The girl is called Marcela Rubita, she is over 18 years old, and her videos are licensed and put on popular porn websites. I'm sorry some people found the video offensive. I know I'm not the best poster on here, but I at least thought that I'd been good enough over the last 7-8 months or so, since I came back on, that you'd just take the post down, and PM me about it, rather than just ban me like you would a troll or a spammer. You can't ban people for posting links to porn, just because some people complained about it. Take it down, fair enough, but banning me? The video is completely legal. Look the porn actress up yourself
Are we going to ban links to Asian teen porn, because Asian 18 year old teens look younger than 18? This is bullshit.
For one thing, I didn't ban you! And for another thing this is a FOOTBALL forum if you hadn't noticed and it's for talking about football and posting football threads, not porn threads. We've got Lady Members who found your porn very offensive indeed! And why the hell would I want to look up a porn actress? That may be your cup of tea but it isn't mine!
IT WASN'T POSTED IN A THREAD!! It was a link on the sexy poll!!!! This is what I mean! Do you guys just take what's said to you by other mods and believe it? Sorry to give you flack about this, but now everyone is going to think I watch child porn because one of the mods decided, out of pure ignorance, to class any porn video with a girl that looks younger than 18, as child porn! This isn't at all fair.
Give it up, it attracted complaints and complaints have to be dealt with. If Mick deemed it to be offensive, then it was offensive. He's got the final word on everything. End of!
Have looked her up and the site's Tash mentioned come up next to the girl's name, however having searched Google there was nothing to say how old she was. You were reckless given the fact the girl looks about 10.
It probably wasn't the most appropriate vid ever, and all that needed to happen was for it to be taken down, and me to be PM'd. It wasn't out in the open, it was on the sexy poll. If it was Mick who banned me, then I find it quite amusing, since his drones on gen chat post ****ed up **** all the time. Never mind.
Tash, I don't know too much of the back story here but I can comment on how you are approaching things now. You're back on the forum now so I'd suggest just drawing a line under it. You're made your point so leave it be. **** like this just isn't worth getting into a battle over as it will invariably blow up. Having a pop at us mods without all the facts to hand isn't good form either. For info Mods don't have any banning powers. Only Brb and Mick do as AB said. I like the new, more mature Tash so let's now go backwards eh mate? as things are picking up nicely across the forum these days.
Tash I just looked up that girl and she genuinely looks 9, even knowing she's 18, why would you watch or share a video with a girl like that on? As a side note, why the **** were you banned off toonforum?
I chose to be banned, and it's better if I don't go back on. I applied to go back on a while ago, but they said I was too problematic to moderate. For the best though, I can't stand most of them on there anyway. So please lets not talk about it anymore, I don't want the good times that have been happening most of the time since I started on not606 again, to go down the tubes. Last night as just a little thing that got out of hand. I literally didn't know why I'd been banned, and I saw "banned for links to bad porn". I was obviously gonna be annoyed. But I'm over it now. So please ask them lot to stay over in their own forum, so no fuel is added to the fire, and I and the others can enjoy not606, and they can enjoy toonfourm.
People on toonforum like to use both sites, not their fault if you asked to be banned so can't do the same And if you can't see a problem with that porn then that explains a lot of the problem.
Just drop it. I wasn't talking about all members of toonforum. I know Ba of Cisse and few others use both.
Very funny. You fail as a troll, and you're not the fist person from toonforum that's come over here trying to piss me off.