i am a part time fan. i go to all home games (unless my wife or my kids are ill) but i dont go to any away games due to my wife's health. so you could call me a part time fan. i aint in love with you but we can all see that lanny is in love with you hense my comment post of the day in this thread for me
rather see a bunch of fannies than have a fanny on my shirt there again, i see you lot on here a lot and you bunch of fannies aint that fun
Talking of shirts. Is that a lottery number the 82ers have put on the front of their shirts? http://www.not606.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=32346
You said I had lost the argument, thus confirming we were having an argument. Even though I wasn't even talking to you at the time It was just you biting and me laughing
Talking of which, what's happened to Massive? He is always one of the best comedy writers on these boards.
it hasnt clicked in their heads yet what you are doing. they think they are getting you to bite but really we all know you're just stringing them along
didnt think sheeps can bark well done for starring in this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0779982/
there was a war of words between massive and bluebaldee on our board. basicially bluebaldee was putting reds in their place and massive said something way over the top and our mods requested he get banned (again) from our board which the supermods agreed. massive not long after decided not to bother coming back to the site full stop.