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The Canary Dave

Discussion in 'Watford' started by geitungur akureyrar, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Bolton's Boots

    Bolton's Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I used to buy retreads in Australia because some of the country roads I used to drive on were little more than bush tracks and a bit cruel on tyres.. A far, far cheaper option than new tyres, and sometimes lasted just as long as the new ones.
  2. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I used to buy them as well when strapped for cash. Not sure if they are available today.
  3. Bolton's Boots

    Bolton's Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  4. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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    Ipswich Fan in Peace

    Just wanted to pay my sincere respects for Canary Dave. I have only recently returned as a poster on 606 after a 5 year sabbatical and I have only recently been told of his passing. We had our ding-dongs in the past when he was a mod on the Norwich board but we also shared in a great deal of banter and fun too! He was always very fair minded and I had a lot of respect for him. RIP Old Fella you will be sorely missed.
  5. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    A beautiful Summer like day, but it turned out to be frustrating. My strimmer that gets used frequently at this time of year refused to start. I had an expensive one that went wrong, and needed special tools to repair it, which I didn't have. The repair bill was eye watering, so when it went wrong again, rather than spend another fortune, I bought a cheaper model. That was four years ago, and apart from putting new cord and fuel in it, there has never been a problem. Guessing it might be the spark plug, I then couldn't find the plug spanner, which is smaller than one for a car. A shoulder that now aches from my attempts, I decided to look on-line to see if my suspicion about the plug was correct. Almost certainly it is that, but I discovered you might have to change them after 24-30 hours use. Not in this part of rural France you don't. So it was Sunday afternoon, and all the shops would be firmly shut. So the grass can continue to grow until I can go into town for one, but the good news is that Mme knew where the spanner was.
    Toby, duggie2000 and Hornet-Fez like this.
  6. duggie2000

    duggie2000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    She kept a close eye on you then
  7. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As ever duggie. :emoticon-0111-blush
    duggie2000 likes this.
  8. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    So my two new car tyres that I ordered with a French company actually were supplied from a company in Holland. Expected delivery Saturday. By Saturday, it had changed from Saturday to Monday between 8.00 am and 5.30pm. At 8.00 am I am usually just thinking about getting up to make a cup of tea, there is no rush when you are retired. So although unlikely, I dragged myself from a comfortable bed before a possible delivery, but checking on the DPD website discovered that it would now be between 2.30pm and 5.30pm. Time to go into town for my spark plug, but what if there was a slow moving flock of sheep blocking the road? Decided against the trip to town, and the delivery man turned up at 11.30 am. Just looked at the tracking, and he made the delivery at 2.45 pm.
    Some tracking websites are very good, others like this one are not. Although we see most of the parcel delivery vans in the village, this was a new one. It must be a cut-throat business, but well-used by the population who have a fifty-mile round trip to town.
    yorkshirehornet likes this.
  9. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    What a waste of day when I had plans that went to pot. Amazon UK said my UK bank was refusing to approve a payment I was trying to make for my daughters-in-law birthday gift. Phoned bank, knowing that nothing was wrong, who said fault at Amazon end. On to Amazon help chat, who said to cancel the order, cancel my card that was on their records, and start from scratch. Did all that, placed a new order, went through this time, until an e-mail arrived to say payment declined again. Back to Amazon who confirmed the order was placed, and the e-mail related to the order I had cancelled.
    Next up French company, actually German I have found out, who supplied my tyres, has taken €260 out of my French bank account for two orders that are not mine. Oh great! Another chat line, but this time in French. Great difficulty with an agent who didn't believe it could happen. I then find out my account with this company is now no longer in my name, but that of the person placing orders. Had to relate them to my previous two orders, that clearly state who I am. So far €130 has arrived in my bank, quicker than suggested, and they are going to try and sort out my account details in the next 24 hours.
    Some days it seems that plans are a nonsense, and some things will come along to derail them.
    yorkshirehornet likes this.
  10. yorkshirehornet

    yorkshirehornet Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I had real problems even setting up an account with amazon in france..... will try again this year...

    Packing this evening for a 10 day boat trip around the Westenr Isles... hoping to land on St Kilda.

  11. Bolton's Boots

    Bolton's Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Be careful if you land - you may not get back off again...
  12. yorkshirehornet

    yorkshirehornet Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    ...mmm.......... in years gone by I might have liked the idea!
  13. Bolton's Boots

    Bolton's Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Same here - but decades of living in the tropics cured me of the idea.
  14. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The wonders of Yodel deliveries. Please tell us of a safe place we can leave your parcel if the recipient is not going to be at home. So you do, and the website tells you to try again later. Several goes later, it still says the same thing. Tried web chat, and you have to feel sorry for the person on the other end who has a series of stock answers, none of which are really providing an answer. To finish up, asking me to complete a satisfaction survey, is a joke really, especially when it hopes I am having a good day.
    yorkshirehornet likes this.
  15. yorkshirehornet

    yorkshirehornet Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    A gap in the weather we have changed itinerary and are sailing there at this time...
    One of Britain's most remote communities it was abandoned by its remaining population of 38 in 1930
  16. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Morning all. Dry and sunny, but far from warm with the wind coming down from the north. Having spent, unsuccessfully, too long trying to get my strimmer going, I gave up and looked for a new one. Spotted that my supermarket has a special offer on one, 30% off. Having checked it out, decided it would do what I wanted, so ordered it on-line. Quite surprised to find out that it would come from Germany, a place called Herrenburg, somewhere that Cologne might have heard of. It is on its way, and I am now being informed of the progress by my supermarket, in French, and the supplier in German. At least they are giving the same details. Have a good day everyone. <ok>
  17. Bolton's Boots

    Bolton's Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Conditions there meant life was harsh but the islanders were seemingly content until something happened to change their attitudes. I'm not too sure what but wouldn't mind guessing it had something to do with the landowners - the MacLeods of Skye. There was never any monetary system on the island - their rents to the landowner were paid in feathers and seabird oil - so perhaps the MacLeods started asking for money, or maybe the seabird population started dying off?

    Hardly an idyllic life, but not all of the islanders wanted to leave - majority rules I suppose.
    yorkshirehornet likes this.
  18. yorkshirehornet

    yorkshirehornet Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    There is now a defence installation on the island which rather destroys on the beauty of the place.
    We visited Tobermory yesterday and mme visited the hotel she worked in 52 years ago...and a derelict farm she lived on which is now whis is now a major cheese factory on Mull..today to Stornoway and a trip to the Callanish stones. All a bit fast for me even on a ship. ..
  19. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    My new strimmer was put into action yesterday afternoon when it was dry and quite a bit warmer. It seems fine, and I am more than pleased with the large discount. If I had bought it direct, the original price was being held, and they would have charged for delivery as well. Of course, having planned which undergrowth to attack next, it rained overnight, leaving everything wet. Still, I have a broom to repair where the head became detached from the handle. A simple task, but more satisfying than going out to buy a new one. Have a good day everyone. <ok>
    Toby likes this.
  20. Mexican Hornet

    Mexican Hornet Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Off to Ireland for a week or so, the last leg of my European adventure / family visit.

    Hope y'all are well.

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