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Terry Robinson sacked!

Discussion in 'Leicester City' started by Rightsideoverhere, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Rightsideoverhere

    Rightsideoverhere Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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  2. AKCJ

    AKCJ Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Very interesting that he's got the blame.

    The January Transfer Window is going to be huge for us. I can see us spending a ****ing fortune.
  3. Proud Fox

    Proud Fox Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Nigel Pearson's job isn't under threat though

    From all our signings in the last 18 months only Esteban Cambiasso would be classed as an ambitious signing. Last season we signed free transfers along with Dean Hammond signing for a small fee. We lost Ben Marshall who wasn't replaced until we signed Riyad Mahrez which nearly fell through over disagreements over fees and when the transfer only cost 400K its hard to see why

    On the the summer we signed a lot of free agents who haven't really played. Albeit Leonardo Ulloa has done very well we have overpaid for him, Danny Simpson hasn't played a game up until Ritchie De Laet got injured. Nick Powell has failed to impress

    While I don't think Robinson can be blamed for who we signed as I'm 100% sure them orders have come from Nigel and his team but I think Robinson is carrying the can for who we didn't sign. Who set the 30K wage structure? Because I highly doubt it was the owners as they gave Sven more money to spend in the championship so why would they look to save the pennies now we in the Premier League?

    We looked to have had Fraizer Campbell signed only for it to fall through over a couple of quid. We was linked with moves for Islam Slimani, Aaron Cresswell, Graziano Pelle, Diafra Sakho etc. Apart from Cambiasso all over our signings came from the championship so somewhere along the line there has been a lack of ambition and I think Robinson's sacking might point to where the problems where

    MIAMI_FOX Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Yes of course. Its all about the signings that fell through. Lets see how we get on in jan
  5. Proud Fox

    Proud Fox Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Sven would have been great in this role as long as someone else was in charge of Tops wallet
  6. AKCJ

    AKCJ Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Would he though?

    The fact that he was in charge of Top's wallet was why he was able to bring in players so easily and even then he probably had about a 20% success record with transfers.
  7. LeicesterWizard

    LeicesterWizard Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Interesting timing, Merry Christmas Terry!

    Maybe his slow approach to transfers wont be tolerated anymore, he may get the best deals financially, but if its messing about with players, they are going to go elsewhere and we cant afford to mess about in January.

    Obviously his job is more than just transfers though, i cant see what else really could be wrong behind the scenes.

    Im gunna say that Robinson suggested that we dont spend much in January and look towards getting promotion again next season, to which Vichai, Top and Pearson all had a fit and now hes gone... anyone got anything better than that for drama?
  8. Queenslander!!

    Queenslander!! Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I think its pretty ambitious to try and maintain a Prem position with a 30K wage structure TBH. Credit to those in charge for putting it in place, but at the top table it MAY hinder you i think.
    Its not like you are Man Utd, or Liverpool where top kids and players will go just to be part of the club and its History. Outside of the big 6 or 7 they rest of us hav to battle for scraps and unfortunately that comes at a price.
    The 30K thing was brilliant in the lower divisions and really got your club sorted but the diffrence between there and the top table is immense. So i guess the question is this. Who out of you lot would be happy to smash the wage structure and get 4 good players in on a big-ish fee & 60k a week if it meant you'd stay up?
    Please dont try and turn this back to compare with our farcical transfer program. Its a genuine question. Remember with these bit time charlies comes the good and the bad....or would you rather drop back down...?

    I'l be genuinely intrested to hear the answers to this given the amount of stick that you guys dish out about the Sven era. <ok>
  9. JohnTheFox

    JohnTheFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    My issue would be that for clubs like ours, we are always likely to go down at some point and if we spend big and go down next year we are back to square one trying to cut wages. I think it's best done gradually and build stability even if we have to regroup and come back
  10. Queenslander!!

    Queenslander!! Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Ok thats a vilid opinion, but are you then accepting that you wil never ( in our lifetime) be as big as Man utd say? Look at what Chelsea have achieved in 10 years of throwing money at there team. I know its not the same but as well as money it does take ambition. To do as you suggest would take an eternity in footballing terms wouldnt it ?
    A bit of expenditure and you may not go back down..look at Stoke or any other mid table team..?

  11. leicester_ed

    leicester_ed Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    Yes thats fine with me, but the problem is (and this is where it isnt fine) is when those big money men are 'journey' with the wrong ethic. Yes, i know they arent fans of the club but they have to be hard working and have the right ethic and sadly many of the people who are willing to come to us 'lower clubs' on big money arent willing to work - they are a rare and valuable commodity
  12. Queenslander!!

    Queenslander!! Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Spot on Ed and exactly the point i made regarding scraps...They wil cost a big fee and high wages, but the right ones would massively improve your chances of staying up, although nothing is gauranteed!
    Im thinking of the likes of Scott Parker (3 years ago) or Lampard last year or perhaps even Carrick type...who are ultimate Pros to the end with a fantastic team and work ethic. I dont actually mean them but that type of signing..?
    So break the bank or struggle as you are.......which would it be?

    We are obviously they example of what not to do....<ok>
  13. AKCJ

    AKCJ Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'd rather we kept the structure.

    We're likely to go down purely because of this incredibly bad run of results. I'd rather not 'do a QPR' and take down a load of big time charlies who won't leave because of their contracts.

    I still believe that the squad we've got now is good enough. On paper there are 3 worse sides, we just need to prove it on the pitch.
  14. Jack Lesterfan

    Jack Lesterfan Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    A-ha, but for every Chelsea, there are 5 Portsmouths ;)
  15. Queenslander!!

    Queenslander!! Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Sadly mate, its actually impossible to have a sensible conversation with you. I did say in my earlier post try not to throw it back onto us. It was a serious question.
    Id like to know what paper you are looking at because everyone i see has you rooted to the bottom. You WERE better than a lot of team last season but that my friend, counts for F**K all now. <ok>
    Personally I dont think you wil go down but you seem to be panicking already. it aint even Xmas yet !!

    If you'd honestly rather keep the structure, then say why without involving QPR. You dont really appear to have enough good premquality strength in depth to me (Im not talking about QPR...This is the Leicester board), so personally if i was in your position then i'dinvest in a bit of top quality and throw in a few decent relegation clauses (ALA REMY) and wage conditions. You'd probably have to balance this out with a few bonus inclusions, but if you styed up it wouldnt matter.
    On a lighter note, try not to take everything so personally. I was just having a decent debate with some of your posters.

    Quite right Jack...and god how i wish Chelsea would do a Portsmouth :grin:

    MIAMI_FOX Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Agree Queeny, top quality model professionals are few and far between now. We have one in Cambiasso he is a gem even at 34. He is used to winning yet doesn't sulk, works his socks off, is always talking or barking orders to his team mates, shows his passion and can tell he is not hear for one final pay day. That's all us fans ask. Players to pull on that blue shirt. To be fair our whole team show tremendous effort and commitment but it is just that lack of quality that is undoing us right now. Let's see what we can bring in in January.
    long way to go
  17. Queenslander!!

    Queenslander!! Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Totally agree mate, good post. you've just got to hope he doesnt get disheartened playing with lesser players around him and hopefully your masnagement team bring in a couple of others to help and support him....

    As for your last 4 words..."long way to go". I totally agree but; just for you and; just for right now :
    MIND THE GAP !! ...<laugh>
  18. AKCJ

    AKCJ Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I used the QPR example because it's the most high profile failure in the Premier League era.

    You spent a fortune and went down, which is why I said I don't want to do that. Understand? You take everything to heart for some weird reason. I'm not having a go, i'm just saying that we'd be ****ing mental to try that gamble. If we're looking like going down in Jan then I say we keep together and go down ready for the next season, thankfully I think this squad is more than capable of staying up. I think that Burnley, West Brom and QPR will go down personally.

    You couldn't get rid of Remy though? You ended up paying his wages for Newcastle.
  19. Harry Redknapp Is My Friend

    Jul 11, 2014
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    This isn't right. It's true we couldn't sell him cos he was on bail for rape. But Newcastle paid 2 mill for a season long loan & all his wages. Remy was a great signing for QPR, a World Class striker who might have kept us up <ok>
  20. JohnTheFox

    JohnTheFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    There's obviously no right or wrong answer as you say it's opinions. I reckon I didn't explaining as well as I intended. I think I'd rather build gradually as teams like Man City and Chelsea have already been established when pumping money in. I think throwing loads in one window might be seen as panicking but if we go down and make a few additions and come back stronger we'd be ok. The club has been away from the prem for 10 years so we have no experience around the place but if we can use this season to come back again and make a real challenge, then I'd feel safer throwing more money in. That's just me though

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