It's always the same ******s getting in a huff when they have to wait for someone to authorise them scanning through their 36-pack of Stella as if they didn't know it would happen.
1. Cyclists,the red light is apparently f uck all to do with them - c unts 2. Scruffy immigrants squirting dubious liquids on my windscreen at traffic lights and wanting me to pay them for it. -just f uck off 3. Tony Blair - hate that bastard more than ferguson 4. Teenagers with their strides half way down their arses - pull them up for ****s sake,you look like ****s 5. People smoking in pub doorways so you get cancer on the way in - **** me that pisses me off
The highest earning politician in Britain. now devoting his time to making the most money possible. More Tory than the Tories.
I smoke in pub doorways. If the pub can't be arsed to provide adequate smoking facilities then it's perfectly acceptable. Red lights definitely don't apply to me when I'm out on my mountain bike.. Fail to see what the issue is here.
I was at the course at half seven. No other **** turned up, am now in McDonald's. The course has about two hundred new water hazards.
Tell me about it - out of the house at 6-50 to go walking. Signing up for the London to Brighton walk doesn't rank among my better ideas
I have decided I dislike almost everything. I especially dislike fat ****s in mobility scooter things. ****ers.
When you see them smoking a *** while dripping out either side of the extra wide seat, it makes you proud to be a tax paying Brit.....
anti-United c(u)nts on television, they piss me off, for example, Paul Merson compared Juan Mata to James Milner a couple of months ago. Joey Essex - why is this thick tw(a)t on television, he pretends that he doesn't know what time it is, of course he is does, he's playing it as he goes along.
A couple of months ago he was still a Chelsea player. Can't see how therefore he was being anti United.
I have not got the first clue who Joey Essex is? I'm assuming that's a good thing. Unless he's David Essex's son? Even then it's still a good thing.