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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Shame on the Police

    There are plenty of protests which literally cause 'carnage' in our society. What action do the Police take ? - NOTHING (( apart from handing out tea and sandwiches. ) - but - if you dare to think, you get a day in court !...

    From a 'legal' perspective - the so-called 'crime' relates to an expression about the abortion clinic... I could almost understand it if the chap was shouting on top of a soap box - or if he was waving placards etc - but - all he was doing was ' standing there ' (( with his back to the clinic. ))

    He will be basically going to court for the thoughts in his head ( which were Prayers for what would have been his son - not for any other aborted baby. )....How can we have 'thinking' as a crime ?

    ....... well - the Police had better come mob handed to arrest me (( I won't go without a fight )) - because I think the Law and the Police are useless pieces of excrement in this (( and many other such-like matters. ))
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    '' It's NOT looking a lot like Christmas '' !

    I expect it won't be long before 25th., December won't be Christmas Day ! ....It is a Christian feast day... which, despite our secular society, doesn't stop people from 'celebrating' in time-honoured fashion ( getting blattered ! )

    I have no objection to people celebrating Christmas - even if they do not have Christ in their lives - but -what is the obsession with trying to assassinate anything to do with 'Christianity' ? - society would do well to live with even a tiny sense of Christian principles - instead of being selfish - or making itself look stupid with a brand of 'dogs testicles' that is called Woke --- 'people' (( am I allowed to call you that? )), have always built snowmen - not snowpeople !.......... and talking of snow - Christ was born in Bethlehem - in a hot middle-eastern land - the winters of which is not renowned for its avalanches ! - mind you using more winter-themed references should appeal to all the snowflakes.
    ..... and as for not using red and green baubles - in case they offend - well - that's just a load of balls !

    Merry Christmas every people
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    And talking about ' Woke'......

    Later this morning, I'm off to a Remembrance Day service.. I will proudly wear the two medals awarded to me by Queen Elizabeth 11... I used to joke when people asked about them.. I used to say that they were for services to Bigotry and Misogyny - Mrs A will wear her medal for Misandry ! ....

    I appal bigotry - but will engage in slightly misogynistic 'banter' with my (many) female friends ... I am no snowflake when it comes to taking light-hearted misandry.... If I can ' take it ' why deny me the pleasure of retort ?....Me and my friends ( of all gender ) just have a laugh among ourselves.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The 'Law' is an ass ........ and the Met Commissioner appears to be its' arse !

    ...... and the idiot seems to have forgotten one Law that is the staple diet of the Police - The Public Order Act 1986, and specifically Section 5 ... 'Disorderly Conduct'... 'Conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace.'....... and Sir Mark Rowley can't say that the actions of the 'criminals' wasn't going to inflame !!

    It beggars belief when you have clowns in charge who don't know the basics of their job.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    If I was a Barnsley fan I wouldn't be happy !
    A couple of weeks ago Barnsley were disqualified for using an ineligible player when they beat Horsham in the FA Cup - so - how is it different for Forest Green Rovers ? - surely the same 'punishment' needs to apply --- or are they FA being inconsistent (( again ))
    brb likes this.
  8. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    If I asked you to give me £240 for absolutely NOTHING.............

    I reckon I can guess your two word response !.... And yet, the UK taxpayer has already given £240 MILLION to Rwanda - supposedly for agreeing to take some illegal immigrants ---- and so far absolutely NO illegal immigrant has been sent to Rwanda..... and it actually gets worse -

    -- the £240 MILLION is not the end of the drain on our money.... because the UK will also have to pay for the upkeep of the immigrants when / ( if any ) they arrive in that country.....

    what a mess we're in with our politics !
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Cop out !

    ...... that's a bloody heavy carbon footprint - for what ? - we all know his vote is not worth the value of the voting slip !

    His journey must rank as one of the worst examples of hypocrisy that you could encounter....... Although Charlie boy and Cammy probably are worse offenders..... I see they have a trip to Canada planned next year ( among others ) - perhaps I'll bump into them as my family return (5th time) to the USA -- and Croatia in the Summer....... if you can't beat them - join them (( unfortunately it won't be by private jet. ))
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    A dog (thief) is not just for Christmas ........at least I now know why it's called a door-step delivery.

    Perhaps this story should go in the idiot-of-the-week thread --- the Amazon courier is well qualified!
    After last week's wonderful game v Bradford, I returned to my son's house - where, on the doorstep, were TWO parcels - in full view of any passing dog ( or 'usual' type of thief.) ............ and when Mrs A and I got back to our house, we too had a parcel waiting on our doorstep - despite the small package being able to fit through our letter box ... or the mouth of most dogs!

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Liverpool v Arsenal.......... (( thank you ! ))

    ...... that's why football ' fans ' choose to pay small amounts to Sky (etc), in comparison with League 2 ticket prices.
    Having watched the FGR game on Friday, I nearly lost the will to live.... and couldn't wait for 5.30pm last night......

    ... will I be wishing my life away until 3pm on Tuesday ? ((( ps - I know it's a 1pm kick off. )))

    brb likes this.
  12. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I won't lie, I knew it was going to be (now what's that word I'm looking for...) so didn't bother wasting my money.

    I've supported the Gills long enough to know what is coming next.

    I said I would have stuck with Neil Harris until the end of the season - let the proof be in the pudding. I also understood
    why the revolving door was beckoned, so it is what it is now.

    Only one request, can someone tell me how many managers we've had since Maddog and what we have won, no rush guys.

    Merry Christmas Everyone! x
    alwaysright likes this.
  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I am not always right - nor am I always wrong........ BUT

    I know when urine is being 'extracted' from me - and know how to return the compliment (( but - according to some Gills fans, my response makes me the pantomime villain .)) - Yesterday, I got accused of extracting urine ( in words of a more 'earthly description. )

    There are increasing numbers of angry voices to be heard at Priestfield. They nearly all complain about the 'style' of play deployed by The Gills.... People are becoming increasingly fed up with the negative tactics that neither provides goals, wins (m)any points and definitely does not entertain....Groans primarily when Gills pass the ball backwards - for the millionth time in a match..... ((( is Turner being paid 'piece-rate' for every time he touches the ball ? - he'd be earning more than Messi.))) ...... But, remarkably, there were a couple of people who disagreed with the growing number of frustrated fans asking for the ball to be played towards the Crawley goal !

    ....At this point, as someone being accused of 'taking the Pi**, I missed a glorious chance for such ridicule (( more glorious than the chance missed by Nadasen )) - by not defying them to ask The Gills players to continue to pass the ball back to Turner!........... Unlike Nadasen, I would go on to redeem myself in the Pi** taking department.

    At one point (( OK, I admit, it was more than one time )), I too vented my frustration at the back-passing ... (( o how I long for the delights that was 'hoofball')) --- My protest ( amongst all the others ), received particular displeasure of a fan close to my seat....In my defence, my brand of protest was exactly the same as everyone else who pleaded for some forward movement - and yet, I was singled-out as the chief villain...

    ...The 'protest' against me, in particular, and also to others who shared my frustrations, was that - by passing backwards, Gills were keeping possession of the ball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Incredible as it may sound, I was lost for words -- but -- don't worry, this was only a temporary condition.....

    ....As soon as we went 0-2 down, I was to be restored to maximum - rude piss-taking health ! I greeted the Crawley second goal with sarcastic applaud of the back-passing tactic ---- and assured all others around me that we need to continue to pass backwards to retain possession of the ball to have a chance of a goal being scored -- but -- not necessarily for The Gills.

    Incredibly, there was one protester to my angst - who reminded me that I was 'extracting urine'... and I was reminded again when I saw Ehmer being used as a striker - with Clarke (( who Clemence describes as a 'forward' )), used as a defender... I suggested we should bring on Morris up front.... I was asked to stop taking the Pi** I decided that the least I could do was to reply by saying '' I might be taking the Pi** - but - I'm paying for the Pi** that they're taking out of me''....

    I don't think I impressed the person - who seems to think that I ((( and plenty of others ))), should quietly accept the crap that we've been served up for a long time. .. My older son had sympathy for my 'argument.' He pointed out that any Gills supporter who didn't voice their displeasure, have absolutely no right to complain when they next receive a crap product or poor service at any other venue.

    ......anyway - my pi** taking wasn't exclusively for The Gills... later in the day, the family were together - doing pleasurable things (instead...) My younger son was coerced into giving a 'rap' performance -- which, naturally was (c)rap - but - it was a joy to see my oldest granddaughter nearly wetting herself with laughter - and only stopped laughing in order to ridicule her dad ...... perhaps pi** taking is hereditary ?

    Happy backwards New Year !
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Ryan Jackson's travels (( am I the only one who hates cheating ? ))

    As people know - I hate cheating in any sport (( or other walks of life ! )).... but - particularly in football..

    Last night, Ryan Jackson was allowed to steal many yards whenever he took a throw-in...I'm not talking about a foot or two (( although that is still cheating.)) -- NO - he went forward, closer to the Gills goal, by so much that I'm surprised he had enough strength left to throw the ball !... Jackson continually stole around 20+ metres every time......The Officials did virtually nothing to stop it.... and yet -

    When Scott Malone 'stole' two yards (still cheating), at one throw-in, the referee blew his whistle and frantically waved him to go back. Scott stepped back just about one yard - and the referee gave a 'thumbs-up.'

    I cannot see why the linesman cannot put down a 'squirt' of white spray, on the ground, at the point where the player must take the throw !.... it's not as if the linesman needs to be up with the last defender, because offside is not relevant.

    .... people (brb?), might say that it would slow down the game etc etc - but - does speed of play justify cheating ?
    brb likes this.
  15. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I'd noticed the cheating, and I had only one question to ask from it...some of our players know he cheats, so why are they not raising it with the ref ie club captain maybe - to me it says more about our mentality, because you should always have the passion to win, and that passion to win should be pointing out the bleeding obvious, especially when we know it's going to happen before the game has even kicked off. It's much like the team that took the quick freekick and we stood there like a bunch of muppets, do you think Kedwell, Barrett and Burton would have allowed it to happen on their watch, would they heck.
    alwaysright likes this.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Why can't Turner kick the ball ?

    Surely kicking the ball properly is an integral part of goalkeeping ? - and yet, Turner continually miskicks the ball. His distribution has been awful - and led to unnecessary goals being conceded...In the last game, poor kicking by Turner, almost led to valuable points being dropped....
    The goalkeeping dilemma can't continue much longer - or games will be lost just because the goalkeeper can't kick the ball... Turner has got to perform much better - or he's out as far as I am concerned............................

    ....................... but - I'm not sure if Nottingham Forest has a better goalkeeper than Matt Turner................... What - did you think I was talking about Jake ?
  17. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Too many chiefs - not enough 'Indians' !

    So, Gills are 2/3 of the way into yet another transfer window without any sign of a player who can worry the opposition goal !

    I understand that finding 20+ goals strikers is like looking for hen's teeth..... and I am realistic enough to accept what permanent recruits we can attract - BUT -

    What about the loan option ? Mahoney has proved to be a very useful addition to the squad.. THAT is the sum total of our loan activity... Surely people like Jackett, Hessenthaler, and even Clemence have enough ' contacts ' between them in the EPL and Championship, to be able to bring in a couple of young strikers who need league experience before they are ready to challenge their own teams first 11.

    I find it amazing (( especially in view of our inability to score )), that we have not tried to utilise the loan scheme to a much greater degree......What do the 'chiefs' do all day ?.... they're certainly not at the Swan Vesta factory !
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
    brb likes this.
  18. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Our only signing is we find a replacement for the one position I thought we already had covered! Where is Alexander and why is he not even on the bench?
  19. Resurgam

    Resurgam Top Analyst
    Staff Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You're more than welcome to take Idah off us.
    brb likes this.
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I used to hate hoofball.........
    You all know how many times I have 'slated' the use of Hoofball... where possession is simply thrown away (( especially if we deploy as many as one 'up front.' ))...... I could defend myself on the issue of 'possession' football - by saying that you can't score if you haven't got the ball etc....

    ...but - I have to concede that Hoofball is looking more attractive as this season grinds to a long, agonising death ! .... and, for clarification - I really cannot see how Gills will score all the time the ball is being passed from Turner / Ogie / Ehmer / Masterson then repeat, repeat, repeat. repeat. repeat, repeat. repeat, repeat (( am I boring you yet ? - at least you're not paying good money for my drivel.))

    I don't want a return to Hoofball - but - I would like to see the Gills players pass, move (reasonably quickly), pass....repeat - TOWARDS the opposition goal - where we might have a chance to score.....or is the paint-drying / grass growing crap that we have to watch designed to be soporific for the opposition ....because it sends me to sleep !

    There is a time for 'defensive' tactics ---ironically, yesterday, Ehmer failed to back-pass to Turner the one time it was the sensible option - and very nearly cost us.....

    Hoofball is not the definitive answer - nor is Clemball - there has to be a better 'balance' - but - at least with Hooball, there is a sliver of hope that the ball might reach our ' Lone Ranger' who stands a better chance of scoring if the ball is in the same time zone as the opposition goal.

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