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Off Topic The Official:TV-Show-Movie-Games Thread

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by BCR, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    andor - latest episode is again more interesting than the initial ones. I thought this one established the character more in terms of his abilities and you start to like him too much. Its a shame we know how he gets snuffed in rogue 1 almost.

    Unlike solo the movie this tv series is a much better way to establish a characters back story. Its a shame that its after the final movie.

    At this point i do wonder if these type of shows need to establish the character and then deliver the big movie as the big budget boom everyone has to see. I'm already thinking i need to see rogue 1 again after this series is done, which was unexpected after the first 3 or 4 rather dull episodes. not sure who the clown of an imperial officer kid is cos frankly brign him along probabaly made them boring so the pay off there is to drop yet.
  2. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Rings of power

    so suspending all thoughts of pompeii and pyroclasic flows and that, i still find it a bit odd how this ends up as adar escaping and not that.many dying

    the halbrand "wound" is very odd and would be an extremely extremely disappointing means to get "sauron" in contact with the elves.

    Aside from that it was a good bit of work in creating the aftermath and that.

    The hobbit storyline was a little bit disappointing too. We have our little heroine tell us she was dead wrong going and sticking her nose in stuff then right hfter jump up and stick her nose roght back in amd cause a.massive disaster for her whole tribe.

  3. Garlic Klopp

    Garlic Klopp Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Finished Am I Being Unreasonable, 8/10. Won't tell you the plot as it would ruin it. Black comedy well worth a watch
    moreinjuredthanowen likes this.
  4. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Rewatched The Thin Red Line 7.8/10
  5. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    Yeah, a bit of a let down episode after the previous episode. Not that it didn't have it's issues, but it was more fun.
  6. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I don't know about let down but it did revert to having all the stories at once so that might have been the issue. Had they really spent the time with the hobbits and elves that would improve both stories. the southlands part and all of that clearly had to be forced in there but they could have have another show there just for that bit.

    the finding of halbrand was so badly done it left fake or forced or something. how convenient is what i thought
  7. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    Have you seen the trailer for next week? If you have:

    three mystic weird-transexual-vibe magic users are in it and say the words "you are Sauron", doesn't show who they're talking to, but suggests Sauron will be revealed in the next episode. They're looking for the meteor man, but doesn't mean it's him...
  8. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    well..... i had not.

    is this it?

    they don't really say it as much as its said when they are on the screen

    theres so much bloody in it and theres only 8 episodes? Cleary another 3 or 4 would have improved this massively.

    It seems to skip forward massively if fromm here they are making rings. I would be extremely put out if they went form blowing the roof off a mountain then never seeing one bit of the elves being convinced to make a ring to "making rings"

    the things we know are the hobbits were somewhere close enough that their apple trees were burned by mordor's creation (we presume its lumps from mount doom that did this

    we know the stranger was sent away by the hobbits who then stupidly tell the three which way he went and get the big tell that these are bad guys or some sort (“The Dweller,” “The Ascetic,” and “The Nomad”) we know these ae also non canon characters created specifically for this rings of power show. as such they could literally do anything.

    this seems to place the stranger close enough to mordor now to be a possible candidate BUT how on earth can this person convince an elf to make a ring.

    We also have the elf mystery of mythril which seems to be a major talking point and possible reason to create the rings but again, this seems to be conflating two stories to bring in the doom of the mines of moria which is a bit confusing tbh.

    this then brings us back again to galadriel who's given us a big clue with her talk to the kid about her husband whos not been seen for ages. guess whos the minor ring maker that sauron convinces/lies to in the lore. and if so then again we circle back to the character of halbrand who is again a non canon character inserted into this show for the purpose of whatever....

    galadriel and halbrand conveniently ride off into the sunset figuratively to go to the elves for this "healing". now this would be weak as piss and very poor imo.

    She dives into the ocean, somehow is recused by the very person who shes hunted for centuries, is taken to numinor where he doesn't want to leave but then leaves blah blah blah.

    No for me this needed a few more episodes this season justto work the different story lines better to come to a better more faithful depiction.

    we then

  9. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    IMO.... these shows love to drop hints as they go and little things said are weaved in specifically to be referred back to.

    The original image for GoT has the raven sitting on the throne with sean bean 10 seasons and 12 year of pain later and bran is the king of the 6 kingdoms.

    so what did adar say in the previous episode. "split him open. I killed Sauron," a play on words. this therefore hints that suaron couldn't be found as in fact he is two... or three.. different people and is seeking to be rejoined. = the 3 cultists.

    This linked massively to halbrand as he's such an obvious insertion and convenient king of southlands that never wanted to go back and had history with adar etc.

    This however gives us a clear issue with the lore. Celebrimbor is looking Mithril, he has not mentioned one bloody iota about making rings. So has he met Sauron as Annatar already? this is absolutely fundamental to following the lore or we might as well throw everything out.

    So with galadreil taking halbrand right to the scene of the ring making..... well.... this seems to be an obvious mechanism to bring the characters together.

    They do love to tease us though as the stranger comes back in as the lore again tells us clearly gandalf and wizards were sent to fight sauron after the rings were made not before. so he also doesn't fit neatly into the convenient grey cloth and friend to hobbits trope the show has sold us so far. he just doesn't fit well in lore.

    Overall I'd just be very disappointed to rind that several characters will merge now to form sauron in some magicky thing

    if we look back to show 1. King Gil-galad tells Elrond he’ll be working with Lord Celebrimbor on a new project.

    Show 2 sees Celebrimbor start the whole thing in motion with elrond and the dwarves as h is intent on making something and wants a forge made by the dwarves "quickly" so this says to me at least he's already been influenced by sauron somehow. We also know fundamentally suaron much "touch" the rings for dwarves and men to corrupt them, then return to mount doom to make the one ring but Celebrimbor will make the 3 elf rings in secret and they will be uncorrupted. at some point the big reveal everyone is looking for is this corruption.

    show 4 sees Celebrimbor send elrond back to the dwarves to figure out whats going on and this leads to discovery of the mthril that the dwarves are hiding

    show then sees us back again with Celebrimbor no saying the light of elves is fading. so while this guy is actually very peripheral in terms of screen time he is driving the entire thing along on this story arch

    only one character is headed for the elves right now and that's halbrand, we know galadreil is no sauron as she is the eventual lady in the woods in LOTR and will bear a ring alongside elrond.

    So I can only conclude that at some far distant point in the past (the books say over 100s of year,300?) that this influencing was done by sauron in disguise and infact this was done before thi show ever started. the issue is how does suaron corrupt these rings when they are made... .well in person of course!

    so lets see but it seems to me that the show has missed a few tricks. esp the last episode that spent so long whittering on about mordor only to have halbrand mysterious "turn up" with a septic wound with zero bloody explaination.
  10. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    Very much insinuates we will know who Sauron is and see a ring start to be forged in the last episode. Probably the two last scenes of the episode. They could of course have it completely off screen who Sauron is revealed to be...

    Then an estimated two years until season 2 plays. <laugh>
    moreinjuredthanowen likes this.

  11. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    i'd be absolutely ridiculous if it takes 2 years to go 8 new shows.

    anyway... only time ill tell i suppose.
  12. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    They're already in pre production. I think it's the post production, all the computer graphics and special effects that take them so long.
  13. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I'd suggest nobody will be watching the next series if it takes that long. all the actors will be geriatrics before they get through at that rate.

    It'd make sense that the kid who was the southlander will be all grown up and the young man playing isildur will be and old man before they are finished <laugh>
  14. Zanjinho

    Zanjinho Boom!
    Forum Moderator

    Sep 10, 2014
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    jaffaklopp likes this.
  15. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    5 seasons. Every other year. Four to go, means: Finish 8 years from now. Don't forget season one took three years to complete. I've noticed it's become fairly common for shows to take 18months or more between seasons now.
  16. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Can't be doing with that at the level of story telling n show. It's all very nice as such visually but the sroty telling has to be epic.

    Its like reading Martin and game of thrones. Don't sart his book series unless its fully finished as you can't tell if he's going to be dead before its done.

    8 years from now? lol.... forget it. the 3 movies didn't take that long to be made and issued did they?
  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    not thats rings of fire.

  18. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    I read Game of Thrones back in university. Was working in a book store at the time. This one guy who used to buy a couple of fantasy novels every week managed to convince my 65 (guess) year old coworker (who only read mystery and adventure novels) to read it saying it was the best book he ever read, and she loved it and convinced me to read it. I figured if even a 65 year old woman who doesn't like fantasy loved it, it must be good. <laugh>

    If I knew that over 20 years later the books still wouldn't be complete, I don't think I would have bothered. I'll be older than my coworker was, by the time the books are done.

    He's never going to finish them now. He's going to die and some middle-weight author will finish them off and do a ham-fisted job.
  19. Garlic Klopp

    Garlic Klopp Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Like Kingsley Amis did with Ian Fleming's half finished last Bond book, Colonel Sun. You can tell when reading it which bits are IF and which are KA. Read it when I was about 12 as well!
    Turbia Milk likes this.
  20. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    Not read that one. But, I was a fan of Gary Jennings' Aztec series of books. I think it was the third or fourth one I was reading and I got a few chapters in and thought "this doesn't seem right,", so I paid more attention to the slip inside the book and found out that it was actually written by someone else on behalf of Gary Jennings. I don't recall if he was no longer alive, or just got lazy and sold his name to another author. Wasn't as good. Wasn't terrible, it just wasn't as good.

    I know other authors regularly sell their name like, most of Ludlum's books aren't actually written by him.

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