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Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by El_Bando, May 29, 2016.

  1. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver:
    Worst Driver:
    Best Rookie:
    Best Team:
    Worst Team:
    Best Overtake:

    Most Surprising Result:
    Least Surprising Result:
    Funniest moment:
    Excuse of the week:

    Special Mention:
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: ?/10
  2. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Hamilton
    Worst Driver:Hamilton
    Best Rookie: Rossi
    Best Team:Hamilton
    Worst Team:Hamilton
    Best Overtake:Hamilton on Hamilton

    Most Surprising Result: Rossi
    Least Surprising Result:Hamilton
    Funniest moment:Hamilton
    Excuse of the week:Hamilton

    Special Mention:Hamilton
    Best post from the race thread: The Hamilton one
    Race Rating:Hamilton/10
  3. fevriul

    fevriul Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I await the response from the usual suspects :)
  4. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Jus' being a fan-boy. ;)
  5. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Best Driver: Ricciardo
    Worst Driver: Nasr, though quite a lot of others have a shout ignoring a team order then hitting your team-mate....
    Best Rookie: Wehrlein
    Best Team: Mercedes
    Worst Team:Red bull, they lost a race they should've won by a mile
    Best Overtake: Verstappen on button

    Most Surprising Result: Perez in 3rd
    Least Surprising Result: That trying to put someone in the wall is considered 'fair' by fans of a particular driver if he's the one doing it.
    Funniest moment: I found the Saubers amusing
    Excuse of the week:

    Special Mention: Perez, Alonso
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 6/10
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  6. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Best Driver: Perez. Just. Why "just"? Well firstly, it was a major achievement; and from a driver's perspective, Hamilton was better than Ricciardo, in my opinion – despite the latter being enormously unfortunate to suffer further incompetence from his team which all but robbed him of what should have been a second victory. However, for this award, Hamilton is virtually there with Perez. Despite probably being grateful for starting under the Safety Car (so far this season, his standing starts have been poor), he was very influential in the call to stay out on wets and thereby gave the racing gods a chance to roll the dice. The difference between 'inspired gamble' and 'genius' is usually measured in the result of one's actions when both appear at odds with 'normal' thinking. But after Ricciardo's bungled pitstop, Hamilton's defence in the slower car was almost impeccable. Nonetheless, I'll doff my cap to Perez this time.

    Worst Driver: Several. But Räikkönen. He takes this for his total disregard for others in the aftermath of his own, novice-like error. Verstappen (see below). Rosberg (too slow in wet). Kvyat. Nasr (should have obeyed team orders immediately). Ericcson (for trying to force the issue with his incompliant team mate).

    Best Rookie: No doubt someone will remind me but it wasn't Palmer.

    Best Team: Force India.

    Worst Team: Sauber. After that, Ferrari - especially given their very compliant chassis with a supposedly improved engine, the hype and the weather.

    Best Overtake: This is Monaco. There aren't many. It could be argued that any overtake here is more a case of error from the victim, rather than a magnificent achievement from the victor; but if a choice is to be made, Verstappen on Button into the swimming pool was opportunistic, ambitious, well-judged and successful – albeit with a better car on better tyres at the end of the DRS zone.

    Most Surprising Result: Force India beating Ferrari hands down.

    Least Surprising Result: 'Hero to zero' is a common theme. I wasn't surprised at Verstappen having a very poor weekend straight after his momentous victory. Monaco is the most ruthless motor-racing venue of them all.

    Funniest moment: Stupidity isn't funny. Neither is a complete disregard for racing etiquette or fellow drivers. Räikkönen was not funny.

    Excuse of the week: In lieu of his bizarre antics, Räikkönen's communication with the stewards. (Yes, this is a complete guess because after far too much booze, I momentarily lost interest in what he's said).

    Special Mention: Ricciardo. Robbed. Again.

    Best post from the race thread: Will edit this after further perusal. I iknow there was one which I thought was grreat, so will come back to edit in a few minutes (if I don't fall over first). [Edit: BLS has now posted two video clips which provide some rationale to the inevitable passion surrounding one incident in particular. For this reason alone, I think this award should go to BLS]

    Race Rating: 8.15/10

    - - -o0o- - -

    P.S. Apologies for excess alcohol are always weaker than the substance. Nevertheless, I humbly offer it without editing the evidence!
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  7. Sportista

    Sportista Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Ricciardo (easy choice)
    Worst Driver: Ericsson (very tough choice)
    Best Rookie: Haryanto seemed to stay out of trouble more than Wehrlein and when else will I get to vote for him?
    Best Team: Force India (easy choice)
    Worst Team: Red Bull
    Best Overtake: Not sure I saw any worthy of particular mention

    Most Surprising Result: Force India
    Least Surprising Result: Palmer straight into the wall as soon as the safety car went in.
    Funniest moment: Didn't spot one, Pirelli tyres pretty comedic though.
    Excuse of the week: One run not enough to beat a pole time set on the first run.

    Special Mention: Engineers of reverse gears, getting to show off their work.
    Best post from the race thread: TBA
    Race Rating: ?/10: 5/10
  8. BrightLampShade

    BrightLampShade Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Best Driver: Ricciardo, faultless weekend but let down at a key point by the team.
    Worst Driver: Joint for the Saubers. Also Kimi and Rosberg were not at the races today with no excuse given their experience.
    Best Rookie: Wehrlein by default?
    Best Team: Force India
    Worst Team: Red Bull
    Best Overtake: Hulk on the line for cheekiness

    Most Surprising Result: The Force India's owning it
    Least Surprising Result: Forum aside.... I'd say the number of drivers binning it
    Funniest moment: :emoticon-0127-lipss
    Excuse of the week: Sorry Ricky, but the tyres were really far away....

    Special Mention: VSC, good use of it this weekend to keep the race going 'fairly'. Perez obviously, Alonso obviously, Hamilton obviously. 4 of the top 5 had crackers, and if Vettel had cleared that Williams earlier then we could have had even more excitement.
    Best post from the race thread: Didn't really follow it too much as I knew the way the race was going would be upsetting some.
    Race Rating: 8/10 - As Monaco races go.
  9. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I'd find it hard not to agree with any of that <ok>

    Same for me please.
  10. Smithers

    Smithers Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Best Driver: Ricciardo, did everything right but it just wasn't to be.
    Worst Driver: Kimi, Nsar, Palmer..... But I'm going to go for Verstappen, wasted the best car in Quali and the race.
    Best Rookie: Wehrlein
    Best Team: FI
    Worst Team: Ferrari & McLaren. Ferrari for their pace deficit where grunt is less applicable and McLaren for no apparent gains on the pace deficit. Alonso lost the thick end of a minute on one dry tyre stint?
    Best Overtake: Verstappen on button

    Most Surprising Result: Lewis not on pole
    Least Surprising Result: Merc winning and the inconsistency of race decisions right or wrong.
    Funniest moment: I found the Saubers amusing
    Excuse of the week: Cold brakes for Nico and Lewis moaning about one run in Quali when Riccardo did his fastest on his "banker lap" - made even more ironic by Benson's first practise session wet pants piece.

    Special Mention: Perez and Lewis
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 8/10 Suprisingly good
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
    EternalMSC likes this.

  11. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: I think riccardo bottled it after the door was close don him but he was consistently fast. hamilton did well to get ultras to do so many laps. the perez shouts are very well made too.
    Worst Driver: raikkonen was seriously idiotic but eric and nsar as specials...
    Best Rookie: Wehrlein
    Best Team: Mercedes - got it right IMO.
    Worst Team:Red bull. I agree on all counts horrendeous error
    Best Overtake: meh. it was monaco

    Most Surprising Result: Perez
    Least Surprising Result: Red bull managed to blow it...
    Funniest moment: Saubers
    Excuse of the week: Kimi thinking his car was fine...

    Special Mention: Perez
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 5/10

    my rating is 5 cos the start form a safety car while SENSIBLE was BORING and i wanted carnage.
  12. eddie_squidd

    eddie_squidd Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Ricciardo, did nothing wrong and but for his team's error should have won it.
    Worst Driver: Raikkonen. I enjoy his occasional comical episodes but that messed up the race for several other drivers.
    Best Rookie:
    Best Team: Mercedes in good strategy shocker.
    Worst Team: Red Bull. Robbed their own driver.
    Best Overtake: There were overtakes?

    Most Surprising Result: Perez on the podium. An entertaining race!
    Least Surprising Result: Nico below par.
    Funniest moment: Would say Kimi but for the effect on other drivers, so probably the Saubers.
    Excuse of the week: Ricciardo's tyres were "trapped".

    Special Mention: Hamilton deserved it too, but needed that one bit of luck to capitalise on. Perez done good. A few very good drives in there.
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: ?/10 8/10
  13. Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Best Driver: Ricciardo
    Worst Driver: Rosberg - Sure the ones who crashed probably did drive worse, but nobody was as far from expecations as Nico. Holding up Force India's in a car thats the best on the grid by a mile. Pitiful.
    Best Rookie: Erm...Haryanto? Didn't **** anything up IIRC.
    Best Team: Force India. Big step forward.
    Worst Team: McLaren. Big step to exactly the same place they've been for a year.
    Best Overtake: Hulk on Rosberg

    Most Surprising Result: Perez 3rd
    Least Surprising Result: Verstappen in the wall.
    Funniest moment: Red Bull calamities.
    Excuse of the week: Hamilton blaming not getting pole on having only one lap, that was slower than Ricciardo's first lap.

    Special Mention: Alonso, bit lucky, but great drive anyway, likewise with Hamilton.
    Race Rating: 6/10 - 10/10 for the first half and 2 out of 10 for the second half.
    EternalMSC likes this.
  14. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I agree with all of Julius' post. So second that.

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