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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Not quite doing an alwaysright but close

    Can anyone remember the old joke about stock levels "it's no good you pointing at it, the computer says we haven't got any"

    Well I was in a well known DIY store and found exactly what I needed, having queued patiently behind 5 people (amusing myself watching the 3 members of staff enjoying their day whilst not thinking to man a till and help out) I eventually reached the till. A quick scan and "sorry it says we are out of stock" but I already have it and just want to pay!
    "But the till won't except a payment because it's showing a zero stock level" I suggest very politely that it could be a manual transaction, "sorry sir if I did that it would put the stock levels out"
    At this point I don't know if they're taking the micky or being serious, I've also noticed the queue forming behind me is getting restless, at this point I suggest getting a manager who could resolve the issue. A manager arrives and takes me to one side with the glares of the now very large queue following me.
    The manager starts to give me the same nonsense as the women on the till about stock levels and the till won't allow the sale of something that doesn't exist, again I suggest a manual transaction and again get the spill about messing up their stock levels. HOW CAN YOU MESS UP THE STOCK LEVEL IF YOU HAVE NO STOCK (yes I did raise my voice slightly and swiftly apologized)
    Anyway to cut a long story short, after going back and forth about getting into a negative stock level eventually the old boy (80 if he was a day) came over and suggested it goes through as a miscellaneous sale item. eureka the manager agreed provided it had a 10% discount to show it was a real sale price ("miscellaneous" doesn't that mean it won't show what was sold and what the original price was) hell I got it and 10% cheaper, I decided to say nothing and leave.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    It just makes you wonder how people get on in life when they are like this, it is simple what they needed to do. I don't know how I would have reacted as I don't stay calm for long when it comes to idiotic people who don't know how to do their job.
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Grumpy -
    If it didn't 'exist' you should have asked if it would be alright to simply take the item without payment - you can't steal something they haven't got! - I bet that would have changed their mind.
  4. brb

    brb Guest

    Just a general question, why is it illegal to have alcohol on football coaches when supporters are within a contained area, but ok to have it on public transport such as trains where supporters are less restricted by the environment?

    ps. the only reason I question this daft legislation is I will use Fleetwood as an example. There was about roughly 600 travelling fans but only two supporter coaches, therefore about 50 fans on each coach. That meant that 500 fans travelled by other means, such as train. Now I personally prefer to wait until I am at my destination before drinking rather than the canned stuff, so it does not affect me as such. Also most of those supporters on the coaches are regulars who in turn naturally maintain there own standards. But you just have to question what is basically an unfair and completely biased piece of legislation stemming back from events in the 70's & 80's, unless my understanding of the rules/law is wrong.
  5. gillslad69

    gillslad69 Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    I think in some matches they prevent alcohol being sold on trains (high-speed long distance trains) but are unable to police all of the passengers. In regards to coaches I think it is down to the contracted coach company's entitlement to not want to serve people under the influence. Although I found this nifty debate on a forum via google.
    Been away for a while but wanted to alert the good folk of the forum of a flat that is up for rent at the moment.
    Would you get a flat like this at a location like this (or similar, perhaps Priestfield?)
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Can I be controversial - ( just for a change )

    I was disappointed - NO - disgusted at the number of people who came to the game yesterday and left early.
    When I say early - I mean there was quite a number who left their ( FREE ) seats with 12 minutes to play.
    I have to add that I didn't recognise these beings - they had obviously got hold of some freebies. I thought that it was disrespectful that they did not stay to applaud the team at the end of a game where promotion was achieved. I was quite happy that Mr.Scally was charitable - but do we really need ungrateful scroungers ? I have not always liked some of our play this season. We've had some shocking displays e.g Wycombe & Barnet at home - but their all round effort has brought us success, and anyone who dares to call themselves a fan needed to stay to the end and show their appreciation.
    ps - a sincere thankyou to the supporters ( 99% ? ) who did the team proud in their celebration.

    my advice to those concerned - live dangerously - just for once arrive home 12 minutes later - these occasions don't come often.
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Is this a scam to get more money out of us

    Just ordered my 2 tickets for the Burton game. Although I'm registered for online ticketing, my son ( sth ) is not (and seeing as I'm paying) - so I decided that I would phone for tickets. - besides the last time I tried to book online the system went into meltdown and it never happened.
    Did any of you get the message that the line was temporarily out of order ? It always happens when there's going to be a big demand for tickets. I persevered. I then got to that dreaded message ;
    You are at position 21 in the queue, please hold whilst we try to connect you.
    When you get to postition No.1 you still have to wait for another five minutes ! - how long does it take to process my credit card number ? ( when it was my turn it took less than a minute.)
    When I have been into the ticket office on a 'normal' day I have seen 3 people manning the phones. If I was at position No.21 I should have not waited longer than 7 minutes - not half an hour. I would also have expected at least one more person to man the phones for this morning's rush.
    It's not as if the call was a local one... Are we being kept waiting in a ficticious queue whilst the club gets a rake off from the telephone company for the time we're kept on hold ?
    on a more serious note - the level of office staff needs to reflect the demand - otherwise there's going to be more 'meltdown' moments if we ever get back up to the dizzy heights of the Championship.

    Never mind - soon be close season - I'll have more time to go to supermarkets !
  8. brb

    brb Guest

    alwaysright - I think the problem was not just the early morning rush for Burton tickets but people also leaving it until today to get tickets for the other two remaining games.
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    maybe the club should have held back on the Burton tickets until about Thursday. They must have known that today was going to be chaos if they tried to sell both sets of tickets - will they ever learn ?
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Martin Allen should resign
    Having heard his speech I was disgusted ( do you think that I am too easily disgusted ?). He should be ashamed of himself. He listed all the players and some of the backroom staff who have played for the club this season, or supported him in his job - but he forgot to mention the most important person - without whom this club would not be in it's current position;
    Tommy Trueblu - Totally disrespectful. Shame on you Mr.Allen. How do you think that makes Tommy feel ? I wouldn't be surprised if he dies of a broken heart - mind you then there'd be plenty of meat for the pies ( send them to Accrington )
    Long Live Tommy - may you fertilise the Priestfield pitch for many years to come.

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Disgusting - Disgraceful ( well at least it makes a change from Disrespectful )Part 2 (a)
    I've just found out that Tommy Trueblu is NOT a real horse. He should be ashamed of himself - especially as he had sent me a private message. He was in tears. Martin Allen had forgotten all about his efforts on the pitch. He was suicidal - was considering resigning and going to work for Tesco - been offered a job in the frozen goods department. He couldn't afford to take it because they wouldn't say that it would be a permanent position - but told him not to bother to join the firms pension scheme.
    Now I find out that Tommy's not real - it's really only the STIG doing his Saturday job on the side. And to think that I had backed Tommy - obviously not for the Grand National - he does look as if he's carrying a bit of top weight, ( he's got a lot of weight on his bottom as well ) - I have called for the resignation of Martin Allen for not giving Tommy any mention - when all the time he was nothing but a phoney ( I nearly spelt it pony ).
  12. brb

    brb Guest

    It will be left to individual clubs to decide whether they want to pay tribute.


    I will not be supporting any respects for her departing. If there is any standing for a minutes silence at Priestfield I will remain seated.
  13. oldsparky

    oldsparky Member

    May 19, 2011
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    If there is a silence I will leave my seat and return after it
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Politics should be excluded from sport. I could understand the matter if it was a senior member of the Royal family - but a politician ? - where will it stop ?
    I may probably concede to more right wing tendencies ( even if there were policies about Thatcher which I disagreed ) - but I respectfully sibmit that, whilst I hope that Mrs. Thatcher is at peace, I do not approve of a football match to be used as an occasion of enforced public respect.
  15. brb

    brb Guest

    Yes, I did think of that as well, such as going under the concourse. Although dependent on circumstances, I felt it may be easier to remain seated to avoid any unperceived issues. I take a word alwaysright used 'enforced'. Respect was never meant to be enforced but sometimes that is how it has begun to feel in the modern arena.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Disgraceful - disgusting - (again)

    He didn't like the numbers so he knobbled the vote

    He has denied ALL of you the opportunity of a reward for winning his prediction league 2013/14.
    The voting was in favour of such an incentive/ reward to be introduced - when - the cheapskate pulled the plug on the site ( don't believe any claim that it had been infected ) - brb was the only one doing anything dirty.
    NOW he has the nerve to tell you that it doesn't matter what you want -it's his ball and if you don't let him take the penalties he'll take it home.
    Well I've got news for him - next season he can find somebody else to take him to away games. ( but he can come to Burton - it's his turn at the bar - well, I'm not going to miss out on a beer )
  17. oldsparky

    oldsparky Member

    May 19, 2011
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    I do have an isle (sp?) seat so its easy for me I guess, too many memories I'm afraid including the sheer nonsense of the "football spectators act" or whatever it was called (younger readers may wish to google it and be dumbfounded)
  18. brb

    brb Guest

    Oh that's all I need a flying picket!
  19. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    WARNING Do not paint radiators white ( unless you want them yellow !)

    Last year my younger son moved into his first house. It needed quite a lot of 'cosmetic' decorating - nothing too daunting or very expensive, but, obviously time consuming. I told him not to rush ( a bit like my stories in this thread - take ages to read & usually pointless. ) - well - this story does contain scientific information ! .
    I firmly believe that proper preperation prevents poor performance ( free advice there for Martin Allen ). We have spent a few months, subject to son's work committments, to strip down, re plaster, fill in, rub down, sugar soap etc as necessary - before doing the 'top dressing'.
    When it comes to painting I have always used good quality products - the extra £1 or 2 for the tin has usually been worth it. On this occasion we have purchased much white gloss, as we needed to repaint just about every surface in the house ( including radiators ). We decided to try to save a bit of time ( given the amount of preperation already invested ) - we bought Dulux quick drying ' Once ' gloss paint.
    Now - if you bother to read what it says on the tin - it will tell you that, despite the ' Once ' claim, you may need to apply a second coating.... so it's hardly 'once' ! - although to be fair, I have used this paint, ( once only ) many times and have been extremely pleased with the results - white has stayed white for years.... and, yes I DO read the tin first.
    As we've gone through my son's place we have painted the radiators - closing off one at a time to allow for a decent amount of time to dry. As we have continued the painting around his home, we queried wether or not we actually painted the radiators ! They have lost their 'brilliancy' in a few weeks - compared with any adjacent woodwork that was painted on the same day. So, with this doubt in mind, the radiator(s) were re painted - only for the same loss of colour to occur. The situation is a little disappointing. I put it down to the fact that we had not applied a conventionial undercoat. I have not experienced the problems in my place - I have underfloor heating throughout - so no radiators to paint. BUT
    It transpires that it doesn't always do what it says on the tin ! My son was intrigued and researched the matter. It appears that there are chemicals in ' Once' paint that reacts to heat - causing a 'yellowing' effect. The scientific advice is to apply a standard undercoat and to use 'normal' gloss paint - with a second application for best results ! - That's all I need - paint everything 3 times - and they've got the nerve to call it ' Once ' - Well -
    It bloody well doesn't always do what it says on the tin .

    edit - especially for BSG - pease don't tell me to paint the radiators a different colour to white " because then you won't notice the yellowing effect "
  20. brb

    brb Guest

    alwaysright - erm dare I ask why you did not use a paint suitable for the job, something such as a paint that does not react to heat or a radiator paint. May I suggest you wanted to get the job done on the cheap, instead of paying out for those little tiny tins of paint, that get the job done properly for you! <laugh><laugh>

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