A beautiful sunny morning, although I did have to de-ice Mme's car for her as she was off out. So while all is quiet, I must check and pay my UK income tax bill. I doubt that the amount will sort out the economy, but there are people with far more than me who could help if they didn't hide their money offshore.
It was a rough old night here withe high winds. The two wheelie bins took off into the lane, with the contents of the one for recycling items finishing in the grass on the other side. I am quite surprised that someone didn't drag me out of bed to collect it all up. Maybe they still had the duvet pulled up over their ears to keep the sound of the wind at bay.
Back again after two days of being laid low by a very unpleasant bug. Last night I managed to eat a one egg omelette which is unheard of here, the normal one takes three very large, or four normal-sized eggs. It looks like I missed lots of speculation about signings, although they remain speculation. Possibly don't wish to add to the wage bill until February.
Came back from a fabulous ski holiday last Saturday and immediately went down with cold/flu/covid or whatever. Terrible cough. Out of ICU and in recovery after many paracetamol and TLC from Mme. Have a really invigorating holiday and the whole benefit goes down the pan.
Off for the bank holiday here - to work! BUT, then to escape to the Sierra de Lobos. Have a good weekend all. Hope Watford FC doesn't ruin our start to the weekend. But you'd Bayo believe it!
Two years ago today, Oliver Phillips died at his home out here. I can still see him making his way up the stairs of the old main stand to take up his perch in what was laughably called the press box. What a wonderful job, I thought at the time, but much later read of some dreadful winter away nights in Division 4. We are lucky that Andrew French learnt a great deal from him at the WO.
Am a tad cranky today. My insurance company sent a surveyor this morning to assess the cause of water damage to our house. It seems that it's due to storm damage at some point in the past - rain has been finding its way inside for a good while now. True to form, my policy doesn't cover storm damage... So I now have to find the readies to have missing mortar & mastic replaced around three windows and mortar around the base of a chimney stack. As well as a water-damaged ceiling in our bedroom. Not to mention a contractor to do it all - they're like hens teeth in this neck of the woods ..