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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. brb

    brb Guest

    Crikey, I have had some tough times through customs but never a situation this extreme. I had to google it because I have never heard of such a thing, however, although it is infrequent it appears it does happen and airlines have various different policies in customer service regarding such an event. I would be interested to know which airline it was if you do not mind me asking - just so I never use them.

    I thought the hold baggage could not leave the ground without you but it appears with today's security screening it can!

    One reason to make sure you always pay on a CC with airlines at least you have got some chance of recovering your initial costs.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I buy and sell online on a daily basis so I rely on the service however in the last few months the service has got worse and I mean real bad, I don't mean just because it is Christmas as this got bad a while ago. I have had parcels arrive torn open and also ones damaged both ones that I have brought and the ones I have sold, also I have had a lot of parcels go missing and also many first class take over a week and that is since September. Has anyone else had this problem in Medway?
    Brb, that annoys me when that happens as I sometimes really new the items as if it is something which I plan to sell and I miss the delivery and if is a Saturday and i was planning to sell it that day it ruins my plans, the postman on my road who is the main one who delivers up my street is fine h knows me by now (probably don't like the amount he has to deliver at times( but just like you I find the ones in the van useless I have found them just put the card though and go and when I run out the door the person had the cheek to say that he waited a minute when I was watching out the window for the post when he came along.
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb Not sure which airline my son took - I will have to ask him - if he's ever allowed to return to this country ! He would have been treated a bit more fairly if it had been AL QAEDA AIRLINES
  4. brb

    brb Guest

    alwaysright - I generally tend to have more trouble getting back in the country then out of it! I wrote on another site sometime ago, that some of the customs controls are now bordering on breaching your human rights. The normal people reaction is to defend against those thoughts of mine with happy clappy discussions about protecting us from terrorism. When I explained in more detail it was agreed over the top and quashed such arguments.

    This is the trouble when you give human beings a badge. In America now you even have to go through body scanners, anyone that thinks you have a right to decline, just try it sometime!

    Your son is another innocent victim of hindered freedom of movement by government controls under the guise of protecting us.

    Big Brother eh?
  5. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    What makes me laugh is that you even have to take your belt and your shoes off in America. When I last arrived at Orlando, I was struggling to keep my jeans up without my belt and I have heard of people's trousing falling down whilst going through the scanners. Also you can guarantee that there will be at least three members of security running around with Beagles trained as sniffer dogs.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Lets hope it is not the end of the world, 1 minute to go.
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I was going to put this in the Gordon Road off topic thread - but I don't see it anywhere !
    I just watched an interesting program on BBC ( shock horror in itself ) - in which milk was the subject of scientific measurements against so called trendy/healthy sports drinks.
    In particular the recuperative powers of milk in relation to repair to muscles far outwayed the benefits appreciated from the sports drinks that we see our sportsmen/women use. When do you ever see them drink a glass of the white stuff ? - it's certainly not in evidence at Gillingham ! I don't have the scientific qualifications to thrust at our physio staff - but, if you excuse the pun, it is food for thought. It might just be the ingredient needed, especially at half time.

    edit - I was going to put it into the Rumour thread - but I was afraid that it might end up with me crying over spilt milk
  8. brb

    brb Guest

    I have no scientific measure to support my opinion but in my view sports drinks are just one big con. So with a sense of humour I would assume milk is just as beneficial.

    You could probably make yourself millions by promoting milk in the same way as sports drinks...

    1. Market in a clear plastic bottle
    2. The more colourful the bottle the better
    3. Ensure to use the word energy somewhere within the labelling
    4. Price at around a massive mark up of £3 plus, the higher the price the more the consumer will believe in its attributes
    5. Persuade the powerful supermarkets to display within the same section as all energy drinks, they will not carry out any tests on your marketing claims
    6. Once you have thought out your above marketing you can now focus on the less important ingredients of water, sugar and caffeine
    7. If you can get footballers to promote it as discussed in the original post, even better
    8. All you need to think of now is a name for your drink, how about...



    PS. it appears the Gordon Road Thread had dropped down several pages but can be found here if required:

  9. gfc1234

    gfc1234 Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    It's from Stowe School in Buckingham!! Only saying because It's where my wife and I work!!
  10. bristol407

    bristol407 Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Perhaps they will do a valuation on Burton.

  11. gfc1234

    gfc1234 Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Deon burton= Priceless!!
  12. brb

    brb Guest

  13. brb

    brb Guest

    Every time I see that scum bag Saville on my TV it makes me angry. I never did feel comfortable with him but at the same time never expected this, trouble was he hid behind the shield of Charity. I have quite often been outspoken about the BBC long before this and there are many, many questions unanswered. People can display their shock that are in power today but if any justice is to be done, please seek out every little vile worm that still hides either within or outside that disgusting institution that people have so readily defended in the past. As for the Police, I can not even begin to express my feelings without ranting. Ever since the Thatcher era they have much to answer. Do I believe anything will change - No - because people remained blinkered in their sheltered comfortable lives, where governments, media and institutes dictate their every word and thought, until events such as this. What annoys me is people have been so forward in defending the Great British institute to me in the past but I've heard few words condemning this man a part from the media. People would prefer not to hear it and switch their minds off from the thoughts of the crimes committed. The trouble is as long as you switch your minds off to the sick people of this world, then they will continue to harm our children. Responses of lessons learned and apologises should never be allowed to end the scrutiny and in my mind never will. I will always challenge ALL governments, media outlets and institutes of this world and every single person behind them and so should everyone to ensure the truth is sought out.
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Just looking at BBC news from Heathrow. Some passengers are angry at aeroplanes being cancelled because of heavy snow ! What did they expect ?
    " Hello this is your captain speaking. Welcome to Kamikaze Airlines, today we will be flying in suicidal conditions. There is a 99.99% certainty that we will crash into the terminal building before we can take off - and we will all be killed. May I remind passengers that for safety reason you are not permitted to smoke. We hope you have an enjoyable flight. "

    WINDYROG Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    The same ones who ignore radio warnings about 'not travelling unless absolutely essential' who then slither around in their cars....untrained , incompetent, and a total menace.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I may have bought shame on the members of the Gills forum.
    I thought we had freedom of speech ! - obviously not - well, at least not without somebody throwing their toys out of the pram.
    I dared to join in on a thread on the Portsmouth forum. ( the ballboy thread .) If you take a peek at it you'll see that I have given my thoughts in a reasoned way - and without resorting to any bad language. In fact I went to the lengths of defending one of the posters ( Pompey_London ) when he was being given verbal abuse by others. In the main I agreed with his viewpoint, although there was one point ( the sanction by his local youth FA against the father of an under 14 player in a match 'officiated' by P_L .) It would appear that this 'disagreement' was sufficient for me to being branded a wum, in a personal message by another member and sufficient disike by that member and P_L ( moderator for that board ) for him to take the childish action of removing a lot of rep points and awarding me with a long line of red cards under my username.... when I saw this I had a massive laugh... but has anyone else in the Gills forum got any red cards, or am I the only bad boy in our forum ?
    I will hang my head in shame - what with missing my first home match in 20 years last Saturday just to watch Messi, I am not fit to be called a Gills fan.
    " unclean....ring of bell...." unclean "....ring of bell etc.

    I expect to be hit with a gagging order by brb - then he can walk to Aldershot !
  17. BSG

    BSG Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
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    Are you Joey Barton in disguise?
  18. brb

    brb Guest

    alwaysright -as other mods will vouch, I can assure over the last few days, I have had far greater things keeping me occupied on site than worrying about whatever you may be posting.

    However, such as our rules, the mods on other boards will decide what does and does not go on, via the guidance of their community, NOT ME. Mods can implement their own gagging orders without bothering me (removal of posts/threads). Although they could come to me to request I restricted you from their board altogether.

    I can honestly say I have had no such messages directing my attention towards you, other than you doing it yourself <laugh> and I would prefer you did not put me in such a position as a fellow Gills fan and friend.

    But yes I can probably say that looking at all those red pins, you officially are the bad boy of the Gills board but someone has to have that honourable title! <whistle>
  19. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb If you read the couple of posts I had put into the 'ballboy' thread on the Portsmouth forum you'll see that ( imho ) I made 'mature' comments. There was a bit of handbags between the moderator (P_L) & Lord Duckhunter. I tried to cut through much of this exchange and practically all I that said was well received by the moderator ( who it seems was having a personal dual with Lord Duckhunter ) - unfortunately one tiny point upon which I disagreed with P_L caused him to throw out his rattle. From the comments I read it appears that this moderator has deleted posts that were not in with his train of thought - hence my comment re freedom of speech, especially as my one contrary viewpoint is rewarded with childish reaction of giving me red cards and removal of points. I really do not care about these, but do care about the principle that anyone should be able to express an opinion without any form of overbearing conduct from somebody in 'charge'. It was a pathetic reaction. I have encountered similar reaction from the moderator on the Chelsea forum - I 'm so glad that you are not like them.
  20. brb

    brb Guest

    Every board to their own. I gave you a bit of random positive rep back, although not indulging in that activity normally I doubt I have the same power to increase it to any noticeable amount.

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