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The Official Not606 Match Thread: Liverpool Vs Tottenham Hotspur. (Premier League)

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Chris., Feb 3, 2012.


What will be the result of Monday's game between Liverpool & Tottenham Hotspur?

  1. Liverpool Win.

  2. Draw.

  3. Tottenham Hotspur Win.

Multiple votes are allowed.
Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. The artist JerryChristmas

    The artist JerryChristmas "Massive old member"

    Jul 3, 2011
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    I thought we played ok but as is so often the case we were let down by a lack of quality out wide. I said before the game that I thought if Kuyt played then he had to be at his best and unfortunately he wasn't. Johnson defended well but his attacking instincts on the left are curtailed considerably and whilst working very hard both Bellamy and Carroll didn't quite do enough to break down what is a very good Spurs back line (not for want of trying though in fairness to both of them). Defensively we coped manfully with the Spurs attack and rarely gave them a glimpse so yet again that is something that will breed confidence. Again Spearing carried out his defensive duties well but I felt both he and Adam failed to give us much going forward in terms of genuine craft. Stevie G wasn't at his best either unfortunately but still saw enough from him to make me damn glad he's back in the team <ok>

    Overall a game we shaded in terms of chances and possession and a couple of half decent penalty shouts but I can't really argue that a draw wasn't a fair result overall. Not much to write home about as a game but equally I didn't see too much to complain about in terms of commitment and effort from the players so came away feeling a tad frustrated with the result but pretty positive as to the direction we're headed.
  2. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    IMO banter on another board is ok, as long as you have a point and are willing to listen to the responses from the board you are posting on.

    We get wums on the Liverpool board a lot and many of our guys get pissed off with it. Works both ways.

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