Over the weekend, I got talking to a few fellow Jambo fans, There is rumours going around we owe 3 months PAYE Over the next week we are to be served with a winding up order My first thought was, I don't believe a word of it. It can't possibly happen to our Hearts with our fine history, Then a 'hun' stepped in and said "he never expected his club to be in administration and liquadated and playing in the 4th tier in Scottish football", He also said he heard daft rumors like this all thorough Whytes time at Ibrox. Has anyone heard these rumours? I now wish I never gave the 'huns' a hard time!!
Heard this too but apparently it was first raised on a notorious SevCo forum, the same forum who a month or so ago claimed Aberdeen were only weeks away from administration. So who knows.
Charles Green claims he's paid £500,000 towards the fines and football debts - Hearts should get a chunk of that and they're about to get a payday from the two Liverpool games. You'd think Hearts finances would be OK with that. In saying that, you can never tell what some clowns that run football clubs are up to.
Don't know where it was first raised, Started to forget about it until I went on KB, and thought o ****, It might be true, Why would HMRC apply for a winding up order on Hearts when Rangers owed them 9 months PAYE they only applied for an administration order?