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The General Conversation Thread

Discussion in 'Norwich City' started by Forgot_My_Lines, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Tony_Munky_Canary

    Tony_Munky_Canary Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    Sorry but this is tosh as well. If you really think 10% of UK Muslims support FGM, hanging gays and stoning women then I'm afraid you are incredibly out of touch with reality my friend, dear me.

    For someone who has openly expressed his dislike for the Daily Mail in the past I find it somewhat odd to find you spreading its propaganda for it.

    And rather than looking to simply blame all of Islam for the evil that has been committed in its name by a tiny proportion of its billion or so followers (nothing even like 1%!!), why not point at least some of the blame at your hero Tony Blair and other western leaders who poked the hornet's nest and created this monster following disastrous foreign policies over the past 15 years? Whilst of course I have absolute, 100% sympathy for the innocent victims of this abhorrent act of terrorism, I certainly didn't change my Facebook profile to la tricolore as my sympathy isn't with France (how many innocents have been killed during their bombing campaigns in Syria and the Middle East?) as a nation, rather the people caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  2. Tony_Munky_Canary

    Tony_Munky_Canary Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    Fair do's chaps, my bad <doh>
  3. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    No worries mate. It's Sunday. We are all allowed our slow moments :emoticon-0105-wink:

    THURNBY YELLOW Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    No probs fella, it is all too sad though and God knows where we go from here!
  5. Tony_Munky_Canary

    Tony_Munky_Canary Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    It is indeed mate, I just don't understand how and why anybody would want to commit such tragedies upon anyone else, it is completely alien to me, and it saddens me so much that there are such people breathing the same air I do.

    We mustn't forget however that these kind of things go on around the world every day, 40 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack in Beirut the very same day as the Paris attacks, and just because that story barely made it into our news doesn't make the tragedy of those who lost their lives their any less important just because they are on the other side of the world and have different colour skin and way of life.
    THURNBY YELLOW likes this.
  6. Tony_Munky_Canary

    Tony_Munky_Canary Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    I'm not going to comment any more on the subject, don't really want to be falling out with anyone over such a tragic and potentially world changing event, only to say my heartfelt sympathies go out to those affected, and let's hope they get the bastards who did it.

    DHCanary and JM Fan like this.
  7. chinacanary

    chinacanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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  8. Cruyff's Turn

    Cruyff's Turn Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    That is a very interesting article. One phrase I noticed was this : "Slavery, crucifixion and beheadings are not something that freakish jihadists are cherry picking from medieval tradition.IS fighters are smack in the middle of medieval tradition and are bringing it wholesale into the present day". I find the Islam deniers and those who seek to separate the current behaviour from mainstream (albeit Sunni tradition because they seek to kill all Shiites too) starry eyed idealists. It is no good appeasing them, they won't be appeased in exactly the same way as Hitler would not be appeased and for exactly the same reasons, they are driven by a higher order.

    It is a problem of religion . All religion is a manifestation of mental illness. The mild mannered vicar greeting his flock on a Sunday morning is equally infected, but it is a benign infection. Islam is of a quite different strain and in the case of this current threat the only person with the vision to combat it is the much reviled Putin.
    THURNBY YELLOW and KIO like this.
  9. chinacanary

    chinacanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Not sure about mental illness - cultural illness perhaps? Anyway agree in part about Putin being the crusader - he's made the role for himself
  10. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Good read that. As it frequently slated the military tactics of the west, I was curious what it was going to recommend. Interesting that it thought that the current tactics were close to the right ones, whether that's by design or chance on the part of those planning it.

    To try and address CT's mixed mental illness/infection analogy:

    All religious texts were written by the standards of the time, and I think you'd struggle to find much in them which would have been considered genuinely progressive when written. As an admittedly sweeping statement, I don't think strict adherence to any religious text is compatible with modern society. So I don't think you can call Christianity and Islam different strains.

    I think partly the perceived difference comes from media coverage.* There have been recent school shootings in the USA, and other atrocities in the western world, which if you wanted to you could describe the culprit as a radical Christian. That's rarely the media line though, it's mental illness, or nationalism, or a lone wolf. They're never identified as being part of a wider movement. If the Westboro Baptist Church do something, it's never simply described as radical Christians.

    But with Islam, the boundaries aren't drawn. You don't see the media describing attacks as being from Salafi Jihadists (a description that fits Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda and ISIS), they're branded radical muslim groups, or similar. The whole spectrum of Islam gets tarred with the same brush. We don't ask the Church of England to condemn the Catholic church for their position on something, or stick a microphone under the nose of the nearest Vicar and get him to criticise Anders Brevik. But the distinction isn't made when it involves denominations of Islam.

    To me, it seems like there is a simplistic view of Islam propagated by the media*, that all Muslims believe exactly the same things, and differ only on whether they're prepared to carry things out or not. It's like saying Christians all agree with stoning homosexuals but just don't want to get their hands dirty. By treating Islam in this way, it breeds distrust of the wider Muslim community, leading to a lack of integration that can create the environment in which radicalisation can occur.

    And when it comes to radicalisation, I think the role of Saudi Arabia in funding the spread of wahhabism has been under-criticised. As a country they're positioned as an ally of the West, which seems to make politicians reluctant to apply pressure over this. But by pouring money into educating people around the world in their Wahhabi principals, they turn people to a religious creed which much more closely aligns with what ISIS believe than it agrees with the progressive western world. But for some reason this is allowed to happen.

    *I'm not trying to suggest this is always done for nefarious reasons, it can simply boil down to using terms their audience are familiar with. The population of Europe and the USA are in general much more familiar with the different denominations of Christianity, so it's less awkward to use more precise terminology. I would imagine most mainstream news outlets in "the west" are also more keen not to annoy Christians, as they most likely form a sizeable chunk of their readership.

  11. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    All the Paris activity's, I don't want to seem like I don't care. Obviously I do, But trying to add a bit of lighter content to the forum as well as the serious. I Keep posting off that topic. Not because I don't care, but I just don't want this all to be the doom.

    I am buying games for Christmas. I Have siblings and cousins coming over (so young, drinking, stupid games) I have my friends (will pretty much be the same needs) but also have family coming over so need fun, normal games.

    So far I have bought for youngsters: Cards Against Humanity (amazing), Drink Dice, Drunken Tower (Jenga with drink instructions on), Drink game drink matts.

    For mature guests: Who's in the bag, Charades, True or not, General knowledge quiz.

    Any favorite games, card games, drinking games etc, that you guys love that I can look into?
  12. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Cards Against Humanity is fantastic with people who haven't played it before. British expansion pack is a good addition to it too.
  13. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I played it on a stag do in June. First time I played it. It was awesome, we had such a laugh. Everyone who didn't win the round, had to drink. Got really messy, but was laughing so much. I bought it for Christmas, but also bought the first expansion pack, to make it a bit different.

    Only thing I found really annoying. I got really crap cards throughout, but made some really funny things that everyone laughed at coz it was so random and stupid. BUT they seemed to think. no matter the set up, if you had one of the big cards, that wins. You'll know the cards I mean. That are not the funniest because they are the wrongest cards! That's not an automatic win. I never had to judge one with one of those favorites. If i had to, I probably would have made that lose. So many times those cards won, and I was thinking:.....That doesn't work with the question...at all.
  14. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Yeah, there's definitely some cards that seem to get played and instantly win nearly any question.
  15. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    That is the only negative to the game. I think it happens the drunker you get. Even if it make no sense, the card was read out to cheers...I think playing it with more intelligent people who are maybe a little less drunk, I'm sure will be hilarious. It's a great game for when you know people who are wrong, witty and no sence of shame. That's why I loved it.
  16. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    What's my favourite colour then?

    I gave always liked a good drinking game and gave enjoyed many including:
    Coinage (bounce a coin into a central pint pot in the middle of the table with contributions from all, then nominate the drinker or be challenged if you hit above the rim)
    The famous name game (drink while you think, reverses for double name and miss a go for any one dead)
    Bunnies (not easy to explain in 500 words or less)
    Passout (a board game set up like a monopoly board, with tongue twisters and go to the bar)
    Cricket (based on some cricket gestures. 1-3 straight bat-a forward defensive with the hand, 4 the ripplie arm gesture the umpire makes for 4. 5 is a bouncer, so you must duck with your hands on your head. 6 - umpires 6 signal fingers pointing skyward. This also changes direction. 7 str bat, 8 - multiple of 4 so 4 signal, 9 str bat, 10 multiple of 5 - bouncer etc etc)

    And there is also lots of little subplots to be had, all to be held by one person ho at anytime can shout the particular word. The loser drinks and gets to control the word;
    Snipper - everyone has to hit the deck - last to hit the deck (or if it's some ones birthday stag it can be the last to cuddle/protect them)
    Jive master - starts dancing at random and everyone has to emulate said dance
    Shark attack - last to get all contact off the floor
    Thumb master - puts a thumb on the table , everyone else must do so with same thumb
    Boomerang - once thrown it's the last person to freeze bloody funny watching two people blissfully unaware when the penny finally drops

    And finally

    The peg game,
    A number if clothes pegs to be taken out with the group. Through out the evening the idea is to peg your fellow drinkers, a peg check can be called at any time but only by one or two masters. The group then has 10 seconds loudly counted down to find any pegs on them (including the masters) anyone with a peg sees off their drink seeing 7 grown men rubbing themselves up n down in a pub is bloomin funny!

  17. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Ooo and drinking with which ever hand is the opposite side to the minute hand on a clock, Magic pixies and dangerous drinking

  18. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I've never heard of most of these! I'm going to have to google them all! Thanks for the suggestions General. Any games that would be fun for boxing day with my Nan/gf's mum who has parkinsons. I've tried to get classic games. As I put the footy on for the lads, but, nice to have some games for the uninterested, that wont do drinking games or filth.
  19. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Famous Name on a rizla on the forehead of each person, must guess who you are, others cam only give you yes/no answers to your questions. Although a fairly innocent game you can take the mice a bit with who you name each other.
    I'm not sure operation would be the best choice though!

  20. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Dangerous drinking is anyone who places their drink within a fingers length of the side of the table. Be careful if you play with anyone 6ft 6in!


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