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Responsibility of our sportsmen/women

Discussion in 'Southampton' started by Surrey_Saint, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Surrey_Saint

    Surrey_Saint Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Over the last few days I have been disappointed to see the way the FA have 'backed' Rooney so much and the fact they have already stated they will appeal even before a decision has been made. In addition to this, seeing the England rugby team return from the world cup through a side/back door rather than the arrivals lounge seemed as if they were being allowed to avoid facing the public. I teach 11-18 year olds PE and feel the backing of Rooney and the Rugby situation sets a worrying example to our younger sportsmen/women regarding the need for them to take some responsibility for themselves. Just wondered what others thoughts were?
  2. ----HistoryRepeating----

    ----HistoryRepeating---- Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    It seems to be at an all time low.
    I found myself feeling proud of Wales, Ireland & Scotland this week, showed a lot of heart.
  3. saintadam1981

    saintadam1981 Active Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    I hated the interviews other england players gave after the rooney sending off,no-one had the balls to say he fecked up,joe hart went on basically like it was the other players fault for being kicked and making a meal out of it,really pisses me off! get some balls for christ sake! untouchable england players,fed up with them.Role models my arris.
  4. fran-MLs little camera

    fran-MLs little camera Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Have to say first that Rooney is not a favourite of mine, though England need him. His action warranted a red card, but his subsequent behaviour showed he may be getting some maturity. In the past he would have argued and then stomped off, but this time he knew instantly, took it on the chin and walked off. The England management will appeal because it makes sense for the team, but they don't have a leg to stand on ( like the Montenegran player!).
  5. settheSTandard

    Feb 4, 2011
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    We all know that just below the surface Rooney is a loose cannon, this isn't the first time and it wont be the last. I'd think more of him if he would grow a pair and man up and admit in public he was a right to$$er, but no instead he slopes off and leaves everyone else to try to justify his thuggish behaviour. Then we hear that the FA are going to prostrate themselves before UEFA to plead his case for leniency, "if you don't want to do the time don't do the crime " springs to mind. We are told the reasoning behind the FA's cringe worthy stance is that he is our only hope of progressing in the Euro finals, well I seem to remember Rooney displaying all his skills in the last world cup.
  6. saintgreg10

    saintgreg10 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2011
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    The actions of Rooney and then the actions of those responsible people defending him are a disgrace and are in no way setting a possitive example to the younger generation of this country.
  7. TheSecondStain

    TheSecondStain Needs an early night

    Jul 23, 2011
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    It's just another example of why the England football team are turning people off, in this country.

    The Rugby team are just unused to the exposure. They're savvy people, and they'll get it right.
  8. CBK

    CBK Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Don't really care. People make mistakes and do stupid things in all forms of life, just because they are sportsmen and get paid a lot doesn't make them perfect, quite the opposite and vast majority of them will admit they are not perfect.

    It's the media who bleat on about "role-models" all the bloody time (when much of the media themselves are scumbags)

    If kids are "being let down" by sportsmen, then I'd say it was the fault of the parents/teachers to let them believe the hype in the first place.

    So Rooney kicked a player. Big bloody deal. What REALLY does it matter? Far more important things going on this world unreported.
  9. saintadam1981

    saintadam1981 Active Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Trouble is Rooney keeps making them and whether you like it or not there are kids out there who will look upto Rooney and follow his example.Yes there are more important things happening in the world but it doesn't mean we can't comment on it! There are more important things than most trivial things us people go through but it doesn't stop us moaning about it,i'm sure you moan about trivial things that are not important in the greater scheme of things.
  10. CBK

    CBK Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    My point is that it appears many of the "hot topics" and the subsequent "mock-rage" appears driven by the media. May have always been the case, but it is getting worse and despite the recent revelations on how the gutter press work (phone tapping being just the tip of the iceberg) it is soon forgotten by Joe Public and we are back to the "build them up and knock them down" way the media operate.

    Shock -- Rooney, a ****wit from birth, continues to act like a ****wit -- Shock.

    People can comment on it all they like, but some of the comments are a bit pious at times.

  11. saintgreg10

    saintgreg10 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2011
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    To be fair, the media do control society in an immoral way.

    They do fuel the crap dished out to figures in the spotlight.

    However, I still think Rooney is an idiot and he needs to reign it in. He needs to start acting like a role model because so many kids look up to him, no doubt about it. The FA don't help matters by letting him off the hook every single time, it wont teach him anything.
  12. fatletiss

    fatletiss Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    The FA should be more worried by the in ability of our players to play against average international players. It's time they addressed the issues properly rather than pussy foot around. They speak the speak, but never walk the walk. Even in their own coaching system, they have two processes to achieve coaching levels, and they contradict each other - bloody stupid.
  13. saintadam1981

    saintadam1981 Active Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Yeh it's not a shock what Rooney does anymore but christ does he not ever learn from his mistakes? i was a little **** when i was younger but i learnt from it and moved on,seems he's never gonna learn! Agree the media do stir things up alot but at the end of the day if these players do stupid things then the papers are gonna report it,time the players took responsilbility for their actions,they seem to think that they can do things and get away with it,us ordinary folk wouldn't get away with half the stuff these players do.
  14. Surrey_Saint

    Surrey_Saint Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Thanks for that CBK. I don't remember saying the kids are "being let down" and as I am a teacher I suppose I must accept the blame and not "let them believe the hype in the first place". I agree about the way the media are but just wanted to see a discussion not have the finger pointed.
  15. TheSecondStain

    TheSecondStain Needs an early night

    Jul 23, 2011
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    I absolutely see your point, and I saw the point of your previous post. In fact, I started to type something very much on the same lines, but scrubbed it, and put something very simple. The problem is... we are ALL media driven, and increasingly so. Parents and teachers don't stand a chance. This forum is media, it just happens to be interactively so, which is excellent. The media that we are referring to here is passive, on our part. We either like it or lump it. But while we are quietly cherry picking away to find the worthwhile from the crap, there are a mass generation who allow the whole host of media to wash over them. It means that the media has to perform in a very responsible way, and we know that they don't.

    OK, you might say, people should be more in control of their lives, and that's true. So why aren't they..? Why do rebelling maverick teenagers all rebel and become maverick in roughly the same direction..? Why do people turn on their TV's and watch the same dreadful programmes or all read the same newspapers, or all go to the same holiday destinations..? Because they are then safely in the herd, and it is less effort to be that way.

    If anyone feels they are there, or heading in that direction, I've a suggestion. Do something unusual for you over the next 7 days. Go sailing, swimming, canoeing, or do some proper walking through an interesting place [New Forest or South Downs or South Coast Way for locals..?], or ride a motorbike, or if you can't afford to do something [I know], try withdrawing from doing something. like switching off the TV and Radio for those 7 days and don't buy a newspaper [if you do]. You may find that, after some withdrawal symptoms, you've managed to enjoy it, knowing you're not being one of the herd. Try it.

    And apologies if that has become a bit preachy. I'll try to do something different too.
  16. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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    I agree with everything you say TSS, and you CBK. We do live in a world where the media controls how most people think, vote, shop, etc. But it doesn't have to, because we can all dissociate ourselves from it. I don't buy newspapers any more, and I wouldn't trust any news from any source, even the BBC, let alone Sky. If you watch it, fine, but make sure you take a very large pinch of salt with it!
  17. fran-MLs little camera

    fran-MLs little camera Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    I'll do something different...I shall get my behind off the sofa and move to the armchair...bet I get a whole new perspective on the world.
  18. TheSecondStain

    TheSecondStain Needs an early night

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Hee-hee, I almost knew that if the thread started to become too earnest, you'd come along and burst its bubble. ;)

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