Less and less games to go Gasheads and your last 5 are tough. No new stadium, no fans, not enough points.... Bye! Goin down, goin down, goin down....
The gas are going down the gas are going down and now your going to believe us now your going to believe us now your going to believe us the gas are going down!
i hope your wrong. now were actually making an effort, nothing worse than having false hopes! its annoying though that these same players were happy to not perform to get rid of penney. lack of professionalism and lack of respect to the fans who stuck with them.
All over us like a rash eh lads? Wonder if David James is spending all your money on cars? When money bags decides he has had enough of your boring football club, you will be heading down to league two quicker than I can say Bristol city are **** Hows your new stadium coming along???
Heading down to league 2, you and you're rugby club will know all about that!! Hey, considering you've come back to life after two months of hiding, can you get CJS back please??????????
course i will come back. im here. i just been commenting on the official forum about our matters. i dont get time these days to visit all forums.