Back on topic,I'm choosing to take this period of what seems to be a dearth of revised news,updates or speculation as a very,very good sign. The sources of our itk's have seemingly gone to ground,giving me the impression of an impending finale.
I think with a very quiet week over the forums and the echo now putting it out that the fans are due an update, maybe a press release of some sort could be in the offing, whether an announcement of just an update
Am I reading too much into the date of the next supporters meeting with the club and @Wheatsheaf 's expectation that it should be all announced by the 10th November?
If you're right,I hope it's an announcement of a satisfactory conclusion,rather than simply confirming what we think we already know.
Also, the RAWA are scheduled for a meeting with the club for (I think) the 12th November...2 days after a date of possible completion that @Wheatsheaf has put down as a significant date. Maybe looking too much into it but you never know....
If we're into the legals, what do you reckon? 2 weeks to go through everything maybe. Could be looking at late next week for the deal to be rubber-stamped.