Sincere condelences to you too Emu. It is my mums 80th Birthday today. After her severe stroke on 4th July it was far from certain we would see this and it really brings home, make the most of every day and never take your loved ones for granted.
Condolances to you and your family pal.. Not a good thing to go through at all. Great to hear you had time with him on Christmas day though. That will be a fond memory of him I am sure for you and your son.
Eire, Emu - Just awful news on the passing of both Dads. They are now both at peace. Remember the good times, it does get easier.
Condolences to the both of you. my best mate also lost his Mother too Jan 3rd. Hold those memories close to your heart lads and to everyone never be afraid or embarrassed to tell people in your life you Love them.
Condolences Eire and Emu. We know it will come one day but it doesn’t lessen the loss. RIP to your dads.
Off topic, but absolutely awesome! Hope it works.. oldie I think but this is the first time I’ve seen it!
This is absolute quality along with Bucket Man plus a few others. Can't believe you've only just heard it.