We had the same problems with smart meters and it took alomost a year to have a newer version of a gas meter fitter. In fact one before that failed completely and we ended up 'owing' over £2000 which was only wiped out recently when we insisted they base our bill on the previoius year minus the 6 months we were in France...and we had to send proof of being away.... ferry and flight bookings etc. It was awful. Yes and of course we pay more for power than so many other countries
Another cold day up here, -5C according to my car. Every school in the northern half of Aberdeenshire is closed due to snow - even here where we don't have much at all, mainly because teachers can't get here. Strangely, Boiler Man managed to get here to service our boiler - thankfully. It was bloody cold without the central heating whilst he worked on it...
Currently, 11°C here, but overcast with occasional showers, and strong gusts of wind. My empty rubbish bin had blown over, and was laid in the road. It is a good job no traffic has been spotted so far. The most likely is the post lady, but we don't see her, if she has nothing for the hamlet. Only one person now has her deliver the local daily newspaper, and she is away. Still, if she doesn't come, it means no bills to be paid.
Robyn Vinter Morning from the Yorkshire Dales! We have now entered day three snowed in at the Tan Hill Inn, Britain's highest pub please log in to view this image
Bit strange here, been raining on and off a bit for the last few days due to winds coming from the South-West. Even got a bit chilly in the day 15 or so and the usual drop of temperature at night. Think I've found a new interpreter job, but hook is not fully set yet.
Had another health scare this morning - blacked out in the bathroom whilst drying myself after a shower, unfortunately just after my wife went out. Was unconscious on the floor for the best part of an hour, came to freezing cold and called an ambulance. Have never been so glad to see strangers just come into my house without knocking... What went through my wife's mind when she came home and found an ambulance parked outside I do not know. To make matters worse, after the paramedics had checked me over, found nothing wrong, and left, we found our elderly cat dead on the kitchen floor. Hopefully not an omen...
Glad they found nothing wrong with you, but you wonder what is happening when such things happen. Look after yourself BB.
Oh I am sorry ..... Regarding the black out.....are they following up? My friend had something similar and eventually they put it down to an epileptic fit
Not the paramedics, no. Their job was to assess whether hospital was needed there and then. They did tell me to speak to my GP about the dizziness I experienced which led to it.
We have gone from overcast, mild and wet days, into bright sunny, cold and frosty ones. Mme needed her car today, and as she had only made one short trip with it in the past month, I did wonder if it would start. Of course, it was me that needed to wrap up at 8.00 am to go and see what state the battery was in. It turned over slowly, but did start on the third attempt, for which I was very grateful. The thoughts of going in search of extension leads and the battery charger before the sun was properly up, did not have me very enthusiastic. So I waved her on her way, and retired to a very hot cup of coffee. The rain that we have seen has left the ground saturated, judging by all the large puddles that have appeared in the fields. Saturday, the rivers that caused so much flooding in these parts were at the top of their banks, and another day of rain would have taken it over the top. I think the boules court has just survived.
All good here but have been thrown in the middle of the pool with work and not worked in a year!! Need to get it all organised and under control! So, won't be posting too much for a bit! Take care y'all!!
After a repeat performance yesterday morning, I had a thorough going over by my GP in the afternoon, followed by a referral to hospital for a battery of tests today. Tests over - have been diagnosed as having blood clots in my lungs. Admitted straight away for a week. Looks like I'll miss the Derby match on Saturday - unless my wife can sneak my laptop in...
I am very sorry to read that BB. Get well soon. Another display like Tuesdays could set you back. I am still recovering from it.