Climate change is real mate. The consensus among the entire scientific community tells us that, but so does personal experience. The Mediterranean summer never used to be unbearable, now in July and August the heat in Southern Europe is unbearable. I know you have your own opinions on all sorts of issues, and fair enough; I’m all for people questioning prevailing narratives. But flat out denial of objective reality is not a good indicator of mental health,
You are being a little generous with that last paragraph in my opinion. If someone aligns near enough 100% with every major talking point (not just political stance but talking point) from a certain political movement / ideology then it doesn’t really suggest having their “own opinions”. Granted steps are taken to get you to the point where you decide you align. But to believe all of them? Seemingly without question. I would say I’d welcome Os to post a list of views where he doesn’t align with MAGA and Reform U.K. Limited but he already sucks too much oxygen from this thread through his trolling, hypocrisy, lack of reading comprehension and cry baby antics it would be nice to be able to read this thread and have it make sense without having to really read his poorly thought through nonsense I’m aware that this post isn’t helping that desired aim
Talk of Braverman defecting to Reform UK Limited. Surely we would want to lead or at least be deputy leader given her perceived profile. Will cause discontent among those already there
And would be a betrayal of her constituents, who just elected a Conservative MP. But I suppose she cares as much about her constituents as Farage, who just ****ed off to America to be with his “friend” The Donald, cares about his.
It's a long time overdue. The Labour government has plans to end their ‘outdated and indefensible’ lawmaking position in the upper house. Seats in parliament should not be “reserved for individuals who were born into certain families” nor “effectively reserved for men”, the government said this week. Their removal would “take us a step closer to a House of Lords that is fit for the 21st century”, it added.
Yep. Plus look at the recent hurricane that hit the Caribbean. The warmer seas are making more and more storms category 5.
Science is never “settled”. Especially for something as incredibly complex as the earths atmosphere and temperature variations. Scientific consensus can be wrong. It HAS been wrong many, many times. Science which is “settled” later gets disproven over and over again. I do not deny the climate is changing. I just deny that it’s a crisis. (I also debate that humans are having a big impact. The carbon dioxide theory makes no sense. Almost every study I look at is riddled with mistakes and agendas). I also believe that the “cure” for the imaginary climate crisis which the politicians are pushing makes society worse in every way. So even if I take you guys at your word and humans are destroying the planet, the way we are dealing with the problem is not appropriate and is very harmful to everyone.
Yawn. So poor from you guys calling me a troll and calling me mental just because I don’t share your opinions.
Personally I think any MP who wants to switch parties should be forced to go through a re-election process, with the party they want to join being made to foot the bill for the election. We would then see just how much the new party really wanted them. And as Archers says, it’s a betrayal of their constituents, who although still daft enough to vote for Braverman the Tory, might not have voted for her if she had stood for Reform UK Ltd.
Or at the very least have this apply to defections that occur very soon after an election. You shouldn’t be able campaign on one manifesto and then switch parties. That goes against the very spirit of our elections
Weirdly, all the people with PhDs I meet can’t see the errors you are seeing. Maybe you should write a thesis?
You need to do more than just “look at studies” to be able to write a thesis. Or, what is more likely to have happened in this case, read the opinions of people who share a particular viewpoint on how and why the studies and mistakes and “agendas”. True academic studies in the hard sciences would make it very difficult to spot an “agenda”. Now if they are studies from softer disciplines that perhaps discuss political responses or the like then that is different. But that is very clearly not what we are discussing (Tangent related to this - I saw a trans person moaning on Twitter about how none of their studies were accepted for the Cass review as some kind of evidence that it was highly biased. And slight digging revealed the person wrote articles, so they weren’t studies. And that they were from a more social science / policy perspective rather than biology/medicine. But they set up their tweet to make it sound like they had conducted detailed studies on the biology / medical aspects. Now if the climate equivalent of this kind of thing is what is being scrutinised then that is one thing. But as I said - not what we are really talking about) I’m not sure I would really expect a robust analysis of academic journals and studies from anyone on this forum - especially not the resident troll / MAGA sheep. We are talking about a proper skill that the vast majority of the population don’t have. And definitely don’t pretend they have either.
What on Earth is the carbon dioxide theory?! What science have you reviewed. Science can be debated and different conclusions drawn but trends show strong increases in emissions in recent years and funnily enough CO2 levels have risen rapidly since the industrial revolution.
This is honestly such a bad argument in this day and age. If anything has been proven relentlessly, it’s that group think from universities is now harmful to acquiring knowledge rather than propagating new ideas. There is a massive bias in most of the climate research. They’re looking for ways to prove their theory, not to disprove it. We even have the perfect analogy recently; it was “settled science” that covid was going to kill millions & millions. Turns out it was nowhere near as bad as first feared. Regardless I find the climate topic a bit boring now. I only mentioned it as one of many reasons the birth rate is declining. The propaganda around climate hysteria is one of the reasons. Will you apologise for being painfully wrong about project 2025?
So universities are harming education? Maybe you are right and should just get all our info off Internet forums.