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Southampton v Newcastle United - Official Build Up / Matchday Thread

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Albert's Chip Shop, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I agree he can improve and he should not have been loaned out but the club clearly wanted him off the wage bill. He is at Roma and in the CL. He was also at Montpellier and in the CL. He was awful in it. So bad that it put Wenger off signing him. Roma also have Urby Emanuelson and Gervinho. Neither of those set the PL alight. The point being that playing for Roma and in the CL does not a good player make.

    The point is surely that we should have offloaded both Saylor and Mbiwa, bought a couple of good defenders who knew the league. We're cheapskates though so took the **** option.
  2. Beardsley's Rancid Sack

    Beardsley's Rancid Sack Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    My point was that Mbiwa has done the decent thing and got out of this bulls**t which I can't blame him for.

    I just think someone new must come in, just to give the team a lift. This is a downspiral, all the way to relegation hell. If we stick with Pardew we will be too far gone by January imo. Also, I can def see another massive fallout with certain players on the horizon. I could see Riviere saying something perhaps 'This is really s**t, I didn't expect it to be this s**t, I thought you were the guy who looked after the boots or cleaned the toilets, I don't see why you would need my wife's number, etc'
  3. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    The atmosphere at the club is horrific. If we stick till January, I guarantee relegation. These players we have brought are not good enough anyway, and to be honest don't look made for the league. Certainly quite a few like Riviere, Cabella are struggling either with the physicality or the pace. You might play the "honeymoon period" lift wildcard early and try to at least secure enough points for a fighting chance. We're awful.
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