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Off Topic Pointless point-scoring thread

Discussion in 'Celtic' started by RebelBhoy, May 15, 2012.

  1. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    There is a new one on GC every day on GC that certain posters seem to think are worthy of a GC audience.

    Just for my own entertainment I'll do one here as a homage....till I get bored...which could be soon.

    Thread title: Grandmother robbed

    Thread intro: I think it is terrible the way people can behave towards members of their own family.

    A HEARTLESS fraudster nicked his gran’s bank card and went on a four-month £2,000 spending spree.

    Shameless Mark Filson splashed out on Rangers match tickets, CDs and DVDs and even bought his girlfriend romantic FLOWERS using Jessie Filson’s cash.
    Filson, 24, also posed as Jessie, who is in her 70s, to settle everyday bills and pay off more than £700 he owed on loans.
    Ayr Sheriff Court heard yesterday how he swiped the card from his trusting granny’s Bellsbank, Ayrshire, home in August 2011.
    Over the coming months he scammed more than £2,000 worth of goods and services by pretending to be the elderly cardholder.
    He paid £80.64 to O2, £41.20 to HMV, £868.59 to Green Insurance Company, £53.60 to Rangers FC and £34 to Hollow Park Florist.
    A payment of £687.30 was made to loan firm FLM while Loan and Finance Solutions got £79.99.
    Brazen Filson also made a payment to Arnold Clark Toyota — listed as his employer on his Facebook page.
    His shameful spree only came to an end when other family members checked unwitting Jessie’s statements and spotted a hole in her finances.
    Filson, of Ayr, pled guilty to ten charges of fraud between November 2, 2011 and March 1 this year. There is an outstanding allegation that he stole cash from ATMs from August 2011 to March this year.
    Depute fiscal Claire Smith said: “There are inquiries ongoing in relations to the sums involved.”
    The case was continued until June.
  2. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Thread title: Player found guilty of Sectariamism.

    Thread intro: How do you think a football cluib should treat a player who has been found guilty of sectarianism.

    Published on Saturday 5 May 2012 13:29

    RANGERS goalkeeper Grant Adam has been convicted of chanting a sectarian slogan outside a nightclub.

    The 21-year-old sang “hey, hey, f*** the Pope and the IRA” in the early hours of 6 November in Glasgow city centre.

    Adam, who is currently on loan to Airdrie United, was overheard and arrested by two police officers who were dealing with another matter outside the Corinthian nightclub in Ingram Street.

    After hearing evidence from PC David Beck and PC Magdalena Ross, Sheriff John Baird found Adam, from Bearsden, guilty of chanting the sectarian phrase, and fined him £500.

    The sheriff said it was not challenged that a sectarian comment had been made and in the circumstances it was a breach of the peace.

    He said: “I am satisfied beyond reasonable doubt on the evidence of these two police officers it was you who made the comment.”

    PC Beck told Glasgow Sheriff Court he and his colleague had been outside the club helping the stewards on the door at about 1:30am.

    He said while they were there, they were directed towards two men who had been refused entry to the club. “At that time, the stewards had asked me to speak with a couple of people who had tried to get in but were refused entry. The stewards believed them to be too drunk to enter and at that time I had approached these two males to speak to them,” he said.

    Linda McCaffer, prosecuting asked: “Did something come to your attention?”

    PC Beck answered: “Yes, another male who was standing to my left-hand side.”

    When asked why his attention had been drawn he said: “Because he started chanting, singing.”

    He was asked what was said and told the court: “He sang ‘Hey, hey, f*** the Pope and the IRA’.”

    Ms McCaffer asked: “Can you give an indication of how loud this was sung?”

    He said: “Loud enough for myself and my colleague and people standing surrounding me to hear.”

    Adam has been with Rangers since leaving school and is third-choice keeper behind Allan McGregor and Neil Alexander.
  3. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Typical Scum Rangers Fan.
  4. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Typical Scum Rangers player.
  5. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I'd go so far as to say that they are all like that.
  6. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    To be sure.
  7. Mick

    Mick Probably won't answer PMs
    Staff Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Typical scum Protestant ex-British-Army bigot.
  8. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Typical Paddy IRA fan, giving us ex squaddies a hard time.
  9. Ciaran

    Ciaran Going for 55

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm a typical unrepentant Fenian bastard giving myself a hard time due to my sociapathic tendicies.
  10. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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  11. EspaniaCelt

    EspaniaCelt Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    You sure you're not a one man revolution ... ah the road you must travel?
  12. Barrie Lochrie

    Barrie Lochrie New Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Pointless point-scoring thread

    Rebel succeeds in failing. :emoticon-0119-puke:
  13. Barrie Lochrie

    Barrie Lochrie New Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Thread title: Drunk teenager in shouting stuff horror leading to Rebelbhigot in fake offence hell.

    Thread Intro: How many posts from the Bhigot will it take before he/it starts being a hypocrite?
  14. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    How many do you think Edge? I am up to the 11k mark without being a hypocrite.

    How many posts do you think it'll be before Wedge the Wacist makes a relevant contribution?
  15. simon_bhoy

    simon_bhoy Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    for the record, it was his terrible singing that got him lifted :)

    on a side note, was it outside greggs?
  16. Barrie Lochrie

    Barrie Lochrie New Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Of your 11k, probably around 50% of your Not606ings have been of the bhigoted nature. It's not just me that says that you're a hypocrite though, it's a sizeable portion of the forum populous.

    Like I say, the world would be a better place if you and your ilk were to disappear. Horrible, hate-filled bastards that are the plague of humanity.

  17. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well you know the regard I hold your posts in, so perhaps you could find evidence of these posts?

    We both know you will fail.

    You say a lot of things Wedge, all of them irrelevant and/ or inaccurate which begs the question why you bother?
  18. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    A victims' campaigner has labelled a Co Tyrone primary school an IRA training ground, after mistaking an Italian flag outside the building for an Irish tricolour.
    IRA HQ claim over school's Italian flag
    The Italian flag flying outside St Patrick's PS in Donaghmore. (© William Frazer)

    Willie Frazer hit out at St Patrick's Primary in Donaghmore, posting a picture of the school flying the flags of Poland, Turkey and Italy on Facebook.

    Seeming to mistake the red in the Italian flag for orange and thinking it was an Irish flag, he commented: "This is a school in Tyrone flying the Irish flag on the school grounds why".

    The 51-year-old founder of Families Acting for Innocent Relatives also claimed the school was "the junior headquarters of SF/IRA youth, or it may as well be".

    I wounder do they also train the children in how to use weapons, for it seems they can do what they wont. [sic]

    Willie Frazer

    The school was flying the flags as part of a European project, during which 11 teachers from the countries represented visited the school.

    St Patrick's principal Dera Calahane expressed shock at "how vindictive and inciteful the comments were".

    She said: "The comments made are inaccurate. The three flags on display were the Italian, Polish and Turkish national flags.

    "These were flying as part of the welcome to our Comenius Partner Schools who were visiting at the time.

    "It appears some individual has mistaken the Italian flag for the Irish flag. The school is currently taking legal advice and is bringing the matter to the PSNI."

    Mrs Calahane added that, although the visiting teachers were not aware of the incident, she fears they could find out.

    "I would hate to think that the school's relationship would be damaged," she added.

    The flags have since been taken down by the school and the pictures have been removed from Facebook.

    Mr Frazer further commented on the situation on the social networking site, posting a message which said: "The flag seen flying at this school is not the irish tricolour, and it may look very like it but i can asure people it is not. [sic]"

    A PSNI spokesperson said police have spoken to those involved "in an attempt to resolve what appears to have been a misunderstanding regarding the flying of flags at the school".
  19. Hoopster67

    Hoopster67 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Read that one earlier Rebel, what an idiot, but unfortunately, a dangerous idiot.
  20. RebelBhoy

    RebelBhoy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The monkeys had a sponsored walk today. Round Poundland for 1872 yards. they were going to get 1872 people to do it...............but only 600 turned up. The only reasonable conclusion is that they don't do walking


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