How're you finding it hard? The ability to be two dimensional when you have your back to the wall is ridiculous - you can shoot people and they genuinely have no idea where you are! And the Typhoon has to be the most OP ability of any game anywhere, ever! With recharging energy cells you can pretty much blow up anything you come across.
You do make decisions in it that affect the game, but is more of a survival Apocalypse game. Pulls you into the story and is a good game.
I may just need time to get a grip of the controls and abilities, I've been running around in Farcry 3 and now I seem to have to take my time and do everything from cover, suppose it's like that with any new game.
Aye that's true - it does have quite a steep learning curve. I found it a bit of a struggle at first to figure out all the patterns and arcs of vision, but then it just clicked and I was rampaging around kicking seven shades out of everything. Tis a very weird game in places, like the way everyone else gets frozen in time whilst you are taking enemies out. Makes it very easy to take out crowds of enemies once you have upgraded your energy cells.
Was playing Skyrim this weekend and that hoe bag Lydia disappeared. Some other follower for a quest I was doing attacked her and so she attack backed and got injured. She wasn't dead I checked. Came back for her after and she was gone. No body or anything. Bitch had a bunch of items on her. I spent a while online trying to find out how to fix it. I then came across a video that reminded me of sweats. Some dude had married and then killed every female possible. He then put them in chairs around the house and there detached heads on a shelf as trophies. Pretty creepy. Anyone else see anything for Elder Scrolls online? I signed up to try and get in the beta.
Only just started just done the 1st mission in the lab so haven,t seen any of that yet. It seems a well thought out game I may get the 2nd one if it is good all the way through, reminds me of Mass Effect.
I played Skyrim for ages even went as far as to have a cheese room 100's of bits of cheese all in a room, when I opened the door they would spill everywhere. It was at this point that I decided to stop playing.
When you say the 2nd one, do you mean Invisible War? Wouldn't recommend that one - it's a bit ****y compared to the original and HR. It's almost impossible to sneak anywhere or do any proper sneaky takedowns, so you end up just fighting everyone with guns. Which is ok, but not what you pick Deus Ex for.
Don't know I was just aware that there was more than one, looks like I'll avoid it then. Getting the hang of things now, really good game.