his style of football and squad management just compounded things.

    Whilst I’m now of the opinion Jose definitely has to go, I’m also fully aware he’s not the only problem at this football club. There’s been a common denominator between two completely different, high profile managers and that’s a number of those who wear our shirt. We have to get them out of this club before they drag us even further down and Steve Hitchen can **** off with them too.

    Levy also can’t escape criticism either. This will be his biggest ever summer at this football club because I think even the staunchest of pro-Levy fans will be beginning to question just where he’s taking this club, I know I am.
    The Huddlefro and Citizen Kane. like this.
  14. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    A new manager means new lease of life for the deadwood to prove me right again.

    At least Jose knows who the bad eggs are....I can’t support some of them under a new manager because they haven’t got it so I’m not wasting another 2 years till the penny drops with someone else.

    Lloris did all but name the players and he definitely was criticising the players.
  15. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Jose needs sacking.

    Dier, Winks, Alderweireld, Dele, Aurier, Sissoko, Doherty, Sanchez, Hart, Lo Celso and Davies should be told to find new clubs as they will never play for Spurs again.

    Bale, Vinicius and Bergwijn should be told their loans are over.

    Lamela, Lloris and Ndombele should be told that if decent offers are received they'll be sold.

    Levy should be removed from ALL football decisions...if he refuses he should be sacked as our chairman.

    The club needs root and branch restructuring...not tinkering with.

    I like some of these players but none of them have justified being at the club in the past 2 seasons.

    Personally, I couldn't care less if they do or don't like JM or are just ****... but they have a duty to give 100% EVERY WEEK for us as fans.

    That many of them have not is a shameful stain on their characters.
  16. Left on the Shelf

    Left on the Shelf Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2019
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    That's brutal and tbh I cannot see the club being able financially or willing to be that severe even if it is totally warranted.

    All this shower of ****e effectively are tied to the club for at least the 10 PL fixtures plus the LCF.

    It could be long enough for at least a few of those to either a) improve their transfer value or b) prove that they both want or are potentially capable of retention.

    The next few weeks are going to set the scene for the future of our club and its difficult to see anything positive.

    What is most depressing of the 'now' is that this has little to do with last night. This has been as clear as day for more than 2 years, arguably 3. Pretty much everyone on here saw it as clear as day.
  17. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    please log in to view this image

    Though just a heads up, Bergwijn ain't on loan, we paid about £22m for him, lol.
  18. Billy The Spur

    Billy The Spur Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    You would be surprised how many of these players would be good players under a different coach. Sissoko, Sanchez, Aurier, Doherty and possibly Davies are beyond help though.
  19. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Most were **** under Poch though in that final year.
  20. humanbeingincroydon

    humanbeingincroydon Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Has anyone ever done a cash + manager deal before?

    It's worth a try...

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