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Sunderland AFC in Africa.

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Nads, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Alright lads?

    Seems that Amsterdam Roger and Ballin' Boy put there heads together last night, all brought about by the big topic at the minute, which is clearly how to sustain, grow and promote the club, and keep the club viable.

    They have came up with an idea, to help promote the club in Africa, whereby we send over old and unwanted replica shirts, and have them distributed to kids and families in Africa.

    For me this is an idea that works on many, many levels.

    The best thing, is the opportunity to help out people who may be less fortunate than ourselves, the gift of giving, and the pleasure of helping.

    There's been a suggestion that we maybe try and find a set of Sunderland kits for a youth team, in the area in Kenya where Ballin' is based, it'd be great PR for the club, it'd also bring awareness of the club not only in Africa, but to Africans based around Europe and the world.

    Going forward it can aid the club in terms of marketing and PR, in terms of potential future signings, let's be honest, the African lads in our team are fantastic athletes and players, and perhaps more importantly, they are all humble, likeable and focused lads, lads who seem to appreciate their privileged positions, an often lost principle in the modern game.

    This is also an opportunity for us to say 'you know what, we did a little bit extra to help our club, and we did it in a way that benefited others, that helped others, as well as the club'.

    An unused or unwanted replica shirt? Small price to pay for lighting up someone's week, for helping them and our beloved club, potentially.

    This is very much in it's infancy as an idea, and i'd like to receive as much feedback from you as possible, whether it be on this thread, or via private message to myself, Ballin', or Roger.

    I f the response is good, i will personally approach the club and SAFC.com, i am gonna set the ball rolling by pledging 2 home shirts from this season, if we get this off the ground.

    Thanks for reading, any remotely insulting or derogatory posts will be removed, as it is my intention to forward this thread to the club, if appropriate.

    Let's show the world, or at least a corner of Africa, what make us a special bunch.

    Cheers lads <ok>
  2. Ballin' Boy

    Ballin' Boy Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thanks BB! :)
  3. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Nice one BB, i am sure all the mums and dads out there, who's kids have outgrown their kit would like to give to a worthy cause, boots, shorts, tops, socks, whatever, i have helped best i can privately but I'm not a bottomless pit if you could see the bairns on the pitch half don't have boots but the passion and skill levels are wonderful, dig deep boys and girls please I'm sure you could find it in your hearts to donate kit.
  4. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I work in Africa, Nigeria, Equatorial Gunea, Angola, Cameroon and you wouldn't beleive how many Sunderland shirts you come across, there really is a lot out there, don't know if it's people like me who hand down their old shirts or organisations like Oxfam who ship all manner of clothing over there. It all ends up on local markets and snapped up by the locals.

    I think now that we have a large African contingent within the club there will be a bigger focus on us from over there. I know i've mentioned it under another thread but there was a TV crew following us around on a recent Legends Tour of the Stadium with Jimmy Monty and the sole aim was to broadcast it in Africa and South America to help promote the good ship SAFC. I was tiold it will be broadcast by Sky but not in the UK, Europe wpould be the nearest we would get to seeing it.

    Point of it is that I think the club are thinking along the same lines as us and the big push is happening.
  5. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Then all the more reason for us to push on and help, if it's in conjuction with the club, all the better.

    Helpful post mate, cheers.
  6. Domerlaa

    Domerlaa New Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Great idea, you seem to never be able to throw away old strips but if you knew they were going to somewhere where they would be appreciated then i don't think people would mind parting with their old efforts
  7. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I've got to say, i've got old kits going right back to the Hummel shirts, but i ain't sending tham, they are for my future 'boys room'.

    I noted this years kit has been slashed in price, i'll buy one, and chuck mine in, which i've worn maybe twice, i tend to go to the match 'smart casual' in case i decide to hit the tiles after!

    Couple of PM's pledging donations already which is great, be great for us to make a difference AND help the club.
  8. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    BB, I'd be up for donating this seasons and i think i still have last seasons home & away kits gathering dust in the bottom of my wardrobe, may as well be put to good use?
  9. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Great stuff mate, i'd say once we get to 2o plus, we're away.
  10. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Why not go one further and a proposal to snq to set up soccer camps in poor regions and underprivileged areas with volunteers during (off-season) vacation time?

    Just a thought ...

  11. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Picture courtesy of welder..

    Sunderland Kid.jpg

    Bit small like...
  12. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Aye but that's all ive got, once had it sent via email but goes to show, they are out there.
  13. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Already on the cards for juniors and to name the team with a sunderland them open to 606s for ideas
  14. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Suggestions welcome lads for a potential team name for a junior side if we get this off the ground? Keep them clean ;)
  15. Rokerlad59

    Rokerlad59 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    BB. Amsterdam and Ballin have a great idea.

    My mind immediately went to the practical issues, are we looking to donate old shirts/new shirts? Full kits or partial? How do we get them out there? Where to - Africa isn't small?

    These are NOT whinges or gripes, rather my (ill judged??) attempt at providing structure to an excellent idea. I'm thinking if we say X is our target then we can all look to contribute, irrespective of personal committments/finances?
  16. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Not at all made, a very valid post.

    To be specific, old or new, any size you have, whether it be just shirts, or kits, even maybe old boots with some life left in them.

    In terms of mailing them over to Africa, i'm sure i'll be able to appeal to either the club, the post office, or the local press, it's great PR for someone.

    Welder also does a fair bit of work on the continent, so there's a possibility he could play a part in getting things over there, this is all to be finalized.

    In terms of where, the plan would be to start with the village in which Ballin' is based, as he is a point of contact over there, and a lad i believe would do a great job of making sure the right people got the right bits and bobs.

    We've had a great response, to an idea that is merely a few hours old, i say this speak volumes for you all lads. <ok>
  17. Cabinda safc

    Cabinda safc Member

    Feb 12, 2011
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    all my old shirts are already walking about cabinda in angola like i said to roger there is about ten supporters here and we regulary bring old and new shirts over for the nationals but i dont mind donating one for Kenya.
  18. Shameless

    Shameless Well hung member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I used to live in Kenya too and its a great place to start. We have a huge following in Ghana atm too -it would be nice to have penetration there too
  19. Ballin' Boy

    Ballin' Boy Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Morning people. Just to add, we're thinking of starting with Kenya. If the stuff is shipped over, it will end up in Mombasa (assuming Somali pirates don't get to it first) and I'll arrange, using my own resources, to bring them to Nairobi.
    I'll be out and about in Nairobi doing market research (for Nissan!) and will use the opportunity to look out for youth teams that we can help.
  20. Pookie23-SAFC

    Pookie23-SAFC Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    i have at least 6 full strips. Got my name on the back like but your more than welcome to have them?

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