Great idea and well done to all those involved. Let's hope it's a sell out tonight and the Tiger Nation finds it's roar. Fryatt to score 2 and Brady 1 - Tigers 3 Blackpool 1
Just makes me laugh, the way to organise a meet of vocal supporters is to just say " the banner It is expected to be a visual rallying point for such supporters especially at away games." So all in all Away games will stay the same people will sing. Home games oooops you cant trot over from your reserved seat to the banner man and ask him if he'l kindly let you sing with him. Absolute No go until we have a total unreserved area. Anybody any idea where this banners going to be planted? ie reserved seating area? unreserved seating area (does one exist)?
Leicester and Coventry are awful. Forest was dire last year, same with Derby. Birmingham's been crap when I've been until they scored, same with Boro. Portsmouth are both crap unless it's a big game on telly. Watford were pretty quiet last time i went, mind you, we were booting their arses in the play-off's.
Agreed, ours isn't the best but it is only a recent thing from last year. Before that (when we weren't the ****test home team in the world) the atmosphere was good. There's loads worse grounds than ours for atmosphere, Elland Road is about the worst.
As long as we don't start singing "i just can't get enough" either. Crap chant that everyones singing now.
Same, I'm just saying that could be a reason for the dull atmosphere last season. I'm not convinced it's a KC problem, it was fine before last season. But everyone has a short memory with these things. Agreed it's ****.
I'm all for generating more atmosphere at the KC but there's no way it will work due to the reserved seating situation, people always sing like maniacs at away games anyway, so nothings gonna change there. The Ulltra's is a great name by the way and has a better chance of working at away games than home games. UTT
I still think singing standing supporting is the wrong message for the banner. Anyone see the Cardiff banner yesterday? Supporters not Criminals. This is a less confrontational message. So, change the gay pride tiger, replace the London looter motif and change the script, apart from that all good. Keep the faith.
Why is there something wrong with standing, singing and supporting? What do you think we should do? Sit down, sing and support? Or sit down, keep quiet and moan about others trying to support the team as so many do at the moment? Worth noting, Cardiff have created an area where you can get behind the team without being bothered by over-zealous goons. The rest of the ground has to observe the sitting downnonsense as it is made plain where the standing and singing will be tolerated. Not likely here with our anti-football police force and council jobsworths who are resposnsible for licencing and the attitude of cooper and his goons. An attitude which is basically throw your weight about with City fans to justify your presence but let the away fans do what they want as they might argue back and we are a bit frightened of that.
Maybe it should be jumping singing and supporting. Someone's got to start jumping at a different song than "if your hull city jump up" because that is simply a very uncreative chant.
The problem is with the word standing,no football club would be able to support or endorse this for legal reasons. For the same reasons they would be unable to ignore it. I am all in favour of trying to create a better atmosphere at the KC morgue but not at the cost of causing unneccessary problems at away fixtures where no such problem exists.
Perhaps the 'ulltras could try something like this?[video=youtube;bQLCZOG202k][/video]