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Off Topic The "Discuss Anything Else" Thread

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by OddDog, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. QuarterMoonIII

    QuarterMoonIII Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Most of the legislation in the UK to force car manufacturers to sell a certain percentage of EVs per year – which increases year by year – will see car production totally disappear, along with the jobs. The 2024 government target is 22 per cent of cars sold being EVs. The only way to meet that is not make ICE cars as the fine is £15,000 per car and the only way to offset it is to buy EV credits from the likes of Tesla.

    EVs are too expensive for the masses and the second hand market sees them marked down two thirds. The Chinese will take over the European EV market just as they produce almost 100 per cent of solar panels and own almost all the rare earth metals needed for things like wind turbines. This at a time when “developing” nation China continues to build coal-fired power stations burning imported Australian coal.

    If the crackpot right wingers win in the European Parliament elections they can block the unelected Brussels Politburo and bring the fiasco to an end, returning some sovereignty to the nation states.

    Anybody that has any faith in the police in London must be an Islamist idiot. Every week they totally ignore the law allowing scum to march through the streets calling for a ceasefire in Gaza that Hamas terrorists would not accept when offered one by Israel. With useless Sadiq Khan in charge, why is knife crime out of control with over 100 murders in 2023, 21 teenagers? The vast majority of the dead come from ethnic minorities, as do the perpetrators. The crackpot left turn a blind eye to the failure of our institutions so the crackpot right are the only ones filling the vacuum. It is starting to look like Enoch Powell was right.
  2. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Can’t you just **** off?
  3. QuarterMoonIII

    QuarterMoonIII Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Capitalism gave you pretty much everything around you. If you want ‘Socialism’ then move to the EU. They have maxed out the German credit card and now the whole thing is coming off the rails as they will find out when the elections come around in June and the people will turn to the crazy Right not the crazy Left. If you want Communism then you are struggling for a home as you won’t find it in totalitarian China.

    Sleepy Joe Biden has made a disastrous job of his New Green Deal and other crackpot schemes and the Americans look like they will have a choice in November between the last two failed Presidents. They have not had a half decent President this century, one failure after another.
  4. QuarterMoonIII

    QuarterMoonIII Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Your usual level of intelligent debate...

    Nobody is forcing you to read it. You could just go and occupy your time in some other manner. Do you use your left hand or your right?
  5. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    <laugh><laugh> I prefer not to debate with eejits.
  6. QuarterMoonIII

    QuarterMoonIII Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Just a small problem with getting rid of stock markets and having mandatory pensions: one is dependent upon the other. As you put money into your pension, it does not just sit there for years and years accruing interest so that you can buy an annuity when you retire. Without stock markets where are businesses going to get the capital that they need to expand? Obviously some businesses fail and there are losers as well as winners. That is how Capitalism works.

    Most of the ‘poor countries’ that were ravaged by ‘rich countries’ would probably still be living a couple of centuries in the past if their former colonial masters had not brought Western technological innovation to them. The idea that we impoverished them does not really stand up to much examination. You missed off us ‘rich countries’ paying billions in reparations for enslaving the ‘poor countries’, even though this rich country was at the forefront of the drive to abolish slavery and if they want reparations they should be looking for money from Arabia and Africa, the homes of the slave traders.
  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    When you say basic wage for all, do you mean everyone gets the same wage regardless of what they do or don't do?
  8. Bustino74

    Bustino74 Thouroughbred Breed Enthusiast

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Marx, Lenin and Stalin had similar ideas, look where it took all those poor sods In the Soviet Union. Embrace Socialism and you embrace the enemies of the Open Society.
    I don't disagree there's unfairness but you try the Socialist version.
  9. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I wasn’t proposing socialism, I never used the word and my ideas are more related to making the world fairer and reduce opportunity for people to become filthy rich.

    There are certain commodities I would take out of the private sector and put into state ownership BUT run them with highly qualified and well paid professionals. Energy and housing are 2 that spring to mind. I would also look at the whole value chain of food and water from start to finish to ensure adequate supplies at affordable prices.

    Utopian I know, but that shouldn’t stifle debate.

    QM - I know it won’t work so save your energy <laugh>
    Chaninbar likes this.
  10. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    A guaranteed basic income for everyone. Lots of experiments on this over the last few years including in Finland. The results of the €560 monthly payments were rather surprising - a small increase in employment and significantly boosted multiple measures of recipients well-being. There is a good McKinsey article about it on the net (so you don’t think I’m quoting Socialist Worker or similar).
    Ron likes this.

  11. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Can you get me the GBNews version?
    Chaninbar and OddDog like this.
  12. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    What about those that don't work or have no intention of working? And I don't mean immigrants before Hitler and his mates pipe up. I mean the bottom feeders who are born and bred here that have the George cross tattooed on their bollocks, hate anything none British, are card carrying members of the EDL and have never contributed anything or worked a day in their lives? There's only so many of them that'll fit inside Elland Road.
    redcgull, rudebwoy and Chaninbar like this.
  13. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    That is a difficult one Smokey. Whilst I have no sympathy with such people I think there is a need to understand the root cause so that they (and future generations of the same ilk) can become better human beings and contribute to society. I think these behaviours get passed down from one generation to the next and of course their immediate environment (which has become much more global thanks to social media) also plays a role. Its really difficult but they need to have different inputs as children in order to break the cycle of neglect and under-achievement. I think part of this role used to be played by "society" or "community" - at least it used to give them more of a sense of belonging - but that seems to have declined over the last couple of decades. I have a lot to be thankful for in my life - especially the fact that I had a sound upbringing by responsible (but by no means wealthy) parents who taught me the importance of hard work and treating people with respect. I've certainly made sure my kids learn the same lessons.
    smokethedeadbadger and Chaninbar like this.
  14. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Maybe a large proportion of them contributed to the increasing population of more lazy sods?
  15. stick

    stick Bumper King

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Definitely NOT true!
    redcgull likes this.
  16. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yep. It seems odd to me that some can become millionaires almost overnight by enjoying themseves (eg footballers and pop stars). They get paid fortunes because their income is basically sourced by the public spending fortunes on their performances etc. Whilst enjoyable it seems to have gone mad. (The only reason I didn't go for a career in professional football was that they didn't get paid enough in those days). Obviously their careers can be short and provision needs to be made for retirement but they seem to spend their excessive income on flashy cars etc. I don't regard their salary as being more deserved than surgeons (for example). However, it's all a case of supply and demand, which will never change

    If everyone became equal, human nature will result in some rising to the top, just as history has proven. So there seems no point in trying to achieve that

    I don't know how socialist/communist Russia works but from what I have seen there exists at least 2 levels with the top level being filthy rich, so that doesn't work too well

    I have no idea what the answer is but we need fewer people who merely sponge off the country and proper support for those who need it. The only way I see that happening is to have heavy taxation on the super rich and a significant, income based, NHS contribution. I remember when the top rate of tax was 19/6 in the pound (no idea what it is now). It could all be simplified by having just a simple, income based, taxation to cover all services. Yes that means that those well off subsidise those not so well off. They will still be better off and have probably earned the right to be so

    **** me, I didn't know I had an opinion
  17. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I wouldn’t call you that
  18. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    There are people in my extended family that match Smokey’s description to a tee. Doubtless there are societal issues that have contributed to their situation but the overriding issue is that they are lazy c*nts. Folk in their mid 20s who’ve never worked. They are also surrounded by other closer family members who indulge their bullshit even though these same folk will vote for any party who promise to keep ‘feckless lazy foreigners’ out. You really couldn’t make it up. However my overriding thought towards them is one of pity. I can’t imagine how **** their life is and what their future experience is going to be. Yes they have a better mobile phone and a bigger tv than me but they’ve done **** all with their lives. I give zero ****s for their existence.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2024
  19. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    And of course the biggest dole dosser of them all currently has 24 hour coverage in most news outlets and will be for the foreseeable for jumping to the front of the cancer treatment queue. The fackin jug eared perv.
    rudebwoy and smokethedeadbadger like this.
  20. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    How's this for a nice piece of journalism. Does nobody check anything these days before committing to "press"?

    "Chinese products are subsided by Beijing, making it impossible for European manufacturers to competent.'
    SwanHills and Bustino74 like this.

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