Its being reported that Steve Cotterill has been interviewed for the managers poisition. I may be in the minority but I think this could be a really good appointment if it comes off. Cotterill did a great job at Notts county getting them promoted, and more importantly for me, has stablized Pompey who were in an even worse position then us. The only problem may be that Portsmouth would require compensation which we appear not to keen to pay. Thoughts?
Please take him...........then we can get a manager with a better win ratio! Check it out and see if you still want him................ PUP
I still think I would prefer Cotterill over Robins to be honest. Bornpompey I was hoping to get some thoughts on this from a Portsmouth fan, I take it you really don't rate him then? I always thought he did a good job at your place during your recent financial problems, or is it a case of that you think he can only take you so far?
As a general manager I, like many really appreciate the majority of what he has done............the word HAS is important here. Last season, wel you all know about last season, but hey he did a magnificant job under extreme circumstances............. This season should be different, we have new and exciting owners, owners who have given him a sensiblew purse and he has got in some blinding personell, but it just isnt happening, for what ever reason our win ration is 1;20 not good enough to stay up by a long shot! His style is set in stone, his play is predictable and teams now know how to play against us................ hopefully he will turn it round on sat against the tykes, he needs too! PUP
Thanks for the feedback bornpompey, although it looks like he may well have his first game as the new Forest manager on Saturday. I'm really pleased with this appointment and hope we can finally get our season kick started
What planet are you from? Your "new & exciting owners" haven,t got a pot to piss in as most pompey fans are beginning to realise. Sc was racing aroung at the start of the season to get anyone in just to ensure he could put 11 men on the pitch to start the season. The new owners were proud to announce big ground improvements & it turned out to be bringing the toilets up to scratch. You need to wake up & smell the coffee
The new owners aren't billionaires, they aren't throwing their money around, they're just making gradual improvements. Dont know what planet your own that gradual improvements aren't good enough. You sound like that anti-Cotterill lot who were on his back from the beginning who think Pompey are entitled to be in the Premier League and are too big for the Championship. All we need to see from the new owners is a plan for the long term stability of Portsmouth FC and gradual improvements to facilities - both for fans and playing staff - and the team. We've come out of an extremely bad period and all we need to do now is recover enough that we can stabilize in the Championship. Once that's done we can look towards greater things but for now we have to be a modest club with modest goals.
Bornpompey you think you have it bad, my mrs is a portsmouth supporter! Whenever you beat us she gloats and whenever we win i'm in the dog house!
I think having read Frank Clarks statement SC may well do you a decent job - a number of our fans, have, I think, unfairly expected one heck of a lot of Cotterill this season - he has to be fair secured us a couple of very decent signings (worried about January) and despite our lowly position our goals against is very low - the team aren't playing the best football we've witnessed but a few players are still bedding in - I genuinely wish him all the best as he did do a great job last season in pretty dire circumstances - this season, as has been said, it hasn't quite gone as hoped yet - but I think it would have done. Best of luck with him apart from when your down at FP in a few weeks. Just wondering who we will get.
You totally misread me. I actually felt sorry for SC at Portsmouth & wondered why he hadn,t walked before. Right up to 2 weeks before the season started he had no idea what he was going to be allowed to do. How can any manager cope with that? He ended up bringing in players who, under different circumstances, he probably would not have brought in. He just needed players to ensure he had a couple of subs each game. I seriously think your new owners will not last very long & you will back in turmoil.
But CSI have given every indication at this point that they are in the club for a relatively long haul and a plan to secure the future of the club. They haven't claimed that their going to bring a golden age to Portsmouth nor that they, like Chanrai, are looking only to make Portsmouth a more attrative prospect to sell on. They have offered stability and a way to move forward at a gradual pace while keeping within the means of the club. So far they have been as good as their word. If this turns out to be wrong in hindsight then so be it but I'm prepared to take them at their word at this point. Beyond a gut feeling do you have any reason to believe that CSI will only be owners for a short term?
there is only one message this sends out and thats there will be no money invested in the team and SC will have to get the best out of what he has got
Majr, you need to ignore saintsalive, he has a very distinct history of trying to wum pretty much most pfc topics...........and here, we even find him coming in on conversation thats not even a pfc topic.....on a non pfc board, but yet he still follows us! i think he is a secret blus supporter..........well thats what his missus told my mate any how Tricky, having your missus as a blue is going to heap much misery on you my friend......she will already be relishing in our win tonight having watched you slump further in the mire , its a tough life and your has just got a bit tougher mate.......all the best, except on the 5th! BP
Having looked at the empty seats at Fratton today you clearly need to rustle up some fans from somewhere! Me? - I don,t think so! have no evidence at all that leads you to the assumption that CSI wont be running Portsmouth for the foreseeable future and you were only making unsubstanciated accusations.
I just think he's a bit small time, with a lower league mentality. Robins would've been a far more interesting choice.