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Spare Parts (F1 odds and ends)

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by Masanari, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Sticking this here as nowhere else to really stick it. But dear God, I hope that Ryan Newman makes it. If you've not seen it, there was an absolute horror crash at the end of the Daytona 500 tonight, and it really doesn't look good.

    Crossing fingers for the bloke.
    Justjazz likes this.
  2. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Alive, in serious condition, but none life threatening injuries. That's amazing. I seriously thought the worst after this.

  3. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Bloody Hell !
    ched999uk likes this.
  4. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    First, fingers crossed for the driver.
    Racecar sport in America sees to be littered with spectacular (not sure that is the right word here, horrendous might be better) crashes. nothing changes in the sport following them. Not sure that is a good result.

    I watched the building of the XKSS on TV the other night. I didn't know this story, how a whole factory was burnt destroying the production.
    The D type (that gave birth to the XKSS) was the first race car with disc brakes. It out braked every other car out there. Funny to watch. all the clips showed the other cars hitting earth barriers with no one getting hurt.
    I mention this because this was a significant technology change that improved safety but increased speeds. America needs to look at safety on its circuits. The circuits are so boring albeit perhaps more spectator friendly in that you can see more of the race. That kind of accident seems very common, going sideways in front of the other cars. The racing is very close at times, difficult to find a solution if they maintain the same circuits.
  5. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Those cars are seriously strong. the number of accidents you see where it is amazing that people walk away is incredible.

    That he is alive having taken both the first hit into the wall and then the second hit into roof above the drivers side is amazing.

    I think there was crash a few years ago where the car went into the catch fencing and completely ripped itself apart, driver okay.
    ched999uk likes this.
  6. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I accept those points, I think I just feel there is an element of the fan base that love seeing the accidents, albeit they may also be shocked. No real difference to the gladiator sports of Roman times in some respects, the feel of the adrenalin rush. Boxing is perhaps the same emotional experience.
    I hear the driver has left hospital, according to the news here in Canada (I am here for 2 weeks). We haven't evolved much.
  7. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    I do like to see crashes as long as no one is hurt. I like that drivers make mistakes and show they are human. That said I don't want anyone hurt and am so glad crash structures have been improved so much.
  8. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    He walked out of Hospital yesterday... That's incredible.
    Number 1 Jasper and ched999uk like this.
  9. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Yes Fernando .

    Teams will be begging you to come back <doh>

    Big Ern and ched999uk like this.
  10. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Anyone seen the 2019 season Drive to Survive? I didn't understand why Grosjean still had a drive before I watched the first few episodes. Now I am even more confused!!!!!
    I've watched the first 3 episodes, the images are just stunning, (it's in 1080 not 4K. I've not seen F1 in 4K!) interviews are interesting. Lewis couldn't remember Mercs full name neither could Toto!!! Bottas got it no problem :)
    Once again Guenther is great. He just shows so much passion and seems quite funny when the pressure isn't on.
    Looking forward to watching some more tonight.

  11. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Not seen it yet but hope to get around to it .
  12. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Finished watching it and it's fun. The did seem to miss Alfa and not a lot on Ferrari or Racing Point. It's great to see behind the scenes.
    So funny/sad to see Toto making dinner arrangements with Cyril while Occon was travelling in car! next to him!! No guesses what they decided!!!
    I did feel so sorry for Albon getting punted off by Lewis when he was on for a podium.
    Carlos celebrating is late podium was great though.
    The honey badgers first day at Renault was interesting. He was being shown round and spotted a tattoo he liked on someone and shook his hand and hugged him, the blokes face was just in awe..

    I think it's the editing that is good as they know the story at the end of the season then the edit.... That said they did seem to get some footage that wasn't quite right, I am sure they showed some of a Williams with flow vis on the side and they said it during a race. They also showed the same clip a few times.
    I think they did an interesting job by basically picking a team or 2 to feature in each episode as trying to cover all teams at all races would have been very expensive. It was great to see Merc at the German GP and all the rain....
    Number 1 Jasper likes this.
  13. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    ched999uk likes this.
  14. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    What channel shows them again please ?
  15. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    It was a little sneeky to release the statement on last day of testing after all scheduled press meetings were over!!! Suggests FIA trying to hide the news. I do hope we get to the bottom of this but I doubt it. My guess is still they were interfering with fuel flow measuring sensor by having a high power cable near it and when energised it produced enough of a magnetic field it disrupted the signals enough to let more flow through than measured. I also think that the rules didn't say you can have cables near fuel flow meter and Ferrari will just state it was an unanticipated consequence of the cables location and not that they would ever intend to disrupt the fuel meter!!!! So even if it went to court it's a case of proving intent which is always very difficult. Plus a public court case, just when FIA/Liberty want new agreement....

    All very iffy to me.
    Number 1 Jasper likes this.
  16. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Number 1 Jasper likes this.
  17. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Ta .
  18. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    After the Merc letter to FIA signed by every non Ferrari team the pressure is mounting on FIA to explain what was going on. Maybe to even just publish what they suspected Ferrari of doing even though they couldn't prove it.

    The prove it is the bit I don't get, all ecu are standard, so software should be relatively easy to understand. So that leaves hardware to interfere with the fuel flow signal. By detailed analysis of the software they should find if there are 'interesting' modes that could be selected, unless it is purely hardware?
    Unless it's a hardware thing, I would guess that the high current cables from the energy store can produce quite a high magnetic field. Maybe passing that next to the fuel flow meter cables causes different readings? The FIA would have to prove Ferrari intended to disrupt the fuel flow signals by it's placement of the power cables. Ferrari just need to say they placed that cable in the best location for cooling, length etc..... So FIA won't win. By releasing the statement as they have they, I think, are relying on the other teams to kick off.

    Red Bull are threatening to sue FIA over $24million in prize money they say is difference between pos 2 and pos 3 in championship!!!

    Really just speaking out loud and speculating as I really have no idea what went on but would love to know.

    Watched a youtube vid yesterday about Benetton etc and launch control when it was banned. Even in those days of non standard ecu FIA found lines of code labelled 'launch control' :) after it was banned and Benetton just said 'Oh how did that get there!' :) this was one of the years Michael won championship in the Benetton!!!! So maybe one less championship for him?
  19. Viva_Giggsy

    Viva_Giggsy Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2015
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    1994 wasn't it, but let's be honest loads of teams bend the rules. Mercedes are as bad as anyone.
    Big Ern and ched999uk like this.
  20. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    You are right it was 1994. I do think all teams have been guilty of breaking the rules, some more times than others :) Bending the rules is a fun one to me. It's a bit like VW and diesel emissions. As far as I know rules stated car must pass X test. They forgot to say that the emissions should be maintained on public roads :) So VW engineers decided to create a system that recognised the test and set ecu to pass the test. OK so I don't know full extent of rules but as it was a company against Countries they were never going to win, especially as it was labelled as a cheat device!!!

    Anyway the video was:

    No idea how accurate it is but interesting anyway.
    Big Ern likes this.

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