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The search begins

Discussion in 'Reading' started by SuffolkRoyal, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. trixter_whufc

    trixter_whufc New Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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  2. Tilehurstsouthbank

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Imagine this scenario: Adkins takes over at Reading, Reading survive by finishing in 17th place, Saints finish in 18th and are relegated. I'd laugh my b*llocks off! :D

    ELLERS Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    So would i with arrogant twats like CraigSFC. He is a new fan and knows nothing about anything.
    Getting back to the manager thing, i think short term PDC would be best but realistically Adkins/RDM/GP would do a good job long term. <ok>
  4. CraigSFC

    CraigSFC Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    No need to cry mate, your club is the smallest in premier league, on par with Wigan, nothing to be ashamed of, too many clubs in London for small club QPR to compete, I don't say saints are a big club at all just a lot bigger than QPR, 18k hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha averaged more than that in league 1, tinpot tinpot tinpot tinpot, dry your eyes, and away support wise we have sold out almost every away game this season, shame the same can't be said about tinpot QPR
  5. Tilehurstsouthbank

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Think you'll find that QPR have pretty much been 99% full every home game. I'm sure if the Loft was bigger, they'd still sell out. Ellers is also a long time fan and hasn't just started supporting his club in the last 3 years like your good self.
  6. CraigSFC

    CraigSFC Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    I've been supporting saints for the past 19 years so work that one out u absolute numpty, I've only joined this recently, so I'm a new supporter aswell, brilliant ha ha. QPR would not fill 32k each week no chance as for reading who have empties every week in a 24k stadium and half the fans are united or the opposition fans
  7. SuffolkRoyal

    SuffolkRoyal Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    I'm surprised to hear you've supported Southampton for 19 years, considering you only sound about 10 years old.
  8. CraigSFC

    CraigSFC Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Didnt know you could hear me on this thread
  9. trixter_whufc

    trixter_whufc New Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Readings average attendance this season is 23,925. Their ground holds 24,200.

    QPRs average attendance this season is 17,886. Their ground holds 18,360.

    Both averages are only a few hundred short of full capacity and bearing in mind some seats are usually not used for security, I think it's fair to say that both clubs could easily fill bigger grounds.

    Southampton s average is 30,520. That's over 2,000 short of their 32,689 maximum capacity.

    Southampton are probably the bigger club of the 3 but I don't think anyone is disputing that. Also, as you quite rightly said, you have very little competition for fans in your vicinity, whereas QPR are competing for fans with 5 premier league clubs and 4 championship clubs within a 10 mile radius of themselves.

    I don't know what has happened to Southampton fans. I always liked them as a club, but there are more and more of them claiming they will be in Europe and winning trophies within a few years. I don't know where all the optimism is coming from because as far as I can see, if they lose their next 2 games (Liverpool and Chelsea) they will almost certainly be in the drop zone and will be bottom of the premier league form guide with a non English speaking manager who may well be out of his depth.
  10. Dell Boy

    Dell Boy Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Saints fan in peace - Dont know about all these Saints fan's claiming 'we will be in Europe and winning trophies within a few years' I haven't seen then? most off us are enjoying the return to the premiership, but nervous of the chasing pack?
    What I have noticed is that you are fairly prominent in you attempts to wind up various fans against rival teams.
    Good luck Reading, hope we are both there next year?

  11. SuffolkRoyal

    SuffolkRoyal Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    I think most Reading fans are realistic enough to accept that we're as good as down. We have neither the players, nor the nous, to get out of our predicament. And the current managerial situation doesn't help our cause.

    So it will be interesting to see how it pans out for the other three or four teams in or around the drop zone. Two weeks ago I would have said Rangers would definitely be joining us but Redknapp now seems to have them fired up to make a real fight of it.
  12. ELLERS

    ELLERS Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    From that post if you are older than 12 you really need to get a life but then after seeing your fans 2 weeks ago i can see why. TBH you need to check your history and as for away 'sell outs' i thought the 3100 Rangers were so much better than your 'fire drill' lot.
    Heard all this stuff before about 'bigger' clubs and what they will do. But tbh other than our stadium (which we are sorting) i don't see you as any bigger than us. <ok>
    Now go away before i get out my old programmes and embarrass you with some of your away support at LR, unlike you i have been watching football for more years and remember when you couldn't even fill half a tier.
    Muppet of the week award
  13. Stellaman

    Stellaman Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Portsmouth is the biggest club on the south coast,just getting over a little local difficulty thats all.Good luck to them in their plight.
  14. trixter_whufc

    trixter_whufc New Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    So Southampton haven't spoken of European ambitions in the short/medium term?

    I find it pretty laughable that you could even contemplate this level of success as if safety this season is just a formality.

    If Reading appoint Adkins, everyone in football will want them to stay up in your place. I don't care for him much ( always found him a bit smug and smirky) but the way your chairman treated him was pretty poor.
  15. Dell Boy

    Dell Boy Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Think our friend trixter is permanently on transmit rather than receive?
    YES we all agree or chairman did treat Nigel very, very poorly [read comments on Saints forum].
    NO we the fans do not all think Europe and winning trophies is a formality in the coming seasons, survival is clearly the order of the day. [read comments on Saints forum].
    Two mouths and one ear.
  16. trixter_whufc

    trixter_whufc New Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    You mis-read what I said. I said Southampton are speaking of Europe in the coming seasons as if safety this season is just a formality.

    You are denying your fans are speaking and thinking this way? Your forum is full of claims that under Cortese you are destined for big things. It's not just the Southampton fans. Puncheon was saying just the other day that the club is aiming for Europe. An outrageous thing to speak of when you still have a lot of work to do to stay up this season.

    Everyone liked Southampton before. Now I think most would like to see your chairmans behaviour backfire.
  17. Dell Boy

    Dell Boy Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Must admit our chairman worries me to!!! He's a ruthless, hard nosed business man and not very pleasant with it, but he was our savior when we were hours from oblivion and he has a master plan that is being followed, or else. He also appears to have the financial clout to move the club forward?
    I for one, wouldn't want to argue with him.
  18. CraigSFC

    CraigSFC Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    So spending 27 years consecutive in the top flight of England from 1978-2005, 6th longest in England, and winning the fa cup more than you and have a bigger fan base than you, doesn't make us bigger than QPR? Am I missing something? Remind me how many QPR took to man city this season, never seen so many empties in my life, would dread to think how much u take elsewhere, Southampton is just down the road so that's why you only just about filled 3k, and if you want to slate our away support, try selling out on a Sunday early kick off re scheduled game at Newcastle away, we did, you wouldn't fact. Bye
  19. Tilehurstsouthbank

    Mar 28, 2011
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    For a bloke claiming to be a long time fan- hence a grown up, you don't half love the 'My dad could beat up your dad' annalogies mate. Are you challenged?
  20. ELLERS

    ELLERS Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
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    If you are that big a club as you say, why did you average 17K in 2008? Answers on a postcard please.

    Listen Craig i have nothing against Saints as they are a nice southern port team and i like the coast, but thats it. You are a coast team and always will be. You will never be a real big club because you are based in Southampton. Simple as that.
    As for the Man City game we didn't take that many because it was a late kick off and a live game. Fulham only took 190 for an afternoon Kick off!

    As for our away support it's actually one of the highest per home fans. example we took 3000 to Saints and we have 15/16K home fans. You get 30K at home but would never take 6K away? Even when we were in League One and crap we virtually sold out most away games and regually took 1500/2000K away.
    But tbh i don't care because i know our away support is one of the best and most loyal/consistant. You just need to worry about your club and it's good that a coast team is doing well, but don't give it the 'big one' because i have never looked at you as a big club. <ok>

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