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Stick or twist?

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Dancingstripes, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    After 2 wins in 11 from Parky, what does Donald Stewart do?

    Does he stick with the manager? Hoping he keeps us within touching distance of the playoffs until January, and trusts the players PP is after are the right ones to secure playoffs, or even go on a big run for automatics?

    Or Gamble with trying somebody else, hoping they can make an immediate impact, getting the best from the players we have, with additions in Jan?

    For me, I'd change him, it's toxic, the football is poor and it looks like we might lose touch by the time January comes.

    I understand if Donald sticks with him, it would be rash to change him now, just my gut feeling is he won't get us up.

    Would put a poll up, but don't know how, more than happy for a mod to add one.
  2. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think we have to suck it up until January.

    I have no faith he’s the man and was vocal prior to his appointment of my thoughts, but we can’t chop him yet, farcical even by ours standard if we do.

    Sheep Farmer likes this.
  3. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    He was probably the wrong appointment when everyone associated with the club could have done with a bit of lift. Tactically and technically he's probably no better or worse than anyone else we could have got in. It's just the atmosphere is flat, and getting flatter, and there's no one around to lift things.
    He has to be given the chance to bring his own players in January. We could really do with a player like Maddison to give everyone a lift.
    Sacking him now will just accelerate the downward spiral by creating more turmoil and more uncertainty.
  4. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Players like Maddison won’t be considering us in January. That’s a ship that’s well and truly sailed.
  5. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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  6. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Unfortunately true.
  7. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I don't see why really, they're only four points off us in the table. We would need financial backing to offer improved wages etc which I understand we will have.
  8. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Because we are rudderless and about to hit freefall mate. The atmosphere is poisonous. The manager is clueless. The fans are on the brink of implosion.

    We are not signing an in demand footballer who will be a free agent and have a host of interested clubs. Lads fan or not.

    I absolutely see why not. If we’d signed him in the summer, we aren’t in the eye of a ****storm the size of Ghana.

    Come January we will likely be 14th and 7-10 points away from playoffs. The lads have nowt to give.
  9. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Chances are he'll have an offer from the championship if he's available on a free but he won't be in January. There's a toxic feel right now but these things come and go, as far as I can tell a player will go wherever they're paid best.

    If we can't afford to pay players like him good money I wouldn't fancy our chances but if we can I think they'd come. I think our only real option is to buy our way out of trouble and we wouldn't be the first.
  10. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I’d love to see it mate, and maybe I’ll be more upbeat in the morning.

    Im feeling a bit beaten tonight but I’ll go again. I’ve done it for over 30 years and I’ll do it till I die.

    Nacho likes this.

  11. Saf

    Saf Not606 Godfather+NOT606 Poster of the year 2023

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I don't think he'll be sacked any time soon. Two big reasons.

    1) He was handed a 2 and a half year contract. Stewie couldn't afford to pay that off.

    2) Sacking him will show the Yanks that Stewie got it wrong with his judgement at a time he's desperate to show them he can make a success of the club.
  12. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    On 1) I e heard there’s a few caveats attached to the 2 1/2 year deal so getting rid may not be so expensive (that said, it’s from a mate who works at the club and he’s been known to be wrong before)

    I wonder if anyone else could do better? The crowd told SD exactly what they thought tonight. Burton fans singing “sacked in the morning “ was soon followed by a large number of ours doing the same.
  13. monty987

    monty987 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    No owner in the past 50years has got the right manager in Murray had the best chance with Brian clough, but blew it Potechini could not do nowt with this team, this club is on the brink of disaster thanks to Short. By the way there was only abot 50 Burton fans in the north stand and it was weired when they scored.
  14. Saf

    Saf Not606 Godfather+NOT606 Poster of the year 2023

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I, like many others said at the time of his appointment that he was the wrong man for this club. Nothing has changed my mind, sadly.

    He's dull, boring, he has no energy or good vibe about him. I think it's too soon to get rid of him, though. I've already pretty much wrote off the idea that we might win promotion this season, so as long as we don't go down, or even better avoid a relegation battle, I'm prepared to give him another 6 month yet. If anything for my reasoning, it's just trying to salvage onto any respect we have left as a club.

    To answer your question, though. They'll be somebody out there who could do better than this guy. Stendel who was at Barnsley seemed to be the perfect fit at the right time for us. He looked very good at Barnsley but they never give him the opportunity to build something there after getting them promoted. He would have got that from us. It's sad that we are going back down this road but I simply don't think we've got the right people at the club to make the big decisions. This manager coming in was immediately obvious to most of us supporters that he's done nothing really and he has no reputation for having his teams play in a certain way. A bit of a dinosaur and so it's proving to be. Our signings have been shocking. Probably the worst I've ever seen in my life supporting Sunderland. I think this new regime tops De Fanti. Who's bright idea was it to give the likes of Tony Coton a big say in signings and picking new managers? It's a mess.

    Stewie might not have saved us like everybody thinks he did. It looks like he just halted the freefall for a little while but now we are looking in worse shape than we've ever been. We could still crash further down the football pyramid yet and it will be under Stewie's leadership, if it happens. We are too big for him and Charlie and it's becoming more and more glaringly obvious. Way out of their depth.
  15. Nostradamoose

    Nostradamoose Active Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    Fans fault iirc

    The manager is lost, the players are shocking but the root cause is the truly awful recruitment of players and managers.

    To put that right is going to take a while, preferably involving Pinky and Perky selling the club to our American friends then leaving for good.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  16. DH4

    DH4 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Mixing metaphors but...Emperor Nero (Donald) is fiddling (changing managers) while Rome burns as Captain (Methven) is re-arringing the deckchairs (fixing AOL lifts) while the Titanic sinks. Monty Python would struggle to come up with a sketch to compare in the absurdity of it all.
    Nostradamoose likes this.
  17. DH4

    DH4 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Oh aye , you are quite correct, it is all self inflicted by the masochistic fans who are too stupid to see what they are doing , but they now revel in the misery they have created.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  18. Toddius

    Toddius Active Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    He was never the right fit. The problem, as others have said is SD won't want to admit he got it so wrong, so soon - 2.5 year contract. <doh>

    I don't think he has ever had the players onside, they just look so disinterested now. Do we let him spend money in Jan then peddle him? We're back on the Prem years merry-go-round - sack a manager, new one comes in, signs players in Jan that fit his style, stay up by the skin of our teeth, everyone thinks this is it, rebuilds in the summer, next season is sluggish/poor. sack the manager, new one comes in, signs players in Jan that fit his style, stay up by the skin of our- etc. :headbang:
    smithy in nl likes this.
  19. FulwellBri

    FulwellBri Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2019
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    BSA was a success.
    We would have gone under in 2007 or 2008 had short not bailed us out and you know it.
    Short was subsiding us more each week than donald has contributed in total. Even that is borrowed money.
    Donald in cahoots with hopeless Hill has got us into this awful mess.
  20. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sadly Parkinson has done everything most fans thought he would....ie...Nothing. I can't recall a more uninspiring manager in our dugout. As a few have said, he will not get the sack for many reasons and i'm sure Donald will always point to the fact the rot had set in on the playing side before PP came. I keep thinking we have hit rock bottom, then a Saturday or Tuesday comes round and I have to reassess that thought.
    Whittylad likes this.

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