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SD has decided to sell!!

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by HeatonMackem, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. sleepy

    sleepy Member

    Oct 7, 2019
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    From what I have seen he only ever had a brief chat with Donald when they were both pissed somewhere!
    ISOE II likes this.
  2. Kittenmittons

    Kittenmittons Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    He said in the autumn that he had given Charlie the benefit of the doubt because of the RAWA meeting. He even brought up the exact point about close bros and said an awful lot about me personally because I questioned the answer from Charlie.

    I've sat here and been called a coward, a mag, anti-Donald, anti-FPP, a bad boss, a liar, an attention seeker and countless other things and been barely allowed to respond without being accused of further transgressions. I say what I say because unlike most posters on any messageboard, I've asked a lawyer to create articles of association and shareholder agreements, I've sat in rooms and negotiated sale of shares, valuation, business plans and answered concerns. I didn't want anyone to lick my arse (cats can do that themselves) but the responses from smug and co indicate that I don't even get to just exist here, I have to be subject to abuse that nobody else is. Why? Because I differ in my opinion.

    I'm not going to say any more on my personal disagreement with smug unless he attacks me again. If he does, that's on him, not me.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
    Draig and The Norton Cat like this.
  3. Was Silent

    Was Silent Active Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Nothing to do with this post but are you at the match tomorrow?
  4. Kittenmittons

    Kittenmittons Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Aye, my mrs has moved up for good so no more weekends in London (also no more sitting in my pants for an hour every morning when I'm off on my tod on a weekend)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
    smithy in nl likes this.
  5. Guinness Guzzler

    Guinness Guzzler Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    He has said that he knows Methven a bit more, for starters I think Methven was at the RAWA meeting that GOM attended. I'm sure he's said a few times that he has spoken to (or met) Methven more than once but only briefly met Donald when both were a bit pissed. In the interest of fairness though I've never seen him say that he got too close to Methven, just that he'd met him and quite liked him. Mind I'm probably in the minority that I enjoy reading GOMs posts on SMB as well as kitten and smugs on here, just wish everyone could get on <laugh>
    halfman, BUC, SnakeEyes and 5 others like this.
  6. FulwellBri

    FulwellBri Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2019
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    I'm sure KM doesnt need my sympathy or support but I find it rather unbecoming that he is becoming the whipping boy for a certain 'cabal' who seems to have an issue(s) with him for reasons that are at best bewildering and at worst petty.
    He is no fool, certainly has background in finance, supports the club and despite a lot of unfair provocation does his best to rise above the insults and vitriol hurled his way.
    The irony is that many of those circling round him like bullies in a primary school yard are regularly spouting about how they are glad to be away from the same sort of palaver that has become a staple over the road.
    Funny old world
    Nig and Draig like this.
  7. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Then why didn't they just back off? Why did they loan £9M to a club they're not interested in?
    ISOE II likes this.
  8. Guinness Guzzler

    Guinness Guzzler Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    The risk, as I see it, is that they got worried about the potential of the club (how are we a better bet than Leeds, for example, who have found it hard to get into the top flight). Donald says we can do it and are a good investment. They say "we're not convinced, but (risk free to us) here's a loan because we know you need to spend if the club is going to progress. Spend it well, prove the club can move forward and that you're the person to do it and we will provide further investment down the line". If that was their thinking (it would make sense but is only one of several possibilities) they might now be looking and thinking "**** me, he's appointed a crap manager who is doing rubbish, the fans mostly want him and the manager out, even the first promotion looks unlikely, let's just get our cash back and never look back"
  9. Was Silent

    Was Silent Active Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Good to know
    Enjoy the match
  10. Kittenmittons

    Kittenmittons Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    because it was no risk. I can't remember if I said it here or there, but this is so heavily weighted in their favour that they literally cannot lose. Imagine if you're loaded and at a used car showroom and you take a fancy to an old vintage car, it looks lovely even though it's not in mint condition and you can see the potential for it to shoot up in value one day. The problem is, when you lift the bonnet up, it hasn't got an engine, just Luke O Nien peddling like he's in the Flinstones.

    Now imagine that when you walk away and say you're not buying it, the salesman says 'why don't you give me a deposit of 20%, and I'll fix up the engine, it'll be good as new, and when it's ready, you can take it off the forecourt by paying the rest of what you owe. If I don't find an engine, I'll either give you your full deposit back, or if I don't have the cash at the time, you can take the car for nothing more.

    Of course, in that position, because the 20% is buttons to you, and the best case is that you get the car you originally wanted before you looked under the bonnet, you say... well... why not? The worst case scenario is that this guy dicks off with your deposit and leaves no engine in the car, but at that point, you've only paid 20%, so you could likely find someone else who was willing to pay maybe, 25-30% of the value and take it off your hands, or even strip it down for parts and make your money back that way.

    It's a no lose proposition. This is what I'm trying to say here, that FPP loaning us this money is a good thing, but we're so far removed from being a 'bit of a do up job' that we're at the highest level of risk for them if they buy us outright, because right now, you're probably looking at at least 2 phases of rebuilding before we hit the premier league. That's a lot for anyone to take on mate, no matter how well resourced or intentioned they are.
    halfman, smithy in nl and ISOE II like this.

  11. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    You may be right mate, I don't know. I just think that they have other, bigger fish to fry in their lives, and I don't get why they would even bother loaning money to a venture that they're not convinced about. Unless, of course, they were interested in taking it further, with or without Donald at the helm.
  12. Robertson

    Robertson Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2019
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    I don't think that our sub-par results (recent form withstanding) would put off FPP. They will be thinking long-term and not the weekly ups and downs that concern us the most.

    If they saw the potential before, it's still there.
    Smug in Boots, Nordic, Nacho and 4 others like this.
  13. Kittenmittons

    Kittenmittons Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Do you think? Remember when they looked at us, they were looking at a club that was 10 minutes away from the next level last season. It's not something that they'll totally discount.
  14. Robertson

    Robertson Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2019
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    I do, yes.
    Nordic likes this.
  15. Magnus

    Magnus Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2019
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    If FPP don’t want us anymore because of a bad month are the really the owners we want for the club ??
    smithy in nl likes this.
  16. Kittenmittons

    Kittenmittons Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    I'd still have them, put it that way :D

    What I'm saying mate is that they made that decision before the bad month, ie: we don't want to do a takeover, but we'll take the no-lose option and if things change in future we'll build in an option to buy at an agreed price now. Since then things haven't materially changed for the better, I'm struggling to think about how they'd justify this in the investment meetings if they made that decision a month ago and there's been no fundamental positive change. I doubt that Donald was the real sticking point as frankly, if they wanted us and he was the only reason why it couldn't go ahead, I think he'd have stepped aside, taken the money and legged it.
    Magnus and smithy in nl like this.
  17. Magnus

    Magnus Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2019
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    Not unless he wouldn’t budge on his price.At the time the fans loved him and we were looking to win the league. if he got us promoted imagine how much he could sell a club are size in no dept, now the tides have turned on him he’s drowning and needs out, at the moment the only people close by to help are FPP, these are some of the richest people in the world, the don’t just suddenly panic about how much money the need to spend , this would of all been looked and calculated before the even decided to buy a football club, if these people still want the club the will get it, SD return to Eastleigh is close
    Robertson and Guinness Guzzler like this.
  18. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Read this as Sports Direct and was buzzing.

    Jesus, what has Ashley done to me.
  19. Rhinos Legend

    Rhinos Legend Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    SD is on Totalsport at 5.30pm tonight.
    Oliver's Army likes this.
  20. Magnus

    Magnus Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2019
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    Sd total sport tonight half 5
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020

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