Spent an hour sat in the sunshine watching the world go by while Mme has her hair cut. There are two bars in the market square, Le Bosquet and Le Zinc. The former is the larger of the two, caters for the English in the area with Thursday night fish and chips and a monthly quiz night in English. It normally opens from 11;00 am until 11.00pm, but had a notice on the door to say that during the winter they would not be opening until 4.00 pm. A group of regular French elderly gents met there for the 11 o'clock opening, but today, after handshakes all round, they headed to Le Zinc. Though smaller, it is less scruffy, and has a decent menu in a restaurant. I doubt that our group will be eating there though, as they just meet up for a beer and a gossip. Quite like the public bar in an English pub.
Gosh that does not sound so good BB, not heard of that issue before. I hope all will be resolved quickly and painlessly. I must say possession of you laptop will be essential to your recovery.
From what I can ascertain from Mme Scullion a women's haircut is an expensive way to have a hair wash and a chat. But then those that pamper to women (hair, costmetics, perfume, spas etc) must be laughing all the way to the bank.
A little bizarre,me too hospitalised with a blood clot just before Xmas. Dont think Mr Bolton would appreciate the connection but wish you well. Maybe its the price to pay for following WFC
It certainly has been cold today, with the temperature hovering around freezing. Lighting the wood burner has been done earlier than normal, meaning more logs have needed to be fetched in from the cold. It is going to warm up during the week ahead, and it is now nearly 6.30 pm before it is dark, so hopefully better days are not far away.
Just had my final test - heart ultrasound. At least I now know that I have one, but have to wait for an hour to find out if it's working ok. If it is, I get to go home. Fingers crossed...
As you say, fingers crossed. Trying to watch football on a phone can be seriously bad for the eyesight.