To be fair Tash, if I want to cover non football topics I usually just post it on here. I worry that all that will happen is this thread will go downhill. Hope I'm proved wrong.
I think Shearers could and should be used a lot more, quite a lot of chat takes place in the Rep Brothel, for some reason the Thread Directory has disappeared, we have more sticky's than any forum I've browsed.
Not aware of what other boards are like as far as sticky's are concerned but remember when Leazes was a mod here, he wanted to take the number of sticky's down because there was too many. The Rep Brothel certainly seems to be an easy place for many people to go to, as for the Thread Directory I have to say I rarely ever used it.
Just the same as usual, this is and always will be the place to drop in for a chat. The thread I put up wasn't to compete with this and I intended to delete it after it served it's purpose which was about the number of OT topics being posted by a certain poster. The other thread will be taken down in a short while after some action has been taken by a higher power.
What a crock of ****.. All you're doing is making sure less threads are made, and this board becomes more dull than it already is, most days. I don't see how threads about football related topics, that have already been discussed many times before, are allowed to be posted, and left on the board, instead of merged into a similar thread, Yet OT threads that could interest many people, are classed as simple off topic **** and merged into an another thread. I don't think a thread should be classed as more worthy to be posted on this board, just because it is football related. Some of you mods are becoming more 'holier than thou' at the worst possible time. Mick wouldn't pull a hair of what goes on, on this board, as long as it isn't child porn or anything that serious. I agree, some things should be merged into other threads, but I don't see why all OT threads should be sent to an OT thread.
Tash, to throw my two penneth into the ring... I have been, and am one of your supporters but having a go at mods, and in particular the insults you chucked at AB earlier isn't good conduct at all in my opinion. Theres ways and means to get a point across and I think you went about it in the wrong way on this occasion. We do the job voluntarily and always have the best interests of our board community at heart and can't please everyone all of the time. All we ask is that you respect the decsions we make, even if you don't agree.
What is the Sexy Poll thread? It has no posts and no views and is only openable by some sort of password? Is it a mod lounge? Is that where you keep the cocktails? Also, feel a bit sorry for Tash, but I take it's just a holiday. He's good crack most of the time, and a lot of his posts are insightful and football related, but his off-topic philosophical ponderings are probably a bit too readily jotted down to thread... Anyway, hope he comes back so I can laugh at him for being lower in the fantasy football!!! Back to business, I think Scott's Dan Ok Bollocks made a good point on the deleted thread, and for the record I very much am disgusted by every form of cereal in existence. Something about the way they become all soggy and weak after a minute of soaking in the most revolting-tasting liquid known to man (well, straight man)... I'd take brittle bones over something drizzled in the moisture of a bee's behind or the stimulus of a cow's boob... Now toast, there's a worthy ambition of a man. Cold, of course, and as rock hard and crusty as it gets... Mmmm... You know when I said straight man...