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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Watch out - - for cheats.
    You all know how I feel about cheating

    I hear that exam invigilators want students banned from wearing wristwatches,..... Because so many are Smart watches - and being used to cheat ........... I' m OK with that ---- although it does seem a little bit of a nonsense - because it seems that any job that the students will get will require a high dependency on the use of computers - and if you don't know how to use them, you'll likely struggle.

    The story reminds me of my experience of not being permitted to use a calculator for Maths exams - for speed of calculating an answer.
    My claim is that if you don't know how a calculator's functions worked, you would not be able to solve the question - and if you did know, you would get to the answer more quickly - more efficiently !..... I didn't win my argument
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2019
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Alwaysright 1 Mr.Jobsworth 0................................ but I still have to ask; " Why ? "

    As you may know, I mentioned my 'encounter' with Mr.Jobsworth at the metal barrier in front of Block H of the GRS.
    Today was Groundhog Day. The barrier was in place. Mr. J was there with his hi viz --- but --- where were the Wycombe fans ? -- certainly NOT in Block H --- in fact NOBODY was there ( except Mr. Jobsworth. )

    I decided to observe for a few minutes before approaching the scene. I saw various people approach. It seemed that anyone who looked like they had one foot in the grave, or was female, were allowed to pass the barrier - which Mr.J very kindly moved out of the way --- there was definitely some 'discrimination'going on -- because anyone who was smaller than Mr. J was stopped - and I could see were being asked to produce their season tickets.

    So, it was my turn. I decided to follow a gent ( 70+ ), carrying a shopping bag ( full of bombs ? ). This guy was not challenged by Mr.Jobsworyth -- who lifted the barrier out of the way, allowing the old boy to go though -- before replacing the barrier -- for my benefit !!.

    I walked up to barrier and stopped. I looked at Mr.Jobsworth. He looked at me - but - did not move the barrier. To be fair, I did give Mr. J my best stare. He looked like a frightened rabbit in a car's headlights. He just seemed frozen to the spot - and had lost the power of speech.

    I didn't mess about. I took hold of the metal barrier and pushed it to one side, and walked through ( shaking my head in disbelief at the stupidity of the situation. )

    THERE WERE NO WYCOMBE FANS IN BLOCK H OF THE GRS --- SO -- WHY THE NEED FOR A BARRIER --- BEFORE the game ( I can understand the separation issue at half time refreshment areas - but - NOT before the match...

    And on a more serious point of this pointless exercise -- the situation will cause problems for 'disabled' fans..... especially when needing to go to the toilet - and using the ramp access into the GRS --- being compelled to negotiate a considerable number of steps at the Rainham End of the ground.

    Anyone make any sense of the 'policy' ?
    brb likes this.
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    More stupidity from GFC ..... unfortunately this is a regular one

    I forgot to mention -- following the umpteenth cock-up by the Ticket Office (( when they didn't include everyone on the list of fans going to the Coventry game -- preventing some fans from being able to get a seat on the coach )) ..................

    When Gills played at Tranmere last week, the ticket office dropped more clangers --- The Office gave Peter Lloyd the wrong pick-up point of several fans.This caused the coach to be waiting for fans who were elsewhere -- causing Peter Lloyd to have to make phone calls to them to establish their whereabouts......... It was a bloody good job it was only one coach -- can you imagine the chaos if it had been more than one coach.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Less stupidity from GFC

    I had a phone call today - from John Carter ( Head of Ground Security at Gillingham FC ).

    I 'd like to publicly express my gratitude for his time and appreciation of my concerns and comments relating to the barriers & stewarding at Block H of the GRS.

    His first response was to say that he despaired at the lack of common sense of some of his staff -- and that he certainly didn't expect to teach common sense to his more 'mature' staff. He then said that, as far as it relates to the Wycombe match, he didn't know why the barrier was in place - and that the stewards should not have been asking fans to produce their season tickets.

    Mr.Carter explained that the reason for the production of season tickets is to ensure that no away fans gain access into Blocks A to G. Mr. Carter said that the selection process is random - and that not ALL fans will be required to show their season ticket. He expected his staff to assess the 'demographic' of each person they challenge - ---- (( it would appear that, at my age - and wearing a Gills shirt qualifies me as an 'away' fan - yob ! -- I can see brb peeing himself laughing )).

    Mr. Carter said that any obvious Gills fan ( eg wearing replica shirts ), should not be stopped and challenged. He promised me that he will advise his staff . Mr. Carter has asked me to express his contrition to any of my friends in the GRS, and any other obvious Gills fans who have been messed about by the stewardship of the barrier. He has given me freedom to call him if I experience any further similar nonsense from the stewards (( I'm almost looking forward to that ! ))
    brb likes this.
  5. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Well done mate. We all clearly understand why stewarding is in place but as you rightly highlighted, common sense does have to apply, especially so from more mature stewards.

    We have both highlighted throughout our time, the lack of common sense that appears to exist, at home and on our travels. But let's not forget one thing, the stewards also may one day rely on more mature supporters such as ourselves indirectly to assist them, when supporters don't adhere to rules. My message there to all stewards is work with us not against, because we are more valuable to you then you might think or see when everything works peacefully.
    alwaysright likes this.
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Fancy dress -- political correctness gone mad !


    Firstly ( for absolute clarity ) -- I hate any form of racism. If I want or need to hate anyone, it won't have anything to do with race, skin colour, gender, age, sexual orientation (( except for *****philia )), religion, the football team they support etc etc.

    Have any of you NOT gone to a fancy dress party - in full costume ? Weren't you displaying the outward appearance of somebody or something that you was not ?.................. On one occasion, an Indian friend of mine helped me and Mrs. Alwaysright to dress up in full Indian dress (( actually loaned us their personal clothes - and turban )) -- for a New Years' Eve party. None of us ( including my Indian friends ), felt that the exercise was ANY form of disrespect or racism towards the people of India.

    I am sure - from what Mr.Trudeau says, that he did not act out of any intention to disrespect any Arab when he put on his fancy dress. I despair when I see stories like this - of political correctness gone mad. I genuinely believe that, in terms of racial harmony, these stories are counter-productive. They are printed by journalists looking for a 'cheap shot' at a Public figure. They stir up tension - where it doesn't exist -- and in this matter, didn't exist since the event 18 years ago. This story has absolutely NOTHING to do with redressing an act of racism --just like when I put my mate's turban on my head....................

    ..... and, (( something that made me cringe )), a colleague of mine at work, insisted on being called 'chalky' (( his skin colour is blacker than black ! -- but a lovely chap ---- a fact which has nothing to do with his skin colour -- just as it would not have mattered if he was not a nice chap )).

    There is an 'old- fashioned expression that says '" Clothes do not maketh the man." ....... ( not even a hi viz jacket------sorry ) --- oh -- that gives me an idea for this years New Years outfit --- do you think I could borrow a Hi Viz jacket from Mr. Jobsworth - and add Nazi apparel ?
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Do it YOUR self.
    Yesterday I went to my local Homebase. As I parked up, I saw a 'middle-aged' chap loading up a van in front of me. He had 5 small bags of sand - on a 'sack' trolley.
    When the chap had loaded up the last bag, he pushed the trolley away from his van -- and 'dumped' it in the next parking bay -- instead of returning the trolley to the trolley 'port' next to the shop. The trolley was now creating a nuisance ((( well it was for the dozy drivers that normally seem to go into D-i-Y car parks --- why does it seem that there are more dozy drivers than parking spaces ? ))).

    I couldn't believe just how lazy and selfish this clot was being -- especially in view of the fact that his van was parked only 2 bays away from the trolley port. He actually pushed the trolley further away from the store entrance -- when -- with just a couple of yards extra effort he would have been able to return the trolley to it's correct place.................
    ............. unfortunately there was no livery on the van --- I would have liked to have known his identity -- to avoid his 'services' (( I'd be afraid of ending up having to do his job for myself )).
  8. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Naga -- can I just say that I am more furious than you !

    For those who don't know me - I am a male with white skin!.......... but that doesn't stop me from being disgusted with racist behaviour ( whatever the skin colour of the bigot ).

    Naga had every right to be furious with the obviously racist comment by Trump. He has again embarrassed himself by his bigotry -- and it is to her credit, that Naga didn't slap him.................

    The lack of dignity to other human beings is quite remarkable, and hypocritical --- from a President who supports pro-life !

    If Trump wants certain groups of people to return to the country from whence they came - can I suggest he crawls back from whence he came -- the gutter.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    It looks like that McDonalds do not have the monopoly on clowns!


    Maybe the staff at BK couldn't read - they only go by the pictures of the menu on the wall ! ................. what ? -- too insensitive and stupid ?-- well it looks like I've got the perfect CV to get a job at Burger King --- I could offer to proof-read their menu cards...... mind you, I probably wouldn't feed the food to a dog.
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Mr. Jobsworth won - for once -- and I couldn't have been happier ( no, I'm not ill ) Today, I was cheering for Mr.Jobsworth in his Hi Viz !!!

    As you may suspect, I have a number of pet hates. High on the list are people who can't obey queuing etiquette. Today I went to my local authority 'tip.' It has a one-way system to enter the compound (( I expect they all do )). Whilst I was offloading my rubbish, I saw a car enter the central area by driving through the exit lane. The car then turned in the car park - to face in the correct direction. The complex was quiet - and there were no other vehicles that this driver had queue-jumped !
    The manoeuvre didn't escape the attention of the Council employees. One of them ran ( yes - ran ) over to the car to remonstrate with the driver - who tried to say that he hadn't seen any signs.He said he was sorry - but he hadn't inconvenienced anyone - and he might as well dump his stuff and go - and next time etc, etc.
    Mr. Jobsworth was having none of this lame story - and insisted that the guy drive around the one-way system -- "just like everyone else" The motorist said that the place was deserted - and the exercise was pointless. My car, by now, was the only other one in the complex -- the motorist ( Mr.Arse ) had a point..... but Mr.Jobsworth insisted ---- and I soon realised that he had a crafty agenda..............
    I watched Mr. A drive out of the car park - with his car still loaded with rubbish. I then noticed that there was a line of cars waiting to enter the complex - which was temporarily closed- whilst one of the [full] containers was in the process of being changed.
    A few moments later I was 'done', and left the yard. On my way out I saw that Mr. A was now well down the line in the queue of cars waiting to enter the tip. I knew that he, and the other cars would still be there for at least 15 minutes. I chuckled -- this moron had now been paid pack for his selfish driving.......I suspect that Mr.Jobsworth knew exactly what would happen immediately after he forced the motorist to go round the one-way system......

    well done Mr. Jobsworth - I was genuinely happy for you ( you wouldn't have brow-beaten me ---- but then I am a good boy and drove correctly into the complex . )

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    It made me laugh
    There's nothing like a good old General Election campaign to hear some drivel that is more comical than mine.
    I hear that the LibDem have promised to give every adult £10,000 to be used for Education........ I would give them all detention unless they could understand ' Just whose money' is it that they are giving away ?

    Do the LibDem not realise that Britain has just narrowly avoided having its' credit rating down graded ( again ).

    It really is pathetic how, every time the biggest waste of spacers ( all 650 of them ), want another 4 or 5 years more sponging off my hard-earned Tax, all of them come out with unbelievable promises --- do they think we're so stupid -- it might make more sense to vote for the Raving Monster Loony Party.
  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I had to shake my head !
    I suspect that many of you get alerts about Gills news. Today I got an email from Gillingham FC. It told me that the FA Cup replay is next Tuesday ( 19th ).
    I phoned the Club to make a ticket enquiry. The chap in the Ticket Office didn't know anything about the fixture date. He said that the FA haven't confirmed anything.

    As part of my enquiry, I did ascertain that the game is not available on ifollow ( as that covers only League games ).................... unless the FA know something different !!
  14. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I'd ask how much the game is going to be, but as the club seem confused, i guess the question is best avoided for now <laugh>
    alwaysright likes this.
  15. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Abuse of women
    At the game yesterday, we had announcement regarding an initiative to help eradicate physical violence against women.................... and that is a good thing !------------------ but violence and abuse, demeaning etc comes in many different forms.

    Last night, on Channel 5 there was live boxing. After one ( good ) bout, the decision went to the judges. This took quite a few minutes. Whilst the judges were counting up their scores (( I think that they were trying to make the aggregate figure as close to 5000 as possible -- they had to throw in a couple of free points to help )) --- There were all sorts of people who entered the Ring. Obviously there were managers and trainers for both combatants --BUT--

    there was also two tall, very attractive, and voluptuous young ladies -- whose job it was to stand on opposite sides of the ring - and stand there 'Looking Pretty.' Neither did anything, or spoke to anyone. They were there for the audience to look at !!................. is that not an exploitation of the female form? Is that not some form of abuse? ...............

    ........so it looks like we say one thing - but mean another ( a bit like grumpygit's definition of good ) ....................... go on, grumpygit - get your own back - you know you want to give it to me good and proper........................................ I'm switching off my laptop for the rest of the day
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Would you like to know what colour knickers she is wearing ?

    Members will know that I have zero tolerance for the Jobsworths of this World. They will often quote ridiculous rules - to justify their nonsense. They don't really hide the fact that they treat us as idiots --- and then are surprised when we act in such fashion.........................so - what, or rather, who has wound me up ?
    A guy at Southern Water - who I imagined was wearing a Hi Viz - whilst reading from a book with the title " It's more than my job's worth."
    I struggled ( but succeeded ), to pay my mum's water bill - despite the prickhead ( it's a lovechild of a prick and a dickhead ).

    Yesterday, I visited my mum and saw that her water bill should have been paid 3 days ago. I telephoned Southern Water. I stated that I wanted to pay the bill using MY credit card. I quoted my mum's customer reference number. I gave her name , address and postcode - and told the guy the amount to be paid.

    Mr. Jobsworth " Can I have her date of birth and telephone number."
    Me. " No, you don't need that. The d.o.b is sensitive data. It is not necessary for me to pay with MY credit card."
    Mr. J " It's a security issue, to identify the account."
    Me " I have given you all the details needed to identify the account. If your questions are meant to be a security issue, how does that protect me - or the holder of the credit card with which I am trying to pay my mum's bill ? The answer is it doesn't - and as long as the transaction is accepted, you get your money--- in the same way as you get it each month when you take a direct debit from bank accounts - WITHOUT asking everyone for their date of birth - which is NOT included on any bank mandate." (( if you're going to be ridiculous with me, you'd better be prepared to receive it by the bucketload ))........... and, of course, Mr.Jobsworth couldn't argue with me - because I'm alwaysright.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  17. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Remarkable bravery by members of the public today, who brought down the man with a knife on London Bridge, also praise to the quick response of the emergency services, and especially to the decisive and fatal action taken by our armed police officers. Today made me proud that we will not allow people to bring terror to our capital city, and if they do, they will have to fight everyone of us as we stand together against attacks.
    grumpygit and alwaysright like this.
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Gills didn't score at Wimbledon (Kingston ) -it didn't matter how close was the approach play- they got it wrong and lost !
    When I was at school we were not allowed to use calculators to assist in mathematical equations - we were told that the teacher needed to see the long-winded 'working out' - to see how close we could get to the answer before we got it wrong!! ---- I said that if I didn't know how to use a calculator, it would not help me to achieve the right answer -- and if I got the calculation wrong, or if I did it the long-winded way and still got it wrong, then I would still have got what Gills got - nothing!

    I reckon that there are a lot of my peers out there - only without my calculator skills -- and they all seem to work for energy companies.

    Today I got an email from my energy supplier - telling me that my monthly direct debit was being increased. The amount now is probably sufficient to pay for Brexit !
    They told me that the increase was due to their calculation of my energy usage. They have estimated a QUADRUPLE increase in my usage !! I give the company meter readings every month. My current usage is less than I pay for-- let alone a 400% rise.
    You may say that the company are including a rise in consumption during winter ---- but it won't be 400%, AND, the usage will be covered by the 'over payment' I make in the rest of the year. My annual consumption has remained constant for several years -- and that is why I gave my energy company the figures at the start of my contract - and why I am 'happy' to over pay for most of the year- before the winter usage evens things out (( it's funny how they haven't contacted me during this over payment period - to offer a refund !! )).

    I will, of course, contact my energy supplier to discuss if they wish to retain my business --- I am sorely tempted to ask to speak to somebody who knows how to use a calculator.
  19. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    As they say; The Law is an ass !


    What was the point in making the 82 year old driver complete 100 hours of community service ? NO punishment was necessary -- this was a tragic and a freak of an accident. The driver may well be technically guilty of being less than totally careful -- but -- NO punishment will be greater than the awful feeling of causing the death of a friend of 70 years.
    Judgement could have been made to record a 'conviction' WITHOUT any punitive measure................. let alone speaking about the driver as if she was deliberately negligent ------ Well done judge (( Mrs.Jobsworth )) -- you make Scrooge look more charitable.

    .... if I lived in Gosforth I would offer to complete the 'punishment' instead of the driver - who now will not be able to sleep for the rest of her life.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    This is a joke! (( and not a very funny one ))

    It doesn't apply to me -but if it did I would be going mad ----------------- yet another pxxx taker by Scally - yet again treating season ticket holders as idiots.... The people who are affected have given their ( too much ) money, several months ago. They now have to jump through hoops to get a voucher ( NOT REFUND ), and only have three weeks to go to the Club and redeem them - given that the Club will be closed for much of the festive period - probably the only REAL time available to the fans who were overcharged by Mr. Scally back in the summer.


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