First post on Cov board by a Leicester fan! Just like them Leicester shirts that are built into the Ricoh. Owned - yet again, on and off the pitch
You won't like this site Emilio - there's no "complain about" button. please log in to view this image
Wow so coming over here from 606 you incester fans are wumming to nobody? Is there really nothing going on your board of any interest?
we hate the derby we hate the derby we hate the forest and the coventry you are **** and all ****s. god this site is amazing, who have you signed this january?
This is hillirous, who are you guys talking to?? Just becuase there are no Cov fans here doesnt mean anything. Why dont you go argue with yourselves on your own boards?
Are you all secret Coventry fans or something? Although i know its a better City and we are all not related to one another. Why are you interested in how many people we have signed in January which the sad reality is you already know the answer to that to why ask? Strange!!
We do have intelligence, we're just sinking to your level so you can understand. Besides, do we really need to elaborate on 'hahahahaha Coventry'? Speaks for itself