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Off Topic The Burly Arms

Discussion in 'The Premier League' started by Spurlock, Feb 2, 2017.


    PISKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    My last night in the US tonight, drive back to San Francisco tomorrow.

    It’s been a ****in epic trip. I’ve taken in California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho (again), Oregon and back to California.

    Been in mountains, deserts, lakes, snow, hot springs, geysers, prairies, river gorges, redwood forests, ancient volcanos, pacific beaches, small town communities in the middle of nowhere

    Just hit the 3200 mile mark. Driving this 30ft beast up mountain roads with a 1000ft drop off the side was interesting, but this home on wheels has done us proud

    BobbyD likes this.

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