Yes but it's also a financial drain and as a fixed asset wouldn't it be depreciation? The interest and bank loans would have the be paid either way.
Total bullshit. If you knew anything about it you would know that we are hoping to regenerate the trafford park area surrounding the ground and in no way expect any assistance with the actual stadium project . Don't believe any bullshit you read on twitter, the real details of the proposal were released months ago.
He supports Arsenal. Rayner is a Utd fan. Personally, I don't care who funds the Clogsparkers' Wigwam as long as the taxpayers don't. As for the WFA - it's been discussed on other boards and threads, but without getting too political on this thread, dreadful politics as it was it must be remembered that thousands of pensioners (like one of my sisters who used it to pay for her deposit for a foreign hospital) didn't actually need it - it's abhorrent that pensioners on a dual income of £60k were entitled to it. It should have been means-tested, That was the mistake they made.
I think Jim is expecting us to stage everything from internationals to concerts there a-la New Wembley on some contractual basis.